2007-2008 (PDF) - Delta College

2007-2008 (PDF) - Delta College 2007-2008 (PDF) - Delta College

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Criminal JusticeCareer Pathway: Human ServicesOptions:CorrectionsEmergency DispatchLaw EnforcementLaw Enforcement With Basic Police Training (B.P.T.)Security/Loss Prevention SpecialistAssociate in Applied ArtsAdvanced CertificateCertificate of AchievementThe Delta College Criminal Justice program is designed to give youspecialized knowledge of law enforcement combined with a broad generaleducational background. The program offers theoretical, practical, andtechnical instruction designed to meet an ever-increasing demand andcontinuous upgrading of personnel by law enforcement agencies. As agraduate of this program, depending on the option chosen, you wouldbe prepared to seek employment as a police officer, corrections officer,conservation officer, public safety dispatcher, juvenile officer, privatesecurity, or prepare for careers in probation/parole/courts, federalgovernment, CSI, detective, pre-law and many other related careers.Sem HrsGeneral Education Core Courses>>>>1 CST 104 Microsoft Word Foundations ............................................ 1OR>>>>1 CST 133 Computer Concepts & Competencies.............................. (4)ENG --- Any Approved College Composition I Course.................. 3/5ENG --- Any Approved College Composition II Course................. 3/5ORENG 113 Technical Communication ................................................ (3)2 LW --- Any 1 Credit LW Course (As of fall 2007) ........................ 1AND2 LWA --- Any 1 Credit LWA Course ................................................ 1ORLW --- Any 2 Credit LW Course (As of fall 2007) ........................ (2)POL 103 American Government .................................................... 3ORPOL 111 American Government and Politics.................................. (4)ORPOL 212 State and Local Governments ......................................... (3)PSY 211 General Psychology......................................................... 4SOC 211 Principles of Sociology..................................................... 3SOC 215 Sociology of Minority Groups ........................................... 3SPH 112 Fundamentals of Oral Communication ............................ 3OR>>>>*3 SPH 212 Listening ............................................................................ (3)ORSPH 114 Interpersonal Communications ........................................ (3)Subtotal 25/36Corrections Option (See Notations 4, 12)* CJ 110 Introduction to Criminal Justice........................................ 3>* CJ 130 Introduction to Corrections............................................... 3>* CJ 132 Client Relations in Corrections......................................... 3>* CJ 135 Correctional Institutions and Facilities ............................. 3>* CJ 233 Client Growth and Development ...................................... 3* CJ 236 Community Based Corrections ........................................ 3OR* CJ 275 Probation and Parole ....................................................... (3)* CJ 237 Jails & Local Detention .................................................... 3>* CJ 238 Legal Issues in Corrections.............................................. 3CJ 250 The Juvenile Offender...................................................... 311 --- --- General Electives............................................................. 5/8Subtotal 32/35Security/Loss Prevention Specialist Certificate Option (See Notations 8, 12)>>>* CJ 110 Introduction to Criminal Justice........................................ 3>>>* CJ 182 Introduction to Security .................................................... 3>>>* CJ 187 Current Issues in Security................................................ 3>>>* CJ 211 Private Security and Investigative Methods ..................... 3>>>* CJ 215 Introduction to Homeland Security................................... 3>>>* CJ 271 Criminal Law .................................................................... 3Subtotal 18Emergency Dispatch Option (See Notations 9, 12)6 BIO 101 Introduction to Anatomy And Physiology.......................... 4* CJ 110 Introduction to Criminal Justice........................................ 3>>>>* CJ 112 Police Operations............................................................. 3>>>>* CJ 150 Introduction to Emergency Dispatch ................................ 1>>>>* CJ 253 Emergency Dispatch Operations ..................................... 3>>>>* CJ 282 Internship in Emergency Dispatch ................................... 3>>>>* FST 101 Introduction to the Fire Service ........................................ 3* FST 105 Hazardous Materials/Emergency Responder .................. 3* FST 301 Incident Command System.............................................. 1* LWT 165 Community First Aid......................................................... 1* LWT 175 Advanced First Aid and Emergency Care ........................ 