An Update on Gelatin Top Restaurant Chains for Vegetarians

An Update on Gelatin Top Restaurant Chains for Vegetarians An Update on Gelatin Top Restaurant Chains for Vegetarians


Vegetarian Journal’sEssay Contest WinnerWHY I'M A VEGETARIANBy Nimai C. Agarwal, 9 yrsMarylandTO SAVE ANIMALS FROMbeing ruthlessly killed, tomake earth a more naturalplace, to create peace and harmonyin the world, this is what vegetarianism is about to me.Vegetarianism is good for both animals and humansalike. When we save animals from being mercilesslykilled, nature flourishes, and when nature flourishes,humans live happily in peace. Here are some of theincidents that deepened my faith in vegetarianism.I went to school when I was 5 years old. It waslunch break. We got our lunch bags, which were hangingon silver metal pegs. We knew which table wasours because our tableswere assigned. I walked tomy table with my lunchbox. My table was dark redwith brown chairs that hadblack spots. I sat on mychair and opened mySpiderman lunch box.I was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.Right in front of me, there was a boy eating chicken,sitting at the same table as me. He was the tallest kidin my class. He put the piece of chicken in his mouthand then bit into it, while his mouth was open. Itlooked repulsive to me. “Close your mouth and eat,”I said to him. This was the first time I saw someoneeating meat so up close. I went home and discussedthis with my parents. It really impacted me. I thought,“If animals killed humans for food, how would I feel?”One hot afternoon, my mom, dad, and I went toWashington, DC, to see the Smithsonian Museum.I was walking around when I saw this video made byPETA at a booth they had set up. It showed how theykill animals in slaughterhouses. It caught my eye. Themovie was very bloody and sad. I saw bleeding cowsbeing tortured to death and beaks of chickens being“When we save animals from beingmercilessly killed, nature flourishes,and when nature flourishes,humans live happily in peace.”cut off with burning iron. Seeing the movie made methink what pain the animals must be going through.That’s why I am happy that I am a>Anong>other problem with meat eating is that so muchgrain is wasted to feed one animal that will then beslaughtered. People are burning down huge forests anda lot of land to get more space to grown grains, whichwill be fed to animals, and then they will kill animalsin slaughterhouses. One may fatten an animal a lot,but still one won’t get a lot of food. One pound ofmeat requires 16 pounds of grains, which could feedmany hungry people.My whole family for generations has been vegetarian,and I was also brought up on a meatless diet. Webelieve that eating meat gives us bad karma. So, manyfamilies in India do not eat meat. Karma is the reactionof every action that we perform in our lives. So,if we perform good acts,we get good results, andif we do harm to others,we get harmed ourselvesin this life or the next.I like the taste of vegetarianfood because it tastesso pure to me. SometimesI help my mom make flatbreads. Some people thinkthat if you are vegetarian then you don’t have enoughchoices, but actually there are a lot of vegetarian preparations.One Sunday there was a festival in our temple,and there were exactly 108 preparations which were allvegetarian. So, that means that vegetarians have a lotof different preparations. I enjoyed the food that dayand yet I was unable to taste everything.My favorite foods are pizza, pasta, Indian flatbreads,Mexican cuisine, bread, and tomato juice. I also likefruits, such as apples, mangos, lychees, berries, andwatermelons.I am happy being vegetarian. I feel like I am savingso many animals, forests, and Mother Earth. I may notbe able to go into the world and save animals, but thisis my little contribution in trying to preserve the naturalworld in which I live.30 Issue Four 2008 VEGETARIAN JOURNAL

