Brocade 4900 Datasheet - TeamKCI

Brocade 4900 Datasheet - TeamKCI

Brocade 4900 Datasheet - TeamKCI


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The <strong>Brocade</strong> SilkWorm <strong>4900</strong> Fibre Channelswitch combines up to 64 ports of 4 Gbit/secperformance with high availability and Ports onDemand flexibility to support mission-critical SANs.S I L K W O R M S W I T C H FA M I L YSILKWORM <strong>4900</strong>Highlights• Provides up to 64 ports in a singledomain and a 2U enclosure, facilitatingmore easily managed SAN fabrics withfewer domains• Utilizes Ports on Demand capabilitiesfor fast, easy, and cost-effectivescalability from 32 to 64 ports in16-port increments• Enables switch consolidation throughits high port count—increasing utilization,lowering management expenses,and reducing fabric complexity• Protects existing investments and offersan upgrade path to support earlier1 and 2 Gbit/sec devices• Supports full 4 Gbit/sec operationsat distances up to 100 kilometers(or 500 kilometers at 1 Gbit/sec) forcost-effective business continuance• Increases network performance withenhanced <strong>Brocade</strong> ISL Trunking, whichenables a high-speed data path up to32 Gbit/sec• Meets high-availability requirementswith redundant, hot-pluggablecomponents, non-disruptive softwareupgrades, and hot code activationLarge SAN Capabilities in a Small SpaceThe <strong>Brocade</strong> ® SilkWorm ® <strong>4900</strong> is ahigh-performance, high-availabilityFibre Channel switch that provideshigh port density for addressingmission-critical storage requirements.With a flexible architecture that supports1, 2, and 4 Gbit/sec technologywith 32, 48, or 64 ports, the Silk-Worm <strong>4900</strong> provides an affordablehigh-port-count, single-domain solution.As a result, organizations withlarge Storage Area Network (SAN)requirements can reduce the size oftheir SAN footprint and simplifymanagement by lowering the totalnumber of domains.The SilkWorm <strong>4900</strong> also provides“pay-as-you-grow” scalability throughflexible Ports on Demand capabilities.Because it is fully compatible withprevious 1 and 2 Gbit/sec devices,the SilkWorm <strong>4900</strong> protects existingtechnology investments while providinga strategic solution for the future.These capabilities help make theSilkWorm <strong>4900</strong> ideal for departmentsin large enterprises and midsizedorganizations. It can be used as aport-dense core switch or a highconnectivityedge switch in SANsranging from small deployments tolarger core-to-edge SAN infrastructuresthat support enterprise-classapplications such as ERP, MRP,data warehousing, and e-mail.INDUSTRY-LEADING PERFORMANCETo support the most demandingbusiness applications, the SilkWorm<strong>4900</strong> provides best-in-class performancefor midrange SAN switches.It features a non-blocking architecturewith as many as 64 ports concurrentlyactive at 4 Gbit/sec full duplex toprovide an aggregate bandwidth of512 Gbit/sec.

SILKWORM <strong>4900</strong>H I G HP E R F O R M A N C EThe SilkWorm <strong>4900</strong> utilizes <strong>Brocade</strong> fifthgenerationASIC technology featuring eight8-port groups. As a result, an Inter-SwitchLink (ISL) trunk can have up to eightports supplying as much as 32 Gbit/sec ofdata throughput. In addition to reducingcongestion between switches and providinggreater total bandwidth, enhanced ISLTrunking utilizes ISLs more efficiently tofree up the number of usable switch ports(see Figure 1).Flexible SAN deployment advantagesinclude the following:• A high-port-count, high-availabilityswitch is an ideal SAN core solutionwhen requirements include limiting thecost and complexity of the SAN.• Enterprise-class SANs built with a coreto-edgetopology feature highly redundantconfigurations requiring the use of manyports for ISLs to provide a failovercapability. The SilkWorm <strong>4900</strong> providesmore usable ports in a large core-to-edgedesign by requiring fewer switches overall,and thus fewer ports dedicated to ISLs.ENTERPRISE-CLASS AVAILABILITY FORBUSINESS CONTINUANCEWith enterprise-class availability featuressuch as hot-swappable redundant fansand power supplies, the SilkWorm <strong>4900</strong>provides a reliable foundation for disasterrecovery and business continuance. Moreover,hot code activation helps maximizeapplication uptime with faster systemupgrades and maintenance that reducethe dependency on scheduled outages.Combined with a wide range of <strong>Brocade</strong>diagnostic and monitoring functions, thesecapabilities help provide a high-availabilitySAN environment.To support disaster recovery and businesscontinuance operations, the SilkWorm <strong>4900</strong>enables connectivity distances up to 500kilometers at 1 Gbit/sec and 100 kilometersat 4 Gbit/sec. This capability facilitates thedeployment of high-performance, longdistanceSAN solutions such as data centerconsolidation and disaster recovery.HIGH SCALABILITY WITH PORTS ON DEMANDDelivering up to 64 ports in a singledomain, the SilkWorm <strong>4900</strong> combinesthe cost-effectiveness of a switch designedfor high-port-count requirements withhighly scalable Ports on Demand capabilities.It comes with a minimum of 32ports enabled, and organizations can easilyexpand the number of ports to 48 or 64 byactivating a license as their requirementschange. Because the SilkWorm <strong>4900</strong> iseasily upgradable, it extends the <strong>Brocade</strong>modular “pay-as-you-grow” approach tosupport cost-effective business growth.SUPERIOR ROI AND INVESTMENT PROTECTIONThe SilkWorm <strong>4900</strong> combines strategicperformance, availability, and scalabilityadvantages with investment protection forexisting SAN environments. For instance,auto-sensing capabilities for 1, 2, and4 Gbit/sec ports enable rapid implementationin existing SAN environments—reducingboth deployment cost and complexity.