36 --- --- General Electives............................................................. 3/8Subtotal 31/36Law Enforcement Option (See Notations 4,12)* CJ 110 Introduction to Criminal Justice........................................ 3* CJ 111 Police Administration........................................................ 3* CJ 112 Police Operations............................................................. 3* CJ 210 Introduction to Criminal Investigation............................... 3*5 CJ 220 Crime Laboratory Techniques .......................................... 3* CJ 250 The Juvenile Offender...................................................... 3* CJ 270 Evidence and Criminal Procedure ................................... 3* CJ 271 Criminal Law .................................................................... 311 --- --- Any Approved Natural Science Course with Lab ............. 4/511 --- --- General Electives............................................................. 4/7Subtotal 32/36Law Enforcement with Basic Police Training (B.P.T.) Option (See Notations 7,12)* CJ 110 Introduction to Criminal Justice........................................ 3* CJ 111 Police Administration........................................................ 3* CJ 112 Police Operations............................................................. 3* CJ 210 Introduction to Criminal Investigation............................... 3*5 CJ 220 Crime Laboratory Techniques .......................................... 3* CJ 250 The Juvenile Offender...................................................... 3* CJ 270 Evidence and Criminal Procedure ................................... 3* CJ 271 Criminal Law .................................................................... 3>>*10 CJ 101 Police Recruit Training ..................................................... 6>>*10 OAT 153 Police Report Writing ....................................................... 1>>*10 LW 280 Self-Defense/Fitness........................................................ 2>>*10 LWT 175 Advanced First Aid and Emergency Care ........................ 3--- --- Any Approved Natural Science Course with Lab ............. 4/5Subtotal 40/41Total Credits Required For Corrections Certificate 15Total Credits Required For Security/loss Prevention Certificate 18Total Credits Required For Emergency Dispatch Certificate 17Credits Required For Police Training Certificate 12Total Credits Required For Associate Degree 62/7250 Career Information: www.delta.edu/careercenter/ See an advisor for scheduling assistance. Delta College 2007-2008

Notations:* A “C” minimum grade is required in each asterisked course.>Corrections Certificate Option - A certificate of achievement inCorrections will be awarded upon successful completion of thesecourses.>> Police Training Certificate Option - A certificate of achievementin Basic Police Training will be awarded upon successful completionof these courses.>>> Security/Loss Prevention Specialist Certificate Option - A certificateof achievement in Security/Loss Prevention Specialist willbe awarded upon successful completion of these courses.>>>>Emergency Dispatch Certificate - An advanced certificate inEmergency Dispatch will be awarded upon successful completionof these courses.1. If proficiency can be demonstrated in these areas, additional electivesmay be substituted.2. Not required if taking Law Enforcement Basic Police Training (B.P.T.)Option3. SPH 212 is required for both the Emergency Dispatch degree andcertificate options.4. This Criminal Justice Program does not certify you for employmentas a police enforcement officer as it does not incorporate the BasicPolice Training (B.P.T.) Program.5. You may substitute a lab science for CJ 220. This would be particularlyuseful for transferring to a 4-year school and helpful in thefulfillment of the MACRAO agreement.6. Students who plan to transfer to a 4-year school will need to takean additional lab science course to help fulfill the MACRAO agreement.7. Students who plan to take the Basic Police Training (B.P.T.) shouldsee their counselor/advisor or contact the Criminal Justice TrainingCenter (F-40, Main campus; phone (989) 686-9108).8. The Security/Loss Prevention Specialist option is available as acertificate only.9. A “C” (3.0) minimum grade is required in all emergency dispatchcertificate and/or degree coursework.10. CJ 101, OAT 153, LW 280, and LWT 175 are taken concurrently andtogether make up the Basic Police Training (B.P.T.) Academy. (12credits) For information about B.P.T. contact the Criminal JusticeTraining Office. LW 280 fulfills the LW requirement for the AssociateDegree.11. MACRAO Agreement: It is recommended that students planning totransfer to a four-year college or university complete the MACRAOagreement requirements. The intent of this agreement is to ensure thata student who completes the basic two-year requirements (generaleducation requirements) at a signatory public community collegewill