Before Use For Safe UseStandard Roller Chains Lube-Free Roller Chains Heavy Duty Roller Chains Corrosion Resistant Roller Chains Specialty Roller Chains Accessories Selection HandlingSymptom Possible Causes RemedyRusting of the chainExcessive wear on theinside surface of thelink plates and sides ofthe sprocket teeth.Excessive wear on thelink plate side surfacesand pin heads.Improper flex orbending of chain,tight joints.Spreading of linkplates.Improper lubrication or poorenviroment.Improper installationImproper installationof guides, etc.Chain is not installed correctly.Contamination from metal dust or dirtbecause of improper lubrication.Excessive load or bent pin.Corrosion or rusting.Seizing from improper lubrication.Seizing of pin and bush.Pin and bush seized from highspeedoperation. This causes improperbending and can lead to chainbreakage.Uneven or excessive loading causedby improper installation.Replace chain and protect it from the environment with chaincasing or proper lubrication.Correct sprocket and shaft installation.Check the condition of the guides, and increase the gapbetween the guides and the chain.Inspect the installation and correct as necessary.Remove the chain, wash it thoroughly, and provide properlubrication.Reduce the load or increase the number of or size of chains.Replace chain with a larger size.Install a chain casing to protect the chain.Provide proper lubrication according to the operatingconditions.Provide the proper operating conditions.Replace with new chain and correct installation.171

Handling of roller chain and sprocket9.2 Link Plate RelatedSymptom Possible Causes RemedyExcessively large shock load.Reduce shock loads by making the start-up, stopping, andother actions smoother (installing a shock absorber, etc.).Increase the size or number of chains.Breakage of link plate.Vibration in the chain.Large inertia in the driven machine.(excessive load).Corrosion.Static fractureStreching the link plate witha tensile load beyond itsbreaking load will cause itto strech and then break.Crackes in the linkplates (fatigue), whichare perpendicular tothe direction of pull.Deformation of linkplate holes.Corrosion stresscracks appear, usuallyas bow-shaped cracksin the link plate.Loads are greater than allowable.Excessive load.Fatigue fractureBy repeatedly applying aload past its fatigue limit(fatigue strength), thefatigue will start at holesand then suddenly break.The chain is being used in an acidicor alkaline enviroment. (This is notcaused by a repetitive load).Install an anti-vibration device (for example, tensioner oridler), Refer to "Excessive vibration in chain" page.Increase the size of number of chains.Replace with a new chain. Install a casing to protect thechain. Otherwise, periodically clean the chain.Offset link plate fatigueOffset link plates are bent atthe center, and the resultingconcentration of stress at thebend can cause a fatiguebreak. Avoid using offset linksin high-stress applications.Remove all large or excessively repeating loads. Otherwise,increase the size or number of chains. Replace with a newchain.Remove the cause of the excessive load. Replace with anew chain.Replace with a new chain. Install a casing to protect the chain from the environment.Consider a chain with a high resistance to corrosion stress cracks. (Please consult Tsubaki.)Before Use For Safe Use Standard Roller Chains Lube-Free Roller Chains Heavy Duty Roller Chains Corrosion Resistant Roller Chains Specialty Roller Chains Accessories Selection Handling172

Before Use For Safe UseStandard Roller Chains Lube-Free Roller Chains Heavy Duty Roller Chains Corrosion Resistant Roller Chains Specialty Roller Chains Accessories Selection HandlingSymptom Possible Causes RemedyRusting of the chainExcessive wear on theinside surface of thelink plates and sides ofthe sprocket teeth.Excessive wear on thelink plate side surfacesand pin heads.Improper flex orbending of chain,tight joints.Spreading of linkplates.Improper lubrication or poorenviroment.Improper installationImproper installationof guides, etc.Chain is not installed correctly.Contamination from metal dust or dirtbecause of improper lubrication.Excessive load or bent pin.Corrosion or rusting.Seizing from improper lubrication.Seizing of pin and bush.Pin and bush seized from highspeedoperation. This causes improperbending and can lead to chainbreakage.Uneven or excessive loading causedby improper installation.Replace chain and protect it from the environment with chaincasing or proper lubrication.Correct sprocket and shaft installation.Check the condition of the guides, and increase the gapbetween the guides and the chain.Inspect the installation and correct as necessary.Remove the chain, wash it thoroughly, and provide properlubrication.Reduce the load or increase the number of or size of chains.Replace chain with a larger size.Install a chain casing to protect the chain.Provide proper lubrication according to the operatingconditions.Provide the proper operating conditions.Replace with new chain and correct installation.171

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