Tavernspite CP School Ysgol Tafarnspite Forest School Policy

Tavernspite CP School Ysgol Tafarnspite Forest School Policy

Tavernspite CP School Ysgol Tafarnspite Forest School Policy


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<strong>Tavernspite</strong> <strong>CP</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Tafarnspite</strong><strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Policy</strong>

<strong>Tavernspite</strong> <strong>CP</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Policy</strong>Introduction<strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> is a unique method of outdoor education that allows children to developconfidence, independence, self-esteem and awareness and knowledge of the naturalenvironment.This is achieved by setting small achievable tasks. The child is never put in a positionwhere he/she will fail so success is attained. It is a child centred and child ledprogramme that provides the opportunity for the children to use their personal learningstyle to complete their chosen tasks.We are very fortunate to have the use of a <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> site at Penderry farm,Lampeter Velfrey. The site is privately owned by Tina and Colin Lewis.Purpose/Aims of <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong>1. To provide children with experiences that encourages an appreciation,awareness and knowledge of the natural environment.2. To learn to respect and care for their own local environment.3. To abide by rules and set standards of behaviour, to work cooperatively in groupsand to respect each other.4. Develop children’s self-esteem and self confidence through the setting of smallachievable tasks.Descriptions/Characteristics1. The <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> takes place in term time and in most weather conditions.2. The school will inform parents of the visits and request that a detailed <strong>Forest</strong><strong>School</strong> health and consent form is completed.3. The leader will ensure that all children are suitably clothed with waterproof coats,trousers and boots4. The sessions will vary in duration from half a day to a whole day (according to theage and experience of the children)5. A variety of activities are totally inclusive, thus catering for all ability levels6. The children are taught a variety of woodland skills through practical hands onactivities. They also learn how to light fires safely.7. The children learn the care and safe use of a wide range of tools. This is a tightlysupervised activity on a 1:1 ratio of adult to children. It is introduced gradually insmall steps.

8. Children are encouraged to listen attentively to instructions and to takeresponsibility for their actions. This is achieved by games that also encouragerespect for the environment.9. The <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> leader will keep parents informed and updated regarding allaspects of <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong>.Resources1. The <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> leader is highly trained and experienced and holds an up todate First Aid certificate. They are responsible for organising and running all<strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> sessions.2. The school uses a local bus company to transport the children to and from thesite. It is fitted with seat belts, carries a First Aid kit. The teacher, staff and otherparent helpers travels on the bus with the children.3. The Pembrokeshire <strong>Forest</strong> Education Cluster Group has assisted with funding fortraining, transport and site surveys.4. Local business companies have assisted with clothing and tools.5. The <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> site is privately owned and has a full public access and liabilityinsurance.6. Parents who assist regularly on sessions have been given training by the <strong>Forest</strong><strong>School</strong> leaders and receive a training booklet. They are all CRB checked.The role of the <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> Leaders1. The <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> leader has the safety of the children uppermost at all times.The leader will carry out a detailed safety check before each session and complywith health and safety risk assessments.2. The leader will ensure that all documentation is relevant and up to date.3. The leader will carry an emergency pack at all times.4. The leader is responsible for all equipment and will ensure that it is checkedbefore use and returned to the resource area after use.5. The <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> leader will keep an accident book and keep parents fullyinformed of any incidents that may occur during a session, eg, trips, falls, stings,etc.Environmental Impact<strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> has environmental awareness at the heart of its ethos. Whereverpossible, environmentally friendly products and recycled materials are used whenappropriate. Good practice is modelled by adults showing children that the world inwhich we live in should be cared for.Health and SafetyThe <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> programme will support young children to develop responsibility forthemselves and others. It will even encourage early risk management strategies that

CommunicationTimes and dates of visits are agreed between staff at the school and Penderry Farmbefore the sessions take place. Information is sent home to parents before the start of aseries of visits.CancellationThere may be times when <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> sessions have to be cancelled due tounforeseen circumstances. These may be:-Staff illnessAdverse weather conditionsAny situation that poses a health and safety risk.In the event of this situation arising, cancellation decisions are made as soon aspossible and volunteers, the bus company and Penderry Farm are contacted.

