Before Use For Safe UseStandard Roller Chains Lube-Free Roller Chains Heavy Duty Roller Chains Corrosion Resistant Roller Chains Specialty Roller Chains Accessories Selection Handling31T from driven sprocket < 400mmOuter diameter 398 mm PCD d2=376.60 (mm)Number of teeth of drive sprocket =31=21 PCD d=255.63 (mm)1.51PZ'nChain speed =1000 = 38.12136 PZ'n 38.12136Chain speed =1000 1000 = 1000 =28.8m/min50 m/min,so it is possible to select by allowable load.Small sprocket revolution 36r/minRPM Kn=1.03Number of teeth of small sprocket 21T Number of teeth factor Kz=1.1022Chain tension Fw = Conveyor roller rotation torque 1000 Chain tension Fw=Conveyor roller rotation torque 1000 d2d222= 3.31000 =17.5 (kN) = 3371000 =1790 (kgf)376.6 376.6Design chain tension F'w=FwKsKnKz = (kN)RS120-1 (Max. allowable load: 30.4kN) can be used.Check the conveyance speed (selection conditions, 30 m/min)(Conveyor roller external diameter +2Belt thickness)Conveyance speed at this point =n2100021 (Conveyor roller external diameter +2Belt ) =n1 31 100021 (380+210) =36 31 1000=30.6 (m/min)(Step 3) Calculate from acceleration/deceleration timeThe small sprocket was decided as RS120 21T from thecalculations in step 2.Thus, calculate using the same pitch and number of teeth.If the acceleration/deceleration time is known, use that valuefor the calculation.The following is calculated assuming it is unknown.Working torque Tm=(Ts+Tb)=(0.116+0.122)=0.119 (kNm)2 2d 255.63Load torque T = Fw =17.5 (21000i) (2100050)=0.045 (kNm)Motor shaft conversion moment of inertia I of load side2Conveyance speedI=M( 2n1 )230.6 =6000( 21800 ) =0.044 (kgm 2 )Moment of inertia of the motor Im=0.088 (kgm 2 )Acceleration time of the motorn1Gts=(Im+I) 4375(TmT) 10001800 G=(0.088+0.044) 4375(0.1190.045) 1000=0.34 (s)Deceleration time of the motorn1 Gtb=(Im+I) 4375(Tm+T) 10001800 G=(0.088+0.044) 4375(0.119+0.045) 1000=0.15 (s)As tb < ts, chain tension during deceleration Fb is larger thanchain tension during acceleration Fs. Thus, use the following.Chain tension during decelerationConveyance speed (Conveyor roller external diameter +2Belt thickness)Fb=M +Fw(tb601000) d230.6 (380+210) =6000 +17.5(0.15601000) 376.6 =39.2 (kN)31T from driven sprocket 400mmOuter diameter 398 mm PCD d2=376.60 (mm)Number of teeth of drive sprocket =31=21 PCD d=255.63 (mm)1.51=28.8m/min50 m/min,so it is possible to select by allowable load.Small sprocket revolution 36r/minRPM Kn=1.03Number of teeth of small sprocket 21T Number of teeth factor Kz=1.10Design chain tension F'w=FwKsKnKz =17901.31.031.10=2640 (kgf)RS120-1 (Max. allowable load: 3100kgf) can be used.Check the conveyance speed (selection condition 30s, m/min)(Conveyor roller external diameter +2Belt thickness)Conveyance speed at this point =n2100021 (Conveyor roller external diameter +2Belt ) =n1 31 100021 (380+210)=36 31 1000=30.6 (m/min)(Step 3) Calculate from acceleration/deceleration timeThe small sprocket was decided as RS120 21T from thecalculations in step 2.Thus, calculate using the same pitch and number of teeth.If the acceleration/deceleration time is known, use that valuefor the calculation.The following is calculated assuming it is unknown.Working torque Tm=(Ts+Tb)=(11.9+12.5)=12.2 (kgfm)2 2d 255.63Load torque T= Fw =1790 (21000i) (2100050)=4.58 (kgfm)Motor shaft conversion GD 2 of the load sideGD =M( 2 2Conveyance speedn1 )230.6 =6000( 1800 ) =0.176 (kgfm 2 )GD 2 of the motor GD 2 m=0.352 (kgfm 2 )Acceleration time of the motorts=(GD 2 m+GD 2 n1) 375(TmT)1800=(0.352+0.176) 375(12.24.58)=0.34 (s)Deceleration time of the motortb=(GD 2 m+GD 2 n1) 375(Tm+T)1800=(0.352+0.176) 375(12.2+4.58)=0.34 (s)As tb < ts, chain tension during deceleration Fb is larger thanchain tension during acceleration Fs. Thus, use the following.Chain tension during decelerationConveyance speed (Conveyor roller external diameter +2Belt thickness)Fb=M +Fw(tb60G) d230.6 (380+210) =6000 +1790(0.1560G) 376.6 =4000 (kgf)143