have satisfied the basic two-year requirements of the signatoryfour-year college. These basic two-year requirements include anyapproved English College Composition I/II and 8 credits each inhumanities, social science and science. For assistance in programplanning to incorporate the MACRAO designation on your transcript,you are advised to contact a Delta College counselor/advisor.12. Employment within the Criminal Justice field may be delayed ordenied depending on a history of convictions involving felonies,misdemeanors, and/or involving controlled substances.13. File an application for an associate or dual degree and/or certificatewith the Records and Registration Office by mid-semester of the finalsemester of your course work. See page 106-108 for other graduationrequirements.14. Delta College reserves the right to modify graduation requirements.15. If you plan to pursue an advanced degree, see pages 22-29 for specialtransfer agreements.Customer Energy SpecialistCareer Pathway: Engineering/Manufacturingand Industrial TechnologyAdvanced CertificateSpecial program for training Consumers Energypersonnel. Not intended for general population.Sem Hrs1st SemesterCST 134 Micro Computers in Business Using MS Office..................... 3DRF 104 Basic Mechanical Design ...................................................... 4ORDRF 105 Beginning Mechanical Design ............................................... (3)ENG --- Any Approved College Composition I Course ....................... 3/5Subtotal 9/122nd SemesterCAD 114 Introduction to CAD ............................................................... 21 ENG 113 Technical Communication...................................................... 3MGT 153 Introduction to Business ........................................................ 3Subtotal 83rd SemesterACC 111 Introductory Accounting ......................................................... 41 CAD 214 CAD Techniques.................................................................... 31 MGT 243 Principles of Marketing .......................................................... 31 PHY 101 Applied Physics ..................................................................... 4Subtotal 144th Semester1 SKMA 111 Applied Integrated Electrical Math I....................................... 6MGT 251 Business Law I ...................................................................... 3SPH 114 Interpersonal Communications.............................................. 3Subtotal 122 EDD 130 Electric Distribution Design I.................................................. 42 EDD 132 Electric Distribution Design II................................................. 4Subtotal 8Additional Credits to Complete Associates in General StudiesPOL --- Any Approved American Government Requirement.............. 3/4--- --- Elective credits (any 100 level course or above) ................... 5/9Subtotal 8/13Total Credits Required For Certificate 51/54Total Credits Required For Associates In General Studies Degree 62Notations:1. Prerequisite required.2. EDD 130 and 132 are courses taken through Consumers Energy.Upon completion of these “in house” classes, a certificate will beissued. A copy of this certificate must be turned into Records andRegistration in order to receive college credit.3. File an application for an associate or dual degree and/or certificatewith the Records and Registration Office by mid-semester of the finalsemester of your course work. See page 106-108 for other graduationrequirements.4. Delta College reserves the right to modify graduation requirements.Delta College 2007-2008Career Information: www.delta.edu/careercenter/ See an advisor for scheduling assistance.51

Notations:* A “C” minimum grade is required in each asterisked course.>Corrections Certificate Option - A certificate of achievement inCorrections will be awarded upon successful completion of thesecourses.>> Police Training Certificate Option - A certificate of achievementin Basic Police Training will be awarded upon successful completionof these courses.>>> Security/Loss Prevention Specialist Certificate Option - A certificateof achievement in Security/Loss Prevention Specialist willbe awarded upon successful completion of these courses.>>>>Emergency Dispatch Certificate - An advanced certificate inEmergency Dispatch will be awarded upon successful completionof these courses.1. If proficiency can be demonstrated in these areas, additional electivesmay be substituted.2. Not required if taking Law Enforcement Basic Police Training (B.P.T.)Option3. SPH 212 is required for both the Emergency Dispatch degree andcertificate options.4. This Criminal Justice Program does not certify you for employmentas a police enforcement officer as it does not incorporate the BasicPolice Training (B.P.T.) Program.5. You may substitute a lab science for CJ 220. This would be particularlyuseful for transferring to a 4-year school and helpful in thefulfillment of the MACRAO agreement.6. Students who plan to transfer to a 4-year