2007-2008 (PDF) - Delta College

2007-2008 (PDF) - Delta College 2007-2008 (PDF) - Delta College

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Completed Admission applications, along with the admission fee if applicable,must be returned to the Admissions Office. Please review thefollowing admission categories and follow the procedures outlined.1. High School Seniors: If you plan to enroll the summer or fall aer yourJune graduation, you need to complete an Admissions Applicationand give it to your high school counselor or principal. Ask your highschool to send your application, along with your current transcriptto the Admissions Office. Be sure to request that a final transcript besent upon your graduation.2. New Students/Adults out of High School/Transfer: Complete anAdmissions Application, include the admission fee, and return it tothe Admissions Office. You need to request from each previouslyaended high school, education center, and/or college/universitya copy of your official transcript be sent directly to the Admission’sOffice. Any transcript possessed by the student will be considerednon-official.A photocopy of one of the following must be submied with the applicationto complete the package for residency verification.a. Drivers License reflecting the current address of the bearer orSecretary of State Personal Identification Card.b. Voter Registration Card reflecting the current address of the holder.c. Current property tax receipt for the primary place of residence.d. Other legal documents such as court-issued guardianship papers.Note: In order to receive financial aid, you must be in a degree orcertificate program.3. Guest Students: If you are aending another Michigan college andwish to take Delta courses on a Guest status, you must completePart I of the Michigan Uniform Undergraduate Guest Application (availableat your current institution or from Delta College or online atwww.delta.edu/admit/DeltaGuestApp.pdf). Ask the Registrar at yourcollege to complete Part II and to forward it to Delta’s AdmissionsOffice. Be sure to check with your current institution to determineif your Delta courses will directly satisfy requirements. Upon thecompletion of your Delta courses you will need to request an “official”Academic Transcript be sent to your home institution.4. Re-Entry/Readmied Students: If you have not registered forclasses at the College for two academic years or more you need tobe readmied. Re-entry may be accomplished by completing anAdmissions Application, available from the Admissions Office oron-line at www.delta.edu/admit. You are encouraged to see an advisoror counselor prior to registering for classes. Individual assessmentalso may be recommended.5. Dual Enrolled/Fast Track Students: If you plan to enroll in Deltacourses and in high school courses during the same semester, youneed to submit a Dual Enrollment Application for each semester inwhich you intend to enroll. This application, available at your highschool, needs to be signed by your parent and high school counseloror principal. Request that your high school send a current copy ofyour transcript to the Admissions Office.6. Special Enrollment Students: If you are at least 14 years old andaend junior high or high school or are home schooled you may beadmied for one semester at a time under Special Enrollment. Thisprogram is provided to supplement your educational plans and toafford educational enrichment in courses and academic areas notavailable in the student’s school or home school seing. You willneed to submit a Dual Enrollment Application. The application willneed to be signed by your parent and high school counselor or principal(only parent if home schooled). The parent or legal guardian isresponsible for all fees, tuition and transportation. You will need tohave the ability to read and write at the college level. An assessmentexam will be administered to determine your eligibility.If you are younger than 14 and can demonstrate the academic andsocial skills appropriate for college-level coursework you may be admiedfor one-semester at a time under Special Enrollment. You willneed to submit a completed Dual Enrollment Application at least 30days prior to the beginning of the anticipated semester of enrollment.A leer of support from the school’s counselor or principal or yourparent (if you are home schooled) must accompany the application.You will be required to take a college determined assessment examfor proper course placement. A College commiee will interview you(accompanied by a parent or guardian) to determine your eligibilityfor the course and will make a recommendation to the Director ofAdmissions.7. International Students: If you are not a U.S. citizen or a permanentresident and you are requesting an I-20 form, you need to completethe International Admissions Application.TranscriptsIf you are a new student in any category except Guest, or if you are areturning student who has aended another college or university sinceDelta, you need to request immediately that your official transcript besent to:Delta College, Admissions Office1961 Delta Road, University Center, MI 48710Official transcripts include: high school, college, university, GED, andadult education course work.Acceptance and Evaluation of Transfer CreditsFrom Other Institutions, Training Programs orExamination Programs1. Only official transcripts will be evaluated. Delta College will acceptas official transcripts only incoming transcripts