GlossaryT S U B A K I D R I V E C H A I NBefore Use For Safe UseStandard Roller Chains Lube-Free Roller Chains Heavy Duty Roller Chains Corrosion Resistant Roller Chains Specialty Roller Chains Accessories Selection Handling1. ANSI Standard Minimum Tensile Strength (Tensile Breakage Strength)2. Tsubaki Average Tensile Strength3. Tsubaki Minimum Tensile Strength4.Maximum Allowable LoadThis is the minimum tensile strength determined by ANSI Standard. If a roller chain breaksfrom a tensile load below this value, then it is non-compliant. In the case of multi-strand rollerchain, the single strand value is multiplied by the number of strands. (ANSI B 29.100)This is a fracture load reading obtained after a long period of actual tensile strength testing ofa large number of chain strands. Naturally, a roller chain may actually break at a higher orlower value than this, so it does not represent a guaranteed value. This value variesdepending on the manufacturer.This is a minimum value determined bystatistical processing at Tsubaki. If anyroller chain fractures by a tensile loadbelow this value, then it is noncompliant.This value varies dependingon the manufacturer.Testing MethodAs shown in Fig. 2, roller chain with over five links is fixed at both ends by clevises and isstretched until breakage occurs (JIS B 1801-2009). The type of fracture is indicated bybreakage of the roller chain or failure of its parts (Fig. 3.)Fig. 2 Tensile strength testThe maximum allowable load of roller chain (excluding Stainless Steel Chain and EngineeringPlastic Chain*) is the value derived from the lowest fatigue limit. When a load lower than thisvalue is repetitively applied to the roller chain, fatigue failure will never occur.According to the former JIS B 1801-1997, the maximum allowable load indicates abreakage load of Pmax = (Pm + Pa) = 2.2Pa at a frequency of 5 10 6 , when a newroller chain with over five links receives a repetitive load in linear operation. (Fig. 4)Tsubaki standards and catalog values are for 10 7 repetitions, or 2Pa. In other words, ifTsubaki’s maximum allowable load is indicated as maximum load (Pmax), then values in thiscatalog would increase 10%.Fig. 4 Summary chart of repetitive loadLoadFig. 1 Relationship between three tensile strengthsJIS minimum tensile strengthTsubaki minimum tensile strengthFrequencyFig. 3 Shape of fractureAverage tensile strengthTensile strength* Stainless steel and engineered plastic chains:Maximum allowable load is determined from specifying the surfacepressure between pins and bushes based on wear performance.Note that strength of offset links may belower than the chain itself.(Refer to each product page for details.)Time9

T S U B A K I D R I V E C H A I N5. Kilowatt Ratings Table6. Moment of Inertia (I / J / GD 2 )7. Total Length Tolerance of Roller Chain8. Elastic Elongation of Chain under LoadRS Roller Chain, SUPER Roller Chain, Heavy Duty Chain, and Low Noise Drive Chainkilowatt ratings tables show kW values for 15,000 hours of operation using a two-shaft driveand 100 pitches of roller chain under conditions 1 - 5 below.The kW ratings table of Lambda Chain is based on conditions 1 - 4 and shows kW ratingvalues when Lambda Chain is used with two shafts. Lambda Chain has more than seventimes the wear elongation of Standard RS Roller Chain operated without lubrication (#120 and#140 are over 2.5 times). X-LAMBDA has more than five times the wear elongation life ofLambda Roller Chain.1) The chains are operated under ordinary conditions where the ambient temperature is -10 - +60(+14F - +140F) and there is no abrasive dust.2) There are no negative effects from corrosive gasses or high humidity.3) The two shafts are level and the chains are properly installed. (See item 4 on pg. 162.)4) There is minimal fluctuation in load during transmission.5) The recommended lubrication system and lubricant shown in the kW ratings tables is used for RS RollerChain and SUPER Roller Chain. (See pgs. 160 - 161.)Moment of inertia is used to show the degree of inertia in rotational movement; in other words,"rotation difficulty", or "rotation ease." This is equivalent to the mass (weight) of the objectbeing used for straight-line transmission.Moment of inertia is shown in the SI units table as:I = mk 2 (kgm 2 m: mass of rotating body k: turning radius)It is shown in the Gravimetric units table as:J = GK 2(kgfms 2 G: mass of rotating body G: gravitational acceleration).GAlthough, GD 2 = 4GJ (D: diameter of rotating body) is generally being used now in place ofmoment of inertia.Length test method and length tolerance are specified in JIS B 1801-2009. The lengthtolerance of any individual size when subjected to a measured load (e.g. 500 N [50.99 kgf] forRS 80) specified in JIS is 0 to +0.15% of the reference length. The reference length iscalculated by multiplying the reference pitch (P) by the number of links. (Applicable toproducts bearing a JIS identification number.)An elastic elongation curve of a chain under load looks as shown below. Values shown hereare the standard references for single-strand RS Roller Chains. Actual values may slightlydiffer. Do not apply loads greater than the maximum allowable load to roller chains.Load: Maximum allowable loadLoad: Maximum allowable loadBefore Use For Safe Use Standard Roller Chains Lube-Free Roller Chains Heavy Duty Roller Chains Corrosion Resistant Roller Chains Specialty Roller Chains Accessories Selection HandlingElongation of 1 m chain (mm)Elongation of 1 m chain (mm)10