Servers16-port Switches32-port Switches16-port SwitchesStorageServers64-port SilkWorm <strong>4900</strong> switchesStorageS I L K W O R M S W I T C H FA M I L YTotal Switches: 10Total Ports: 192Ports for Hosts: 80Ports for ISLs: 72Ports Available: 16Total Switches: 2Total Ports: 128Ports for Hosts: 48Ports for ISLs: 0Ports Available: 44Figure 1. Simplified SAN deploymentssupporting greater device attachment.The SilkWorm <strong>4900</strong> utilizes the same<strong>Brocade</strong> Fabric OS ® code stream thatsupports the SilkWorm product line—from the base 8-port SilkWorm 200Eto the 256-port SilkWorm 48000. Thishelps ensure full forward and backwardcompatibility among SilkWorm switcheswhile simplifying software maintenanceand field upgrades. As a result, theSilkWorm <strong>4900</strong> enables organizationsto better leverage their current training,tools, devices, and processes.OPEN SAN MANAGEMENTBy networking Fibre Channel switchessuch as the SilkWorm <strong>4900</strong> under acommon platform, Fabric OS greatlysimplifies SAN management. Anembedded real-time operating system,Fabric OS includes standard managementinterfaces, a full range of managementtools, and support for third-party SANmanagement applications.To simplify SAN administration andreduce costs, the SilkWorm <strong>4900</strong> supportsswitch management through a commandline interface, <strong>Brocade</strong> Web Tools, and<strong>Brocade</strong> Fabric Manager. It also leverages<strong>Brocade</strong> Advanced Fabric Services toimprove the utilization of existingstorage and server assets, increaseadministrator efficiency, and lowerthe cost of storage management.To facilitate deployment, theSilkWorm <strong>4900</strong> integrates easilyinto heterogeneous environmentssuch as AIX, Linux, Solaris, UNIX,and Windows NT.HIGHER FABRIC SECURITY FORCRITICAL INFORMATIONTo help organizations safeguard theircritical information, the SilkWorm <strong>4900</strong>is designed for the highest levels ofSAN fabric security. It utilizes <strong>Brocade</strong>Zoning, Advanced Zoning, and SecureFabric OS ® to help organizations simplifyadministration and significantlyincrease their control over data access.MAXIMIZING SAN INVESTMENTS<strong>Brocade</strong> and its partners offer completeSAN solutions to meet a wide range oftechnology and business requirements.These solutions include education andtraining, support, service, and professionalservices to help optimize SANinvestments. For more information,contact an authorized <strong>Brocade</strong> salespartner or visit www.brocade.com.

SILKWORM <strong>4900</strong>SILKWORM <strong>4900</strong> SPECIFICATIONSSystems ArchitectureMechanicalsFibre Channel portsScalabilityCertified maximum64 ports, universal (E, F, and FL)Full fabric architecture with 239 switches maximum56 switches, 7 hops; larger fabrics may be certifiedas requiredEnclosureSizeNon-port side to port side (port side exhaust); back-to-frontairflow; power from rear; 2.0U, 19-in. EIA-compliantWidth: 42.87 cm (16.88 in)Height: 8.60 cm (3.39 in)Depth: 61.0 cm (24.02 in)InteroperabilityPerformanceSilkWorm 2000, 3000, 200E, and 4000 seriesswitches; SilkWorm 12000, 24000, and 48000directors; SilkWorm Multiprotocol Router1.063 Gbit/sec line speed, full duplex; 2.125 Gbit/secline speed, full duplex; 4.25 Gbit/sec line speed, fullduplex and auto-sensing of 1, 2, and 4 Gbit/sec portspeeds; optionally programmable to fixed port speed;speed matching between 1, 2, and 4 Gbit/sec portsSystem weightEnvironmentalsTemperatureHumidity13.7 kg (30.2 lb) — with dual power supply, no SFPOperating: 0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F)Non-operating: –25°C to 70°C (–13°F to 158°F)Operating: 20% to 85% non-condensingat 40°C (104°F)ISL TrunkingUp to eight 4 Gbit/sec ports per ISL trunk;up to 32 Gbit/sec per ISL trunkAltitudeOperating: Up to 3,000 m (9,800 ft)Storage: Up to 12 km (32,200)Aggregate bandwidthFabric latency512 Gbit/sec end to end~700 nanoseconds within a locally switched groupand

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