Understanding By Design Unit Template - GSSD Blogs

Understanding By Design Unit Template - GSSD Blogs

Understanding By Design Unit Template - GSSD Blogs

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Assessment Evidence (Stage 2)Performance Task DescriptionThe PERFORMANCE TASK describes the learning activity in “story” form. Typically, the P.T. describes ascenario or situation that requires students to apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate theirunderstanding in a real life situation. Describe your performance task scenario below:You are a news reporter for the Melville Advance. Your job is to investigate an important eventor person from Melville. You will present your article using Microsoft Publisher.Role- News ReporterAudience- School membersForm- 1 paragraph with at least six sentences and pictures addedTopic- Local Community HistoryStandards: See attachmentsHelpful tips for writing aperformance task.Goal:What should studentsaccomplish by completingthis task?Role:What role (perspective)will your students betaking?Audience:Who is the relevantaudience?Situation:The context or challengeprovided to the student.Product/Performance:What product/performancewill the student create?Standards(Create the rubric for thePerformance Task)

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