T S U B A K I D R I V E C H A I N5. Kilowatt Ratings Table6. Moment of Inertia (I / J / GD 2 )7. Total Length Tolerance of Roller Chain8. Elastic Elongation of Chain under LoadRS Roller Chain, SUPER Roller Chain, Heavy Duty Chain, and Low Noise Drive Chainkilowatt ratings tables show kW values for 15,000 hours of operation using a two-shaft driveand 100 pitches of roller chain under conditions 1 - 5 below.The kW ratings table of Lambda Chain is based on conditions 1 - 4 and shows kW ratingvalues when Lambda Chain is used with two shafts. Lambda Chain has more than seventimes the wear elongation of Standard RS Roller Chain operated without lubrication (#120 and#140 are over 2.5 times). X-LAMBDA has more than five times the wear elongation life ofLambda Roller Chain.1) The chains are operated under ordinary conditions where the ambient temperature is -10 - +60(+14F - +140F) and there is no abrasive dust.2) There are no negative effects from corrosive gasses or high humidity.3) The two shafts are level and the chains are properly installed. (See item 4 on pg. 162.)4) There is minimal fluctuation in load during transmission.5) The recommended lubrication system and lubricant shown in the kW ratings tables is used for RS RollerChain and SUPER Roller Chain. (See pgs. 160 - 161.)Moment of inertia is used to show the degree of inertia in rotational movement; in other words,"rotation difficulty", or "rotation ease." This is equivalent to the mass (weight) of the objectbeing used for straight-line transmission.Moment of inertia is shown in the SI units table as:I = mk 2 (kgm 2 m: mass of rotating body k: turning radius)It is shown in the Gravimetric units table as:J = GK 2(kgfms 2 G: mass of rotating body G: gravitational acceleration).GAlthough, GD 2 = 4GJ (D: diameter of rotating body) is generally being used now in place ofmoment of inertia.Length test method and length tolerance are specified in JIS B 1801-2009. The lengthtolerance of any individual size when subjected to a measured load (e.g. 500 N [50.99 kgf] forRS 80) specified in JIS is 0 to +0.15% of the reference length. The reference length iscalculated by multiplying the reference pitch (P) by the number of links. (Applicable toproducts bearing a JIS identification number.)An elastic elongation curve of a chain under load looks as shown below. Values shown hereare the standard references for single-strand RS Roller Chains. Actual values may slightlydiffer. Do not apply loads greater than the maximum allowable load to roller chains.Load: Maximum allowable loadLoad: Maximum allowable loadBefore Use For Safe Use Standard Roller Chains Lube-Free Roller Chains Heavy Duty Roller Chains Corrosion Resistant Roller Chains Specialty Roller Chains Accessories Selection HandlingElongation of 1 m chain (mm)Elongation of 1 m chain (mm)10

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