that have appropriatesignatures and seals and have been mailed directly to the College froman issuing institution. Transcripts in the possession of the studentor copies of transcripts or grade reports may be used for academicadvising or counseling, but no transfer credits will be posted to theDelta College academic transcript from these documents.2. Official transcripts should be mailed to the Delta College AdmissionsOffice from the transfer institution. Transcripts received from a Michigancollege or university at least one month prior to a registrationperiod will generally be evaluated within two weeks of receipt. Moretime may be necessary to evaluate transcripts from out-of-state institutions.3. Credits only, not grades, are accepted in transfer. Grades earned atanother school in courses accepted by Delta College are not enteredon the permanent Delta academic transcript or calculated in the DeltaCollege cumulative grade point average.4. A maximum of 38 credits acquired through transfer, training or examinationprograms are applicable to a Delta College Associate degreeand the maximum that may be used toward registration priority.5. The credit value of each course accepted in transfer will be determinedby Delta College; the number of credits will never be greater than theDelta College equivalent course, but the number granted may be fewerthan the number of credits received at the transfer institution.6. Transfer credit granted will be shown on the student’s permanentacademic transcript.A. Regionally Accredited InstitutionsCourse work completed at a college or university accredited by one ofthe six Regional Accrediting Associations of Colleges and Schools willbe considered according to the following guidelines:1. Equivalent Course WorkFreshman and sophomore level courses are accepted in transfer.Higher level credits are accepted if they correspond to a specific12 Delta College 2007-2008

course at Delta College. If Delta College does not have a departmentor area similar to the courses on the incoming transcripts,no credit will be awarded. Academic credit will not be grantedfor courses below the 100 level. A minimum of a “C” (2.0) gradeon a 4.0 scale is required in each course for transfer.2. Non-Equivalent Course Work“General Elective” credit will be granted for courses completedwith a grade of “C” (2.0) or above on a 4.0 scale that are notequivalent to Delta College courses or disciplines. “General Elective”credit applicable to Humanities, Social Science, Science, orLab Science will be so noted on the student's Delta transcript.(A student must request that a counselor submit the necessaryform to receive this credit).B. Non-Regionally Accredited InstitutionsCourses that apply toward a Delta occupational Certificate/Associatedegree program will be considered according to the following if theywere completed with a grade of “C” (2.0) or above at institutions recognizedand approved by the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation(COPA):1. Transcripts will be forwarded for evaluation of the occupationalcourses to the appropriate Division Chair or Discipline Coordinator.The following Options are available to the Division Chairsor discipline Coordinators:a. Equivalent Delta College credit may be granted upon reviewof course outlines, and/or course descriptions, and/or appropriatedescriptive materials. It is the responsibility of thestudent to provide any requested materials to enable properevaluation.b. Equivalent Delta College credit may be granted aer successfulcompletion of Delta College courses at the subsequentlevel.c. Equivalent Delta College credit may be granted upon demonstrationof proficiency via examination, interview, or otherappropriate evaluation means as determined by the appropriateDivision Chair or Program Director.d. Credit may not be granted.2. No credit will be granted for General Education courses.C. Non-Traditional Credit1. Military credita. All veterans having a certified DD214 form on file in theVeterans Services Office will be granted credit for LW221and two lifelong wellness theory (LWT) credits.b. Veterans who have taken educational programs during militaryservice may, under certain conditions, receive elective creditfor that work. The Guide to the Evaluation of EducationalExperiences in the Armed Services by the American Councilof Education is used to determine these elective credits.c. Courses completed at accredited military colleges, such asThe Community College of the Air Force, may result in theawarding of transfer credit.2. Certified TrainingAcademic Credit can be granted for the following types of trainingprograms and exams provided criteria for the award of credit is met.a. Certified Professional Secretary Examb. Child Development Associate credentialc. Current State of Michigan Cosmotology Licensed. Current State of Michigan EMT Licensee. Michigan Fire Fighters Training Councilf. Current State of Michigan Paramedic Licenseg. Skilled Trades Journeyman Card3. Correspondence CoursesCredit granted by correspondence from regionally accredited institutionswill transfer to Delta College according to the guidelinesfor equivalent and non-equivalent credit as outlined.D. Credit for Prior LearningYou may be granted academic credit for prior learning in many areasof study at Delta College. The Credit For Prior Learning Options aredesigned for students who have gained, through related work experienceand/or training, learning that may be equivalent