An Update on Gelatin Top Restaurant Chains for Vegetarians

An Update on Gelatin Top Restaurant Chains for Vegetarians An Update on Gelatin Top Restaurant Chains for Vegetarians


JERUSALEM ARTICHOKESWITH CARAMELIZEDONIONS(Serves 4-6)Caramelized onions lend sweetflavors to Jerusalem artichokes.You can also use rutabagas orparsnips in this recipe.1 large onion, diced1 Tablespoon oil1 pound Jerusalem artichokes, sliced andplaced in water with a little lemon juice1 clove garlic, pressed1 Tablespoon granulated vegan sweetener,like Florida Crystals1/4 cup water1 Tablespoon nonhydrogenated veganmargarine1 1 /2 Tablespoons lemon juice1 teaspoon lemon zestSalt and pepper to tasteHeat a heavy skillet over mediumheat. When skillet is hot, addonions and drizzle oil over thetop. Reduce heat to low. Coverand sweat the onions until softand slightly golden. This maytake up to 10 minutes.Drain Jerusalem artichokes.Stir Jerusalem artichokes and garlicinto onions and sprinkle withsweetener. Stir and cook forapproximately 30 seconds. Addwater. Cover and cook untilJerusalem artichokes are tender,approximately 5-10 minutes.Remove cover and cook untilliquid disappears.Stir in margarine and drizzlewith lemon juice. Sprinkle withlemon zest, stir, and season totaste with salt and pepper.Total calories per serving: 169Carbohydrates: 27 gramsSodium: 37 milligramsFat: 6 gramsProtein: 3 gramsFiber: 3 gramsCURRIED PARSNIP SOUP(Serves 4)Substitute turnips, carrots, or potatoesin this soup, or use a combinationof root vegetables.1 medium onion, chopped1 Tablespoon oil1 Tablespoon curry powder1/4 teaspoon cumin5 cups vegetable stock or water3 cups sliced parsnipsZest and juice of 1 lemon1 teaspoon agave nectar1 cup soy or rice milk1/4 teaspoon cayenneSalt to tasteHeat a heavy skillet over mediumheat. Add onions and oil. Stir andcook until onions are transparent.Blend in curry powder and cuminand then stir in vegetable stock.Add parsnips and cook on mediumheat until soft, approximately15 minutes.While parsnips cook, mixlemon zest, lemon juice, andagave nectar with soy or rice milk.Add to parsnips.Remove approximately 1 1 /2cups of parsnips-onions mixtureand blend it in a blender or foodprocessor. Return creamy mixtureto soup and add cayenne and saltto taste.Total calories per serving: 186Carbohydrates: 28 gramsSodium: 744 milligramsSWEET POTATO DIP(Serves 4)Fat: 6 gramsProtein: 3 gramsFiber: 7 grams*Pictured on the cover. This is asweet and savory dip. I like to slicewarm pita bread and then spreadthe dip on the pita triangles. If youdon’t have miso, use salt to taste.1 large baked sweet potato, peeled2 Tablespoons almond butter1 1 /2 Tablespoons rice syrup1 Tablespoon white misoHandful of finely chopped red, yellow,or green peppersDash of cayenneMash sweet potatoes and blendwith almond butter, rice syrup,and miso. Stir in peppers andcayenne.Total calories per serving: 118Carbohydrates: 17 gramsSodium: 175 milligramsFat: 5 gramsProtein: 3 gramsFiber: 2 gramsDebra Daniels-Zeller is a frequentcontributor to Vegetarian Journal.She wrote “Dried Fruit: Treasures toSavor All Year Round” for Issue 3, 2008.10 Issue Four 2008 VEGETARIAN JOURNAL

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