Selecting a Roller ChainDesign chain tensionF'b=FbKnKz= RS120-2 (maximum allowable load 51.7 kN) or RS120-SUP-2(maximum allowable load 66.7 kN) can be used because F'b=44.4(kN).Considering RS140 18T (outer diameter 279 mm d = 255.98) and 27T(outer diameter 407 mm d2 = 382.88) with similar PCD results conflict with thedriven sprocket external diameter 400 mm, they cannot be used.36 26Chain reduction ratio becomes from the required23.9 18 , and36 18conveyance speed =30 =31.3m/min,23.9 26but upon examination 26T (outer diameter 393mm d2=368.77) is F'b=46.3(kN)RS140-1 cannot be used because its maximum allowable load is 40.2kN.RS140-SUP-1 can be used because its maximum allowable load is 53.9kN.Since the sprocket bore diameter of 18T is up to 89 mm, and for 26T is upto 103 mm, it can be used with a drive shaft diameter of 66 mm and drivenshaft diameter of 94 mm.With the distance between shafts at 500 mm, a sprocket with 18T(d=255.98) and 26T (d2=368.77) can be used.Number of links will be 46 links.Lubrication for RS140-SUP-1 should be oil bath or lubrication using aslinger disc as per the kilowatt ratings table.(Step 4) Calculate from inertia ratio RI 0.044Inertia ratio R= = =0.5Im 0.088There is clearance in the drive equipment Shock factor K=1.0Starting torque Ts=0.116 (kNm)Chain tension from starting torque2Fms=Tsi1000 d2= 0.116501000 =45.4 (kN)255.63Stalling torque Tb=0.122 (kNm)Chain tension from stalling torque2Fmb=Tbi1.21000 d2= 0.122501.21000 =57.3 (kN)255.63Since FmbFms, use the larger Fmb.Design chain tensionF'mb=Fmb K Kn Kz=57.3 1.0 1.031.10=64.9 (kN) Comparing , , and , is the largest.Since F'mb=64.3 (kN), RS120-3 (maximum allowable load76.0 kN) or RS120-SUP-2 (maximum allowable load 66.7kN) is usable.With the distance between shafts at 500mm, a sprocket with21T (d=255.63) and 31T (d2=376.60) can be used.Number of links will be 54 links.Lubrication for both RS120-1 and RS120-SUP-1 should be oilbath or lubrication by slinger disc as per the kilowatt ratingstable.Design chain tensionF'b=FbKnKz=40001.031.10=4530(kgf) RS120-2 (maximum allowable load 5270 kgf) or RS120-SUP-2(maximum allowable load 6800kN) can be used because F'b=4530(kgf).Considering RS140 18T (outer diameter 279 mm d = 255.98) and 27T(outer diameter 407 mm d2 = 382.88) with similar PCD results conflict with thedriven sprocket external diameter 400 mm, they cannot be used.36 26Chain reduction ratio becomes from the required23.9 18 , and36 18conveyance speed =30 =31.3m/min,23.9 26but upon examination 26T (outer diameter 393mm d2=368.77) is F'b=4720(kgf)RS140-1 cannot be used because its maximum allowable load is 4100kgf.RS140-SUP-1 can be used because its maximum allowable load is 5500kgf.Since the sprocket bore diameter of 18T is up to 89 mm, and for 26T is upto 103 mm, it can be used with a drive shaft diameter of 66 mm and drivenshaft diameter of 94 mm.With the distance between shafts at 500 mm, a sprocket with 18T(d=255.98) and 26T (d2=368.77) can be used.Number of links will be 46 links.Lubrication for RS140-SUP-1 should be oil bath or lubrication using aslinger disc as per the kilowatt ratings table.(Step 4) Calculate from inertia ratio RGD 2Inertia ratio R=GD 2 m = 0.1760.352 =0.5There is clearance in the drive equipment Shock factor K=1.0Starting torque Ts=11.9 (kgfm)Chain tension from starting torque2Fms=Tsi1000 d2= 11.9501000 =4660 (kgf)255.63Stalling torque Tb=12.5 (kgfm)Chain tension from stalling torque2Fmb=Tbi1.21000 d2= 12.5501.21000 =5870 (kgf)255.63Since FmbFms, use the larger Fmb.Design chain tensionF'mb=Fmb K Kn Kz=5870 1.0 1.031.10=6650 (kgf)Comparing , , and , is the largest.Since F'mb=6650 (kgf), RS120-3 (maximum allowable load7750 kgf) or RS120-SUP-2 (maximum allowable load 6800kgf) is usable.With the distance between shafts at 500mm, a sprocket with21T (d=255.63) and 31T (d2=376.60) can be used.Number of links will be 54 links.Lubrication for both RS120-1 and RS120-SUP-1 should be oilbath or lubrication by slinger disc as per the kilowatt ratingstable.Before Use For Safe Use Standard Roller Chains Lube-Free Roller Chains Heavy Duty Roller Chains Corrosion Resistant Roller Chains Specialty Roller Chains Accessories Selection Handling144