to the outcomesand objectives taught in actual Delta College courses.Credit for Prior Learning is assessed by one or more of the followingOptions:1. Credit By Exam (CBE): comprehensive course challenge examinationsthat are developed and evaluated by Delta College faculty.If you earn a passing grade on a CBE examination, the coursecredit(s) will be recorded on your academic transcript. There isa per credit hour aempted fee for all CBE examinations. A CBEmay be taken only once per course. Retesting is not allowed.If you are interested in waiver credit, we recommend that youdiscuss that option with your academic counselor/advisor.2. Credit By Portfolio: an individualized process in which youcomprehensively document how your work experience directlyrelates to the outcomes and objectives of a Delta College academiccourse. All portfolios are reviewed and evaluated by the facultymember(s) who teach that course. A typical portfolio applicationincludes a current resume, personal manuscript, professionalreferences, and supporting documentation. A non-refundableper credit hour aempted fee must be paid before your portfolioapplication is submied to the appropriate Academic Divisionfor consideration. If your portfolio application is approved, theearned course credit(s) will be recorded on your academic transcript.3. Credit By Training: an individualized process in which you earnacademic credit for Delta College Training Programs. If you believethat you qualify for this option, contact Assessment/TestingServices.4. College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or Defense Activityfor Non-Traditional Educational Support (DANTES): nationalstandardized tests in selected academic areas. Students can earncredit for CLEP and/or DANTES examinations that have beenapproved by the Academic division(s) as equivalent to specificDelta College courses. The application forms, course equivalents,and minimum passing scores for the examinations accepted byDelta College for academic credit are available from Assessment/Testing Services. There is an examination fee and a non-refundableadministration/service fee charged for each examination. Youmust request that CLEP or DANTES send an official transcriptof your examination score(s) to Delta College Admissions. Uponreceipt of successful examination scores, Delta College Recordswill record the appropriate credit on your academic transcript.If you are interested in any of these Credit for Prior Learning Options,please be aware that the following restrictions may apply:• Credit for Prior Learning is not available in all areas of study.• Credit for Prior Learning credits may not be transferrable toother institutions.• Financial Aid cannot be used for Credit for Prior Learning fees.• You may only apply for credit one time per course.For additional information, visit the Assessment/Testing Services website (www.delta.edu/assess) or call 989-686-9338.Delta College 2007-200813

Completed Admission applications, along with the admission fee if applicable,must be returned to the Admissions Office. Please review thefollowing admission categories and follow the procedures outlined.1. High School Seniors: If you plan to enroll the summer or fall aer yourJune graduation, you need to complete an Admissions Applicationand give it to your high school counselor or principal. Ask your highschool to send your application, along with your current transcriptto the Admissions Office. Be sure to request that a final transcript besent upon your graduation.2. New Students/Adults out of High School/Transfer: Complete anAdmissions Application, include the admission fee, and return it tothe Admissions Office. You need to request from each previouslyaended high school, education center, and/or college/universitya copy of your official transcript be sent directly to the Admission’sOffice. Any transcript possessed by the student will be considerednon-official.A photocopy of one of the following must be submied with the applicationto complete the package for residency verification.a. Drivers License reflecting the current address of the bearer orSecretary of State Personal Identification Card.b. Voter Registration Card reflecting the current address of the holder.c. Current property tax receipt for the primary place of residence.d. Other legal documents such as court-issued guardianship papers.Note: In order to receive financial aid, you must be in a degree orcertificate program.3. Guest Students: If you are aending another Michigan college andwish to take <strong>Delta</strong> courses on a Guest status, you must completePart I of the Michigan Uniform Undergraduate Guest Application (availableat your current institution or from <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong> or online atwww.delta.edu/admit/<strong>Delta</strong>GuestApp.pdf). Ask the Registrar at yourcollege to complete Part II and to forward it to <strong>Delta</strong>’s AdmissionsOffice. Be sure to check with your current institution to determineif your <strong>Delta</strong> courses will directly satisfy requirements. Upon thecompletion of your <strong>Delta</strong> courses you will need to request an “official”Academic Transcript be sent to your home institution.4. Re-Entry/Readmied Students: If you have not registered forclasses at the <strong>College</strong> for two academic years or more you need tobe readmied. Re-entry may be accomplished by completing anAdmissions Application, available from