An Update on Gelatin Top Restaurant Chains for Vegetarians

An Update on Gelatin Top Restaurant Chains for Vegetarians

An Update on Gelatin Top Restaurant Chains for Vegetarians


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VEGETARIAN RESOURCE GROUP AWARDSTWO $5,000 COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPSIt’s that time of year again, when VRG announces thewinners of its annual $5,000 college scholarships <strong>for</strong>graduating high school seniors. Thank you to S<strong>on</strong>ja,Avi, Lauri, Jenny, and Melanie <strong>for</strong> helping us resp<strong>on</strong>dto all of this year’s entrants.As in previous years, applicants <strong>for</strong> this year’s two$5,000 college scholarships encompassed a wide spectrumin terms of their social or ec<strong>on</strong>omic status andtheir belief systems. Applicants ranged from those whogrew up in c<strong>on</strong>servative cattle country and had beenmembers of 4H to those who are vegetarian <strong>for</strong> religiousreas<strong>on</strong>s (such as Hindu, Seventh-day Adventist,or Jain) to those who are members of punk rock bands.Some students came from relatively privileged backgrounds,while others were <strong>for</strong>ced to live with relativesbecause their parents couldn’t care <strong>for</strong> them. Some hadparents who were struggling with sec<strong>on</strong>d jobs to bringin $20,000 per year or parents who have passed awayafter painful illnesses. Much of what these kids haveg<strong>on</strong>e through makes you stop and think. It’s amazinghow resilient they are, and that they can still feelempathy <strong>for</strong> others and find time to volunteer.One factor that most of the teens who applied<strong>for</strong> these scholarships did have in comm<strong>on</strong> is that,even today, their beliefs and behaviors tend to makethem feel different and in the minority. Of course, theywould like the scholarship award, but it does have animpact <strong>on</strong> their lives to know that others care aboutbeing vegetarian and promoting meatless diets.THE WINNERSRand<strong>on</strong> Martin fromClearwater, Florida, sayshe is a “17-year-old seniorin high school, animalrights activist, andproud vegan.” When hewas younger and livedin upstate New York <strong>on</strong>15 acres, Rand<strong>on</strong> states,“In those years, the chickens, turkeys, ducks, and dogwere my playmates, <strong>for</strong> at that time I did not come tothe realizati<strong>on</strong> that what I c<strong>on</strong>sumed <strong>for</strong> sustenancewas the same as our animals. I can recall <strong>on</strong>e specificwinter in which my father was going outside with anaxe in hand. Up<strong>on</strong> noticing him make his way to thefr<strong>on</strong>t door, I began to weep. Startled, he inquired as towhy I was crying, to which I replied that I didn’t wanthim to kill our animals <strong>for</strong> food… Up<strong>on</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mingmy dad of my c<strong>on</strong>scientious decisi<strong>on</strong> to become vegetarianeight years later, he reminded me of this storyand my genuine c<strong>on</strong>cern of our animal friends.”Rand<strong>on</strong> said that he and some close friends startedand played in a predominantly vegetarian punk band.Through the local music scene, they met enough vegetariansto organize two vegetarian potlucks at whichmany attendees were musicians and fans.“My thirst <strong>for</strong> justice <strong>for</strong> thevoiceless cannot be satiateduntil the animals finally receivethe liberati<strong>on</strong> they deserve.”In his junior year, Rand<strong>on</strong> founded his high school’sfirst animal rights club (S.C.A.R.). They hosted an allvegetarianpicnic and a vegan Thanksgiving gathering,did a vegan fundraiser <strong>for</strong> a seabird sanctuary, gave awayPETA and Vegan Outreach stickers and brochures, andset up a table <strong>on</strong> campus during lunch so they couldgive away brochures <strong>on</strong> meat c<strong>on</strong>sumpti<strong>on</strong> and envir<strong>on</strong>mentaldegradati<strong>on</strong>. Rand<strong>on</strong> said his biggest success wasintroducing more vegetarian opti<strong>on</strong>s into the cafeteria.He reported, “The vegetarian opti<strong>on</strong>s wereacquired through multiple c<strong>on</strong>ferences I had with theCafeteria Manager and a few ph<strong>on</strong>e calls to the Headof Food Supply <strong>for</strong> Pinellas County. Now, we havevegan burgers, bean burritos, and chocolate soymilkavailable daily. There was little resistance <strong>for</strong> the introducti<strong>on</strong>of these items. It was just a matter of choosing/ordering foods and assuring the staff that there is anactive demographic who would purchase the food everyday. The veggie burgers are available daily, while thebean burritos are offered a few times a week. (Thereare also peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, whichhave the most sales daily but were preexisting.) Thesoymilk is selling really well; I often see students26 Issue Four 2008 VEGETARIAN JOURNAL

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