Selecting a Roller ChainDesign chain tensionF'b=FbKnKz= RS120-2 (maximum allowable load 51.7 kN) or RS120-SUP-2(maximum allowable load 66.7 kN) can be used because F'b=44.4(kN).Considering RS140 18T (outer diameter 279 mm d = 255.98) and 27T(outer diameter 407 mm d2 = 382.88) with similar PCD results conflict with thedriven sprocket external diameter 400 mm, they cannot be used.36 26Chain reduction ratio becomes from the required23.9 18 , and36 18conveyance speed =30 =31.3m/min,23.9 26but upon examination 26T (outer diameter 393mm d2=368.77) is F'b=46.3(kN)RS140-1 cannot be used because its maximum allowable load is 40.2kN.RS140-SUP-1 can be used because its maximum allowable load is 53.9kN.Since the sprocket bore diameter of 18T is up to 89 mm, and for 26T is upto 103 mm, it can be used with a drive shaft diameter of 66 mm and drivenshaft diameter of 94 mm.With the distance between shafts at 500 mm, a sprocket with 18T(d=255.98) and 26T (d2=368.77) can be used.Number of links will be 46 links.Lubrication for RS140-SUP-1 should be oil bath or lubrication using aslinger disc as per the kilowatt ratings table.(Step 4) Calculate from inertia ratio RI 0.044Inertia ratio R= = =0.5Im 0.088There is clearance in the drive equipment Shock factor K=1.0Starting torque Ts=0.116 (kNm)Chain tension from starting torque2Fms=Tsi1000 d2= 0.116501000 =45.4 (kN)255.63Stalling torque Tb=0.122 (kNm)Chain tension from stalling torque2Fmb=Tbi1.21000 d2= 0.122501.21000 =57.3 (kN)255.63Since FmbFms, use the larger Fmb.Design chain tensionF'mb=Fmb K Kn Kz=57.3 1.0 1.031.10=64.9 (kN) Comparing , , and , is the largest.Since F'mb=64.3 (kN), RS120-3 (maximum allowable load76.0 kN) or RS120-SUP-2 (maximum allowable load 66.7kN) is usable.With the distance between shafts at 500mm, a sprocket with21T (d=255.63) and 31T (d2=376.60) can be used.Number of links will be 54 links.Lubrication for both RS120-1 and RS120-SUP-1 should be oilbath or lubrication by slinger disc as per the kilowatt ratingstable.Design chain tensionF'b=FbKnKz=40001.031.10=4530(kgf) RS120-2 (maximum allowable load 5270 kgf) or RS120-SUP-2(maximum allowable load 6800kN) can be used because F'b=4530(kgf).Considering RS140 18T (outer diameter 279 mm d = 255.98) and 27T(outer diameter 407 mm d2 = 382.88) with similar PCD results conflict with thedriven sprocket external diameter 400 mm, they cannot be used.36 26Chain reduction ratio becomes from the required23.9 18 , and36 18conveyance speed =30 =31.3m/min,23.9 26but upon examination 26T (outer diameter 393mm d2=368.77) is F'b=4720(kgf)RS140-1 cannot be used because its maximum allowable load is 4100kgf.RS140-SUP-1 can be used because its maximum allowable load is 5500kgf.Since the sprocket bore diameter of 18T is up to 89 mm, and for 26T is upto 103 mm, it can be used with a drive shaft diameter of 66 mm and drivenshaft diameter of 94 mm.With the distance between shafts at 500 mm, a sprocket with 18T(d=255.98) and 26T (d2=368.77) can be used.Number of links will be 46 links.Lubrication for RS140-SUP-1 should be oil bath or lubrication using aslinger disc as per the kilowatt ratings table.(Step 4) Calculate from inertia ratio RGD 2Inertia ratio R=GD 2 m = 0.1760.352 =0.5There is clearance in the drive equipment Shock factor K=1.0Starting torque Ts=11.9 (kgfm)Chain tension from starting torque2Fms=Tsi1000 d2= 11.9501000 =4660 (kgf)255.63Stalling torque Tb=12.5 (kgfm)Chain tension from stalling torque2Fmb=Tbi1.21000 d2= 12.5501.21000 =5870 (kgf)255.63Since FmbFms, use the larger Fmb.Design chain tensionF'mb=Fmb K Kn Kz=5870 1.0 1.031.10=6650 (kgf)Comparing , , and , is the largest.Since F'mb=6650 (kgf), RS120-3 (maximum allowable load7750 kgf) or RS120-SUP-2 (maximum allowable load 6800kgf) is usable.With the distance between shafts at 500mm, a sprocket with21T (d=255.63) and 31T (d2=376.60) can be used.Number of links will be 54 links.Lubrication for both RS120-1 and RS120-SUP-1 should be oilbath or lubrication by slinger disc as per the kilowatt ratingstable.Before Use For Safe Use Standard Roller Chains Lube-Free Roller Chains Heavy Duty Roller Chains Corrosion Resistant Roller Chains Specialty Roller Chains Accessories Selection Handling144

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