the Admissions Office oron-line at www.delta.edu/admit. You are encouraged to see an advisoror counselor prior to registering for classes. Individual assessmentalso may be recommended.5. Dual Enrolled/Fast Track Students: If you plan to enroll in <strong>Delta</strong>courses and in high school courses during the same semester, youneed to submit a Dual Enrollment Application for each semester inwhich you intend to enroll. This application, available at your highschool, needs to be signed by your parent and high school counseloror principal. Request that your high school send a current copy ofyour transcript to the Admissions Office.6. Special Enrollment Students: If you are at least 14 years old andaend junior high or high school or are home schooled you may beadmied for one semester at a time under Special Enrollment. Thisprogram is provided to supplement your educational plans and toafford educational enrichment in courses and academic areas notavailable in the student’s school or home school seing. You willneed to submit a Dual Enrollment Application. The application willneed to be signed by your parent and high school counselor or principal(only parent if home schooled). The parent or legal guardian isresponsible for all fees, tuition and transportation. You will need tohave the ability to read and write at the college level. An assessmentexam will be administered to determine your eligibility.If you are younger than 14 and can demonstrate the academic andsocial skills appropriate for college-level coursework you may be admiedfor one-semester at a time under Special Enrollment. You willneed to submit a completed Dual Enrollment Application at least 30days prior to the beginning of the anticipated semester of enrollment.A leer of support from the school’s counselor or principal or yourparent (if you are home schooled) must accompany the application.You will be required to take a college determined assessment examfor proper course placement. A <strong>College</strong> commiee will interview you(accompanied by a parent or guardian) to determine your eligibilityfor the course and will make a recommendation to the Director ofAdmissions.7. International Students: If you are not a U.S. citizen or a permanentresident and you are requesting an I-20 form, you need to completethe International Admissions Application.TranscriptsIf you are a new student in any category except Guest, or if you are areturning student who has aended another college or university since<strong>Delta</strong>, you need to request immediately that your official transcript besent to:<strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong>, Admissions Office1961 <strong>Delta</strong> Road, University Center, MI 48710Official transcripts include: high school, college, university, GED, andadult education course work.Acceptance and Evaluation of Transfer CreditsFrom Other Institutions, Training Programs orExamination Programs1. Only official transcripts will be evaluated. <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong> will acceptas official transcripts only incoming transcripts that have appropriatesignatures and seals and have been mailed directly to the <strong>College</strong> froman issuing institution. Transcripts in the possession of the studentor copies of transcripts or grade reports may be used for academicadvising or counseling, but no transfer credits will be posted to the<strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong> academic transcript from these documents.2. Official transcripts should be mailed to the <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong> AdmissionsOffice from the transfer institution. Transcripts received from a Michigancollege or university at least one month prior to a registrationperiod will generally be evaluated within two weeks of receipt. Moretime may be necessary to evaluate transcripts from out-of-state institutions.3. Credits only, not grades, are accepted in transfer. Grades earned atanother school in courses accepted by <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong> are not enteredon the permanent <strong>Delta</strong> academic transcript or calculated in the <strong>Delta</strong><strong>College</strong> cumulative grade point average.4. A maximum of 38 credits acquired through transfer, training or examinationprograms are applicable to a <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong> Associate degreeand the maximum that may be used toward registration priority.5. The credit value of each course accepted in transfer will be determinedby <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong>; the number of credits will never be greater than the<strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong> equivalent course, but the number granted may be fewerthan the number of credits received at the transfer institution.6. Transfer credit granted will be shown on the student’s permanentacademic transcript.A. Regionally Accredited InstitutionsCourse work completed at a college or university accredited by one ofthe six Regional Accrediting Associations of <strong>College</strong>s and Schools willbe considered according to the following guidelines:1. Equivalent Course WorkFreshman and sophomore level courses are accepted in transfer.Higher level credits are accepted if they correspond to a specific12 <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>

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