2007-2008 (PDF) - Delta College

2007-2008 (PDF) - Delta College 2007-2008 (PDF) - Delta College

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Financial Aid ProgramsPROGRAMS WHO IS ELIGIBLE? HOW MUCH? HOW TO APPLYFEDERAL PROGRAMS A B C D E FFederal Pell Grant 3 3 3 3 Awards range from $400-$4,050. 3Federal Work-Study 3 3 3 3 Awards range from $750-$2,300 persemester. The student earns these fundsthrough part-time employment andreceives a paycheck every two weeks.3Academic Competitiveness Grant 3 3 3 3 U.S citizens who graduated from highschool aer 1/1/2005 and completeda rigorous secondary school programof study. Students must be Pell Granteligible and enrolled full-time in anAssociate Degree program.Up to $750 for the first academic year.Up to $1,300 for the second academicyear.3 Students who complete the FAFSAwill be reviewed for eligibility.Federal Supplemental EducationalOpportunity Grant3 3 3 3 Awards range from $50-$1,000. 3Federal Stafford Loan(A) Subsidized(B) Unsubsidized (You PayInterest While In School)3 3 3 3 a) Cost minus Family Contributionminus Other Aid = Need.b) Cost minus Other Aid (includingsubsidized loan) = Need.Subsidized plus unsubsidizedmaximum is $2,625 as Freshman/$3,500 as Sophomore. Independentstudent may qualify for additionalUnsubsidized Stafford Loan.Federal Parent Loan (Plus) 3 3 3 3 Parents of dependent students. Cost of aendance minus aid =Eligibility.Veterans Benefits 3 3 Veterans who are eligible or certaindependents of deceased or disabled veterans.STATE OF MICHIGANPROGRAMSMichigan Competitive ScholarshipProgramMichigan EducationalOpportunity Grant Program3 3 3 3 Students who qualify as semi-finalistson ACT test. Awards made by State ofMichigan Department of Education.Varies.Maximum award is $650 persemester based on eligibility.3 3 3 3 3 Maximum award is $1,000 per year. 3Michigan Adult Part-time Grant 3 3 3 3 3 Students who are part-time,independent, and out of high school fora minimum of two years.Michigan Merit AwardScholarshipTuition Incentive Program(TIP)Must score at Level I or Level II on theMEAP.3 3 3 Students under the age of 20 at thetime of high school graduation or GEDcompletion and who were Medicaidrecipients.Maximum award is $600 per year fora period of up to two years.Up to $1,500 per academic year for2 consecutive years up to $3,000maximum award.Must initiate using TIP within 4 yearsof high school graduation or GEDcompletion. Eligible for up to 24credits per academic year. Maximumeligibility - 80 credits.3 Request Form from Delta CollegeFinancial Aid Office.3 Obtain PLUS Loan applicationfrom local bank or credit union.Contact Veterans' Services atDelta College.3 Take the ACT test in high school.If eligible, list Delta College(002251) in Step 6 of FAFSA.3Notification of award by MEAPBoardContact high school guidancecounselor, prior to high schoolgraduation or GED completion.Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver 3 Must have wrien certification fromtribe of being at least 25% NativeNorth American and proof of one yearMichigan residency.Tuition only for any number ofcredits. Does not pay fees or othercharges.Obtain ITW application atwww.itcmi.org or from DeltaCollege Financial Aid Office.Michigan Work-Study 3 3 3 3 3 See guidelines for Federal Work-Study. 3Michigan Alternative StudentLoan Program (MI-LOAN)3 3 3 Cost minus Financial Aid = Need. Borrowermust pass credit worthiness test.DELTA PROGRAMSBoard Of Trustees Scholarship 3 3 Tri-County high school graduates recommendedby their guidance counselors.Based on academic excellence.Adult Education Scholarship 3 3 Tri-County adult ed graduates recommendedby their high school directors.Based on academic excellence.Private Donor Scholarship 3 3 3 Students must meet the selection criteriaof the various donors. In most cases, studentsshould have a GPA of 3.0 or beerand show financial need.Short Term Payment PlanA. Must meet standards of academic progress for financial aid recipients.B. Must not owe a refund or be in default on any Title IV Aid.C. Must demonstrate financial need as determined by the federal formula.D. Must be a Michigan resident.Students who demonstrate ability torepay and pass credit check.Maximum is the lesser of your need oryour credit worthy amount. Minimumis $500.Determined annually by the Boardof Trustees.6 credit hours of tuition each semester up toa maximum of 30 total credit hours. Mustbe used within 4 years of the award.Typical awards range from $200-$1,000.Tuition and fees only. Repaymentscheduled during the semester.3 Obtain MI-LOAN applicationat www.michigan.gov/mistudentaid.Contact high school guidancecounselor.Contact the director of adulteducation at your high school.3 Obtain the Delta College scholarshipapplication at www.delta.edu/finaid/scholarshipprocedures.htmlObtain application in Student FinanceOffice. $25 non-refundable fee.E. Must be enrolled in a Delta College academic degree or certificate program.F. Complete and submit the free application for Federal Student Aid according to thedirections provided. Be sure to list Delta’s Title IV Code (002251) in Step Six of theapplication.18 Delta College 2007-2008

