Understanding By Design Unit Template - GSSD Blogs

Understanding By Design Unit Template - GSSD Blogs

Understanding By Design Unit Template - GSSD Blogs

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Introduce the essential questions and discuss the culminating unit performance task (newspaperarticle). (W) Locate community on map of Saskatchewan and Canada. (Google Earth). Study map of Melville.Locate various constructed features of the local community. (E) Visit local museum to gain information about the history of Melville. (E) Revisit KWL chart. Did you learn anything from the museum? Are there any questions you stillhave? (R) Have mayor Walter Streelasky or councilor visit our classroom to discuss role in decision making incommunity and answer any questions students have prepared. Mr. Streelasky will also share withstudents the process that took place to resolve the community conflict about where the HorizonCredit Union Centre should be located. (T) Have Tony McNabb (Systems Administrator) for Treaty 4 Student Success Program visit ourclassroom to explain the structure of First Nations leadership. (R) Create written response “What I learned about the history of my community”. Students will visit St. Paul’s Lutheran Home. Students will interview a resident to determine how thecommunity has changed. Journal writing- Students will be given a variety of journal writing starters that address targetedoutcomes from weekly lessons. Guided Reading- Students will learn about other communities through guided reading selections. Smart Board OTC Lesson about the customs of the British Crown and First Nations peoples inTreaty- making. Arrange a field trip to collect photos in the community to record its natural features and constructedfeatures (railroad, park, river, dam, bridge, agricultural land, City Hall, Horizon Credit UnionCentre, hospital, water tower, water treatment plant, museum). After the field trip, view a slideshow and discuss with students the features in terms of how they influence the community. Usingpainting or drawing tools, students draw pictures, and several natural features of the community andexplain their importance in one or two sentences. Lesson: Use Descriptive Adjectives Page 49 NelsonLiteracy 2: Teacher’s resource Students will research an occupation in our community that helps us stay safe and happy. Students

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