Procedures for Lighting Fires at <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong>Before lighting a fire at <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong>, the following should be in place:Children must have a secure knowledge of log circle safety (not crossing thecircle, walking in the vicinity)The agreement of the Head TeacherMr and Mrs Lewis at Penderry Farm has been informed.In addition to the other resources, we will take a large container full of water.When lighting a fire:A trained person will take responsibility for the fire. This will be their soleresponsibility for the session. They shall be responsible for lighting it, manning itwhile it is burning and putting it out at the end of the session.The fire shall be contained within the area agreed with the warden (in the centreof the log circle). The ground around shall be cleared of flammable material.Check for low overhanging trees.Have a container of water beside the fire to put it out and deal with burns.The flames of the fire should never reach higher than the knee.While the fire is being lit, the children will be engaged in activities elsewhere.The fire will be extinguished before the session ends.NO fires will be lit during peak fire risk periods.

EMERGENCY PROCEDURESThe leader must ensure that the adults are familiar with current risk assessment andemergency procedures at the start of each session. Groups must stay within the agreedboundaries which will ensure they are within earshot of each other.Emergency information is kept in the <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> bag, along with a mobilephone and First Aid kits.In the case of a major injury:Keep calm. The children are more likely to remain calm if the adult appears to bein control. If necessary, remove the danger, or the person from the danger.Call “123, Where are you?” Stay with the casualty whilst the children make theirway back to the log circle. The other groups will return to the log circle. Amember of staff will take responsibility for the children while the leader joins thecasualty.The leader will carry out necessary First Aid, whilst delegating someone to call forfurther assistance if necessary. If assistance is required, an adult will bedelegated to meet them at a pre-arranged place.Whoever has called for further assistance will also call the school to inform themof what has happened. The incident must be reported in the accident book and acopy given to the school office.Minor InjuriesAll minor injuries must be recorded in the accident book and reported to the leader. FirstAid (including plasters) must only be applied by a member of staff with a current FirstAid certificate.EMERGENCY INFORMATIONThe <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> leader will always carry a mobile phone.Emergency Telephone Numbers<strong>School</strong> 01834 831691PCC 01437 764551Withybush Hospital 01437 764545Emergency Services 999Location of <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> Site: Penderry Farm, Lampeter Velfrey, Pembrokeshire

<strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> Guide for AssistantsBefore joining our <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> team please read the following guidance carefully.Thank you!Before Leaving <strong>School</strong>Check all equipment against the session list.Ensure all clients are appropriately clothed (waterproofs and Wellingtons) andhave visited the toilet.Be aware of client numbers.Assist with transportation of equipment to bus.Accompany clients in orderly fashion to and on the bus.Ensure all clients have seat belts on.Arrival at the SiteOn arrival assist clients off the bus and check for any items left on the bus.Assist with transporting equipment to the site.Accompany clients to the bridge and then ensure safe progress over the bridgeinto the meadow.Accompany clients into the woodland and assist in transporting equipment.At all times be alert and aware and cooperate with the leaders.In the WoodlandEncourage and support clients during activities as requested or directed by theleaders.Allow client time and space to solve any problems and encourage independenceby giving constructive suggestions rather than showing them how or taking overthe task.Assist leaders with any cooking, snacks or drinks that may be needed.Be vigilant for any potential dangers and inform leader immediately of anyaccidents, then assist as directed.Assist in clearing the site and transporting equipment back to the bus.Accompany the clients back to the bus and assist with boarding if necessary.Ensure all are seated with belts on.On return to <strong>School</strong>Assist clients getting off the bus safely.Check that nothing has been left on the bus.Accompany clients back to the classroom.Assist with clothing and ensure it is returned to the locket.Assist in checking equipment back in as directed by the leader.All assistants must have read a copy of the <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Policy</strong> document and be veryconversant with the ethos of <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong>.Appropriate training will be made available to persons (parents) who wish to becomeregular assistants with our <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>School</strong> sessions.

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