Contents - AL-Tax

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28 3 Overview and Critique of Existing Transfer Pricing Methodsone or more businesses of the controlled group, in the opinion of the taxpayer (the“Business Judgment Rule”), a cost-based charge will suffice. 22,23Certain types of services cannot be charged out at cost. This list of services (the“black list”) includes the following:1. Manufacturing;2. Production;3. Extraction, exploration or processing of natural resources;4. Construction;5. Reselling, distribution, acting as a sales or purchasing agent or acting under acommission or other similar arrangement;6. Research, development or experimentation;7. Engineering or scientific;8. Financial transactions, including guarantees; and9. Insurance or reinsurance.Although a standalone services provider would generally establish its fees with aview to recovering its costs and earning an element of profit, the OECD Guidelinesalso contemplate circumstances in which a profit should not be included in chargesto affiliated services recipients. For example, if intra-group services fees, inclusiveof a profit factor, are more costly than the economic alternatives available to therecipient, it would presumably be unwilling to pay more, on an arm’s length basis,than these alternatives would entail. This constraint may reduce or eliminate theprofit element that the affiliated services provider would otherwise have charged.There are also circumstances in which an independent services provider would renderservices at cost (e.g., to complement its other activities).3.4.2 Rationale for Services Cost MethodMost multinational companies centralize certain routine support services. It wouldbe extremely burdensome to require that companies conduct exhaustive transferpricing studies to support cross-charges for each such service. The services costmethod is an effort to lighten the administrative load on taxpayers; it does not havean economic justification per se.The OECD Guidelines covering services reflect the basic tenet that rational economicactors will consider the alternatives available to them and select the mostadvantageous option. In some instances, this consideration will dictate a cost-based22 A literal reading of the Temporary Regulations indicates that a cost-based charge will be consideredthe best method when the requirements described above are met. However, in various publicforums, the IRS has described the SCM as a safe harbor.23 The Business Judgment Rule was originally framed in terms of the key competitive advantages,core capabilities or the fundamental chances of success or failure of the renderer or the recipient.Notice 2007-5 modified this definition by substituting “controlled group” for “renderer or recipient”.

3.5 Profit Split Methods 29intercompany services fee. As a practical matter, many European taxing authoritiesare more concerned with the services cost base than the particular markup appliedthereto, because it is generally more consequential from a tax revenue perspective.3.5 Profit Split MethodsThe profit split methods address circumstances in which two (or more) members ofa controlled group own valuable intangible property. In these instances, neither thetraditional transactions methods nor the CPM/TNMM apply. The U.S. regulationscontain two profit split methods: The residual profit split method and the comparableprofit split method. The OECD Guidelines take a more flexible approach and allowfor a range of profit split methods, including the residual and comparable profit splits(and, seemingly, game-theoretic analyses. 24 )3.5.1 Residual Profit Split MethodConsider first the residual profit split method. Description of Residual Profit Split MethodThe residual profit split method (RPSM) is applied in several discrete steps. In thefirst step, each member of a controlled group engaged in a joint endeavor is allocateda portion of combined before-tax operating income. Such allocations are generallyquantified by application of the CPM: Individual group members earn a certainmarkup over associated costs or tangible assets for their “routine contributions,”such as sales functions, manufacturing functions, etc. These markups are determinedby reference to samples of functionally comparable standalone companies.In the second step of the RPSM, “residual” income is quantified by reducingadjusted operating profits by each entity’s returns to routine functions, as determinedin Step 1. Adjusted operating profits, in turn, are computed by eliminating deductionsfor investments in intangible assets from combined reported operating profits,and imputing deductions for the amortization of such assets (thereby conformingthe accounting treatment of intangible assets to that of tangible assets).Lastly, residual income is allocated among group members based on the relativevalue of intangible property that they each contribute to the joint endeavor. U.S.practitioners generally determine the relative value of intangible assets by capitalizingand amortizing intangibles-creating expenditures. This procedure necessitates(a) identifying all expenditures that give rise to intellectual property; (b) estimatingthe gestation lag between these outlays and the realization of benefits (improved24 See Organization for Cooperation and Development, para. 3.21, Chapter III. Transfer PricingGuidelines for Multinational Corporations and Tax Administrations, July 1995.

28 3 Overview and Critique of Existing Transfer Pricing Methodsone or more businesses of the controlled group, in the opinion of the taxpayer (the“Business Judgment Rule”), a cost-based charge will suffice. 22,23Certain types of services cannot be charged out at cost. This list of services (the“black list”) includes the following:1. Manufacturing;2. Production;3. Extraction, exploration or processing of natural resources;4. Construction;5. Reselling, distribution, acting as a sales or purchasing agent or acting under acommission or other similar arrangement;6. Research, development or experimentation;7. Engineering or scientific;8. Financial transactions, including guarantees; and9. Insurance or reinsurance.Although a standalone services provider would generally establish its fees with aview to recovering its costs and earning an element of profit, the OECD Guidelinesalso contemplate circumstances in which a profit should not be included in chargesto affiliated services recipients. For example, if intra-group services fees, inclusiveof a profit factor, are more costly than the economic alternatives available to therecipient, it would presumably be unwilling to pay more, on an arm’s length basis,than these alternatives would entail. This constraint may reduce or eliminate theprofit element that the affiliated services provider would otherwise have charged.There are also circumstances in which an independent services provider would renderservices at cost (e.g., to complement its other activities).3.4.2 Rationale for Services Cost MethodMost multinational companies centralize certain routine support services. It wouldbe extremely burdensome to require that companies conduct exhaustive transferpricing studies to support cross-charges for each such service. The services costmethod is an effort to lighten the administrative load on taxpayers; it does not havean economic justification per se.The OECD Guidelines covering services reflect the basic tenet that rational economicactors will consider the alternatives available to them and select the mostadvantageous option. In some instances, this consideration will dictate a cost-based22 A literal reading of the Temporary Regulations indicates that a cost-based charge will be consideredthe best method when the requirements described above are met. However, in various publicforums, the IRS has described the SCM as a safe harbor.23 The Business Judgment Rule was originally framed in terms of the key competitive advantages,core capabilities or the fundamental chances of success or failure of the renderer or the recipient.Notice 2007-5 modified this definition by substituting “controlled group” for “renderer or recipient”.

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