veggie bitsEnter Vegetarian Journal ’song>Anong>nual Student Essay Contest!Are you 18 or younger? If so, what are your thoughtsor experiences with vegetarianism? Share them withThe VRG during our annual essay contest! Just write atwo- to three-page essay on any aspect of vegetarianismor veganism, based on interviews, personal experience,research, and/or personal opinion. Then, enter yoursubmission in the appropriate category: ages 14 to 18,ages 9 to 13, or ages 8 and younger. Winners will eachreceive a $50 savings bond.Send entries to The Vegetarian Resource Group,P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203. Please makesure to include your name, age, address, phone number,and school. All entries must be postmarked by May 1,2009, for next year’s contest. You need not be vegetarianto enter. All essays become property of The VRG, andonly winners will be notified.Kitchens of India ProductsBring Authentic Cuisine HomeWhy go out for fresh, flavorful Indianfood when Kitchens of India allowsyou to make it at home? Based inIndia, this company exports manyof its products to the United States,Canada, and parts of Europe.Among their many vegan optionsare 10.5-ounce jars of chutneys,condiment-like accompaniments for appetizers likesamosas, in tempting Mango & Dry Fruits, ShreddedMango Chutney, and Sweet Sliced Mango varieties.Kitchens of India also offers Biryanis (rice pilaf dishes)with or without nuts and Curry Pastes to which youcan add basmati rice, mixed vegetables, or other ingredientsof your choice. In addition, the company producesseveral vegan Ready-to-Eat Meals, including adelicious Chick Peas Curry (Pindi Chana) and thehearty Red Kidney Beans Curry (Rajma Masala).Liberty Richter handles the import and distributionof Kitchens of India products within the UnitedStates. Contact this company at 300 Broadacres Drive,Bloomfield, NJ 07003, or via phone at (973) 338-0300. More information about these products isavailable at .Raise Your Glasses!Celebrate the holidays with tangy, refreshingbeverages from First Blush. These juices aremade from the grapes that are frequently usedin wine production, which allows them to staytrue to vino’s taste without the alcoholic kick.Their Cabernet offers subtle touches of cherryand blackberry, while their Chardonnay has alight, slightly sweet appeal. Or try their Merlot,with its strong grape flavor and a hint of apple essence.Contact First Blush, Inc., at P.O. Box 5490, SantaBarbara, CA 93150, or via phone at (805) 969-8700.Learn more at their website, .Dark, Decadent DelicaciesChristopher Norman Chocolates has combined innovativeflavors with elegant artistic details to create their“Veganache” collection of non-dairy chocolate truffles.This 12-piece gift box features seven tempting varieties,including Chai Tea, Coconut, Framboise, and Mint.Of particular note are the citrus-hinted Blood Orange,richly flavored Espresso, and indulgent ManhattanDark with hand-painted accents. This sophisticatedoffering would make a wonderful gift for any of thedark chocolate lovers in your life, vegan or not.Call Christopher Norman Chocolates’ Factory &Gallery Shop at (212) 402-1243 or stop by their lowerManhattan storefront at 60 New Street, New York,NY 10004. You can also visit the company onlineat .Become One With NatureOne With Nature offers an exotic line of fine, crueltyfreesoaps made from deep-cleansing Dead Sea minerals.Their enticing varieties include Almond, Bing Cherry,Dead Sea Mud, and Vanilla Oatmeal, among manyothers. Plus, you’ll feel as good as your skin does whenyou purchase these products, as the company supportsFriends of the Earth Middle East, a non-profit environmentalorganization helping to preserve the Dead Sea.One With Nature products are available at selectnatural foods and grocery stores. For more information,contact One With Nature at 770 Tilton Road,Sebastopol, CA 95472 or at (800) 600-1445. Also,visit their website at .VEGETARIAN JOURNAL Issue Four 2008 31