RegistrationRegistration at Delta generally takes place three times a year, startingin April for the Fall Semester, starting in late October for the WinterSemester, and starting in March for the Spring/Summer Semester.The Registration ProcessAny student - new, returning, readmied, dual, transfer, and guest - mayregister by touch-tone phone (989-686-5860) or online at www.delta.eduusing MyDelta.• As a new student, you are eligible to register aer you completeorientation.• As a returning, dual, or transfer student you may be given priorityto register by touch-tone phone or on-line according to the numberof credits you have completed at Delta (including a maximum of 38transfer credits).• If you are designated an official guest student by the AdmissionsOffice, you may register at the time all students can register.Each semester, registration periods are held for any student who hasmissed the above registration opportunities.You are expected to register during the official registration periods. Youmay register aer the completion of the official registration periodsbut before the midpoint of a course with the wrien permission of theinstructor. You may not register past the midpoint for any course. It isCollege policy that if you have financial obligations to Delta College,you will not be allowed to register until the obligations have been paidor cleared.When an official withdrawal/drop is initiated aer mid-course, the gradewill be a “WE” (withdrawal failing) or “WP” (passing course work atdate of withdrawal/drop). Official withdrawal/drops are allowed throughfour-fihs of the course (the 12th week of a 15-week semester course).If you do not officially withdraw/drop, the instructor will assign an appropriatefinal leer grade (“A” through “E”) in relation to total courserequirements achieved.Instructor-Initiated Drops: An instructor has the option of authorizing agrade of “WI” (withdrawal by instructor) for you if you have missed anexcessive number of course hours of instruction or you lack the courseprerequisites. This authorization may be initiated through four-fihs ofthe course and reported to Records and Registration.Upon receipt of an authorization, Records and Registration will notifyyou in writing of, and the reason for, the drop.If you wish to appeal an instructor-initiated drop, the contact must bewith the course instructor. If necessary, mediation may be requested ofthe appropriate Division Chair. All appeals must be in writing, signedby you as the person requesting the appeal, and received within oneweek following notification of the drop.Withdrawal from College: To completely and officially withdraw(drop all courses), you may complete a drop form at Records and Registration.Withdrawal may also be requested by leer, fax, or e-mail.The date this form is received or the postmark on the envelope is theofficial withdrawal date. Withdrawal may also be processed on-line orby touch-tone phone.For detailed information regarding phone, on-line, and in-person registration,you should consult the Academic Class Schedule booklet, whichis published online at www.delta.edu/regis or MyDelta prior to the startof each semester’s registration period. The schedule is also availablein Records and Registration, Counseling, Admissions, the Planetariumand Learning Center in Bay City; the Ricker Center in Saginaw; andthe Midland Center.Cancelled Courses: The College reserves the right to cancel any coursewhich does not have a sufficient enrollment of students to warrant itscontinuation. You should aempt to add another course or apply for arefund at Records and Registration. You may also request a refund byphone or leer to Records and Registration or email regis@delta.edu.Course Schedule Changes: You are expected to complete the coursesin which you are registered. If a change is necessary, you may file adrop form at Records and Registration, or send a leer, e-mail, or fax toRecords and Registration requesting the drop or withdrawal. The datethis form is received or the postmark on the envelope is the official dropdate for the course. Drops may also be processed on-line via MyDeltaor by touch-tone phone.Added Courses: You may add courses until the first session begins.Courses added aer this require wrien permission of the instructoror division chair with these exceptions:• Distance Learning courses require permission aer the start date ofthe course.• Open entry/open exit courses do not require instructor permissionaer the start date of the course.Course/Credit LoadIf you are a full-time student, course load is 12-18 credits in a semester.To register for a course load in excess of these limits, you must obtainspecial permission from a counselor before registration. Approval of anexcess course load depends upon your previous academic record.On the Web: www.delta.edu/regisStudent-Initiated Drops: For courses officially dropped within the refundperiod of the course, no grade will be reported or recorded on the officialCollege transcript. If the course is officially dropped aer the refundperiod through mid-course, you will receive a grade of “W.”Delta College 2007-200819