school will need to takean additional lab science course to help fulfill the MACRAO agreement.7. Students who plan to take the Basic Police Training (B.P.T.) shouldsee their counselor/advisor or contact the Criminal Justice TrainingCenter (F-40, Main campus; phone (989) 686-9108).8. The Security/Loss Prevention Specialist option is available as acertificate only.9. A “C” (3.0) minimum grade is required in all emergency dispatchcertificate and/or degree coursework.10. CJ 101, OAT 153, LW 280, and LWT 175 are taken concurrently andtogether make up the Basic Police Training (B.P.T.) Academy. (12credits) For information about B.P.T. contact the Criminal JusticeTraining Office. LW 280 fulfills the LW requirement for the AssociateDegree.11. MACRAO Agreement: It is recommended that students planning totransfer to a four-year college or university complete the MACRAOagreement requirements. The intent of this agreement is to ensure thata student who completes the basic two-year requirements (generaleducation requirements) at a signatory public community collegewill have satisfied the basic two-year requirements of the signatoryfour-year college. These basic two-year requirements include anyapproved English <strong>College</strong> Composition I/II and 8 credits each inhumanities, social science and science. For assistance in programplanning to incorporate the MACRAO designation on your transcript,you are advised to contact a <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong> counselor/advisor.12. Employment within the Criminal Justice field may be delayed ordenied depending on a history of convictions involving felonies,misdemeanors, and/or involving controlled substances.13. File an application for an associate or dual degree and/or certificatewith the Records and Registration Office by mid-semester of the finalsemester of your course work. See page 106-108 for other graduationrequirements.14. <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong> reserves the right to modify graduation requirements.15. If you plan to pursue an advanced degree, see pages 22-29 for specialtransfer agreements.Customer Energy SpecialistCareer Pathway: Engineering/Manufacturingand Industrial TechnologyAdvanced CertificateSpecial program for training Consumers Energypersonnel. Not intended for general population.Sem Hrs1st SemesterCST 134 Micro Computers in Business Using MS Office..................... 3DRF 104 Basic Mechanical Design ...................................................... 4ORDRF 105 Beginning Mechanical Design ............................................... (3)ENG --- Any Approved <strong>College</strong> Composition I Course ....................... 3/5Subtotal 9/122nd SemesterCAD 114 Introduction to CAD ............................................................... 21 ENG 113 Technical Communication...................................................... 3MGT 153 Introduction to Business ........................................................ 3Subtotal 83rd SemesterACC 111 Introductory Accounting ......................................................... 41 CAD 214 CAD Techniques.................................................................... 31 MGT 243 Principles of Marketing .......................................................... 31 PHY 101 Applied Physics ..................................................................... 4Subtotal 144th Semester1 SKMA 111 Applied Integrated Electrical Math I....................................... 6MGT 251 Business Law I ...................................................................... 3SPH 114 Interpersonal Communications.............................................. 3Subtotal 122 EDD 130 Electric Distribution Design I.................................................. 42 EDD 132 Electric Distribution Design II................................................. 4Subtotal 8Additional Credits to Complete Associates in General StudiesPOL --- Any Approved American Government Requirement.............. 3/4--- --- Elective credits (any 100 level course or above) ................... 5/9Subtotal 8/13Total Credits Required For Certificate 51/54Total Credits Required For Associates In General Studies Degree 62Notations:1. Prerequisite required.2. EDD 130 and 132 are courses taken through Consumers Energy.Upon completion of these “in house” classes, a certificate will beissued. A copy of this certificate must be turned into Records andRegistration in order to receive college credit.3. File an application for an associate or dual degree and/or certificatewith the Records and Registration Office by mid-semester of the finalsemester of your course work. See page 106-108 for other graduationrequirements.4. <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong> reserves the right to modify graduation requirements.<strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Career Information: www.delta.edu/careercenter/ See an advisor for scheduling assistance.51

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