Understanding By Design Unit Template - GSSD Blogs

Understanding By Design Unit Template - GSSD Blogs

Understanding By Design Unit Template - GSSD Blogs

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<strong>Understanding</strong>sWhat do you want students to understand & be able to useseveral years from now?Children need to consider their relationships with others in anycommunity and show concern for others within theircommunities.Essential QuestionsOpen-ended questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linkedto the content of the enduring understanding.-How was our community the same/different from thepast?-How did my community come to be what it is today?-How do communities make responsible decisions?KnowledgeStudents will know…Dynamic RelationshipsDR 2.1: Investigate stories of significant events and persons inthe local community’s history to describe the contribution ofthose who lived in the community in earlier times.SkillsStudents will be able to…b. Research and represent the history of the localschool and the local community (e.g., events, people).c. Describe events of the past in the local communitythat affect life today (e.g., Why was the currentlocation chosen for the school? Other buildings?Why are streets or buildings named as they are?).d. Represent ways in which life in the local communityhas changed over time (e.g., change of place names,demographics, services, industries, businesses,transportation networks).

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