veggie bitsEnter Vegetarian Journal ’s<str<strong>on</strong>g>An</str<strong>on</strong>g>nual Student Essay C<strong>on</strong>test!Are you 18 or younger? If so, what are your thoughtsor experiences with vegetarianism? Share them withThe VRG during our annual essay c<strong>on</strong>test! Just write atwo- to three-page essay <strong>on</strong> any aspect of vegetarianismor veganism, based <strong>on</strong> interviews, pers<strong>on</strong>al experience,research, and/or pers<strong>on</strong>al opini<strong>on</strong>. Then, enter yoursubmissi<strong>on</strong> in the appropriate category: ages 14 to 18,ages 9 to 13, or ages 8 and younger. Winners will eachreceive a $50 savings b<strong>on</strong>d.Send entries to The Vegetarian Resource Group,P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203. Please makesure to include your name, age, address, ph<strong>on</strong>e number,and school. All entries must be postmarked by May 1,2009, <strong>for</strong> next year’s c<strong>on</strong>test. You need not be vegetarianto enter. All essays become property of The VRG, and<strong>on</strong>ly winners will be notified.Kitchens of India ProductsBring Authentic Cuisine HomeWhy go out <strong>for</strong> fresh, flavorful Indianfood when Kitchens of India allowsyou to make it at home? Based inIndia, this company exports manyof its products to the United States,Canada, and parts of Europe.Am<strong>on</strong>g their many vegan opti<strong>on</strong>sare 10.5-ounce jars of chutneys,c<strong>on</strong>diment-like accompaniments <strong>for</strong> appetizers likesamosas, in tempting Mango & Dry Fruits, ShreddedMango Chutney, and Sweet Sliced Mango varieties.Kitchens of India also offers Biryanis (rice pilaf dishes)with or without nuts and Curry Pastes to which youcan add basmati rice, mixed vegetables, or other ingredientsof your choice. In additi<strong>on</strong>, the company producesseveral vegan Ready-to-Eat Meals, including adelicious Chick Peas Curry (Pindi Chana) and thehearty Red Kidney Beans Curry (Rajma Masala).Liberty Richter handles the import and distributi<strong>on</strong>of Kitchens of India products within the UnitedStates. C<strong>on</strong>tact this company at 300 Broadacres Drive,Bloomfield, NJ 07003, or via ph<strong>on</strong>e at (973) 338-0300. More in<strong>for</strong>mati<strong>on</strong> about these products isavailable at .Raise Your Glasses!Celebrate the holidays with tangy, refreshingbeverages from First Blush. These juices aremade from the grapes that are frequently usedin wine producti<strong>on</strong>, which allows them to staytrue to vino’s taste without the alcoholic kick.Their Cabernet offers subtle touches of cherryand blackberry, while their Chard<strong>on</strong>nay has alight, slightly sweet appeal. Or try their Merlot,with its str<strong>on</strong>g grape flavor and a hint of apple essence.C<strong>on</strong>tact First Blush, Inc., at P.O. Box 5490, SantaBarbara, CA 93150, or via ph<strong>on</strong>e at (805) 969-8700.Learn more at their website, .Dark, Decadent DelicaciesChristopher Norman Chocolates has combined innovativeflavors with elegant artistic details to create their“Veganache” collecti<strong>on</strong> of n<strong>on</strong>-dairy chocolate truffles.This 12-piece gift box features seven tempting varieties,including Chai Tea, Coc<strong>on</strong>ut, Framboise, and Mint.Of particular note are the citrus-hinted Blood Orange,richly flavored Espresso, and indulgent ManhattanDark with hand-painted accents. This sophisticatedoffering would make a w<strong>on</strong>derful gift <strong>for</strong> any of thedark chocolate lovers in your life, vegan or not.Call Christopher Norman Chocolates’ Factory &Gallery Shop at (212) 402-1243 or stop by their lowerManhattan storefr<strong>on</strong>t at 60 New Street, New York,NY 10004. You can also visit the company <strong>on</strong>lineat .Become One With NatureOne With Nature offers an exotic line of fine, crueltyfreesoaps made from deep-cleansing Dead Sea minerals.Their enticing varieties include Alm<strong>on</strong>d, Bing Cherry,Dead Sea Mud, and Vanilla Oatmeal, am<strong>on</strong>g manyothers. Plus, you’ll feel as good as your skin does whenyou purchase these products, as the company supportsFriends of the Earth Middle East, a n<strong>on</strong>-profit envir<strong>on</strong>mentalorganizati<strong>on</strong> helping to preserve the Dead Sea.One With Nature products are available at selectnatural foods and grocery stores. For more in<strong>for</strong>mati<strong>on</strong>,c<strong>on</strong>tact One With Nature at 770 Tilt<strong>on</strong> Road,Sebastopol, CA 95472 or at (800) 600-1445. Also,visit their website at .VEGETARIAN JOURNAL Issue Four 2008 31

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