Financial Aid ProgramsPROGRAMS WHO IS ELIGIBLE? HOW MUCH? HOW TO APPLYFEDERAL PROGRAMS A B C D E FFederal Pell Grant 3 3 3 3 Awards range from $400-$4,050. 3Federal Work-Study 3 3 3 3 Awards range from $750-$2,300 persemester. The student earns these fundsthrough part-time employment andreceives a paycheck every two weeks.3Academic Competitiveness Grant 3 3 3 3 U.S citizens who graduated from highschool aer 1/1/2005 and completeda rigorous secondary school programof study. Students must be Pell Granteligible and enrolled full-time in anAssociate Degree program.Up to $750 for the first academic year.Up to $1,300 for the second academicyear.3 Students who complete the FAFSAwill be reviewed for eligibility.Federal Supplemental EducationalOpportunity Grant3 3 3 3 Awards range from $50-$1,000. 3Federal Stafford Loan(A) Subsidized(B) Unsubsidized (You PayInterest While In School)3 3 3 3 a) Cost minus Family Contributionminus Other Aid = Need.b) Cost minus Other Aid (includingsubsidized loan) = Need.Subsidized plus unsubsidizedmaximum is $2,625 as Freshman/$3,500 as Sophomore. Independentstudent may qualify for additionalUnsubsidized Stafford Loan.Federal Parent Loan (Plus) 3 3 3 3 Parents of dependent students. Cost of aendance minus aid =Eligibility.Veterans Benefits 3 3 Veterans who are eligible or certaindependents of deceased or disabled veterans.STATE OF MICHIGANPROGRAMSMichigan Competitive ScholarshipProgramMichigan EducationalOpportunity Grant Program3 3 3 3 Students who qualify as semi-finalistson ACT test. Awards made by State ofMichigan Department of Education.Varies.Maximum award is $650 persemester based on eligibility.3 3 3 3 3 Maximum award is $1,000 per year. 3Michigan Adult Part-time Grant 3 3 3 3 3 Students who are part-time,independent, and out of high school fora minimum of two years.Michigan Merit AwardScholarshipTuition Incentive Program(TIP)Must score at Level I or Level II on theMEAP.3 3 3 Students under the age of 20 at thetime of high school graduation or GEDcompletion and who were Medicaidrecipients.Maximum award is $600 per year fora period of up to two years.Up to $1,500 per academic year for2 consecutive years up to $3,000maximum award.Must initiate using TIP within 4 yearsof high school graduation or GEDcompletion. Eligible for up to 24credits per academic year. Maximumeligibility - 80 credits.3 Request Form from <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong>Financial Aid Office.3 Obtain PLUS Loan applicationfrom local bank or credit union.Contact Veterans' Services at<strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong>.3 Take the ACT test in high school.If eligible, list <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong>(002251) in Step 6 of FAFSA.3Notification of award by MEAPBoardContact high school guidancecounselor, prior to high schoolgraduation or GED completion.Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver 3 Must have wrien certification fromtribe of being at least 25% NativeNorth American and proof of one yearMichigan residency.Tuition only for any number ofcredits. Does not pay fees or othercharges.Obtain ITW application atwww.itcmi.org or from <strong>Delta</strong><strong>College</strong> Financial Aid Office.Michigan Work-Study 3 3 3 3 3 See guidelines for Federal Work-Study. 3Michigan Alternative StudentLoan Program (MI-LOAN)3 3 3 Cost minus Financial Aid = Need. Borrowermust pass credit worthiness test.DELTA PROGRAMSBoard Of Trustees Scholarship 3 3 Tri-County high school graduates recommendedby their guidance counselors.Based on academic excellence.Adult Education Scholarship 3 3 Tri-County adult ed graduates recommendedby their high school directors.Based on academic excellence.Private Donor Scholarship 3 3 3 Students must meet the selection criteriaof the various donors. In most cases, studentsshould have a GPA of 3.0 or beerand show financial need.Short Term Payment PlanA. Must meet standards of academic progress for financial aid recipients.B. Must not owe a refund or be in default on any Title IV Aid.C. Must demonstrate financial need as determined by the federal formula.D. Must be a Michigan resident.Students who demonstrate ability torepay and pass credit check.Maximum is the lesser of your need oryour credit worthy amount. Minimumis $500.Determined annually by the Boardof Trustees.6 credit hours of tuition each semester up toa maximum of 30 total credit hours. Mustbe used within 4 years of the award.Typical awards range from $200-$1,000.Tuition and fees only. Repaymentscheduled during the semester.3 Obtain MI-LOAN applicationat www.michigan.gov/mistudentaid.Contact high school guidancecounselor.Contact the director of adulteducation at your high school.3 Obtain the <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong> scholarshipapplication at www.delta.edu/finaid/scholarshipprocedures.htmlObtain application in Student FinanceOffice. $25 non-refundable fee.E. Must be enrolled in a <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong> academic degree or certificate program.F. Complete and submit the free application for Federal Student Aid according to thedirections provided. Be sure to list <strong>Delta</strong>’s Title IV Code (002251) in Step Six of theapplication.18 <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>

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