HERE - Nairobi Jaffery Academy

HERE - Nairobi Jaffery Academy

HERE - Nairobi Jaffery Academy


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The Quest for ExcellenceN A I R O B I J A F F E R Y A C A D E M Y<strong>Nairobi</strong> <strong>Jaffery</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> Junior Schoolopened its doors in January, 1998 toboys and girls of all nationalities. Itfollows the British National Curriculum.Academic excellence is emphasized andall children given equal opportunities tobring out their best .The Junior schoolprovides education for grades 1-6 withthe age range of 5-11 years.A well stocked Junior Library with awide range of storybooks and relevantvideo tapes is a source of pleasure to theyoung ones.Modern times have not left us out. Weboast of a well equipped Computer labwhich allows pupils to explore and discovera wide range of information to expandand improve their IT skills.Team work is enhanced as children learnto share, take turns accept differences inopinion and tolerate each other.At <strong>Jaffery</strong>’s we believe learning is a lifelongprocess that should be challenging,fulfilling and satisfying to the children.Their social, physical, cultural andemotional needs are taken care of.

Club activities and movements are attheir peak in the Junior school. Theyoungest movement is the Rainbows,followed by the Brownies, the GirlGuides and the very active Scouts whoare known far beyond the <strong>Jaffery</strong>boundaries.School trips and field excursions are amust for all. Children look forward tothese trips as an alternative to the ratherlong hours normally inside theclassroom.Sports and swimming are extracurricularactivities enhanced at alllevels in the Junior school and childrenpride themselves in taking part in interhouseand inter-school competitions.Dedicated and caring members of staffwho compliment with a warmconducive atmosphere, where a highstandards of discipline is maintained.NAIROBI JAFFERYACADEMYP.O. BOX 25342, LAVINGTON, NAIROBI, KENYAPhone: 4349293Tele-Fax: 4349293E-mail: info@jaffery.ac.kerkaramsi@jaffery.ac.keadmissions@jaffery.ac.keCell:0727/0736441218

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