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172 12 Decentralized Ownership of Intellectual Propertyperformance of ongoing software development and site operations services. Moreparticularly, we summarize and compare the key terms of USP’s intercompany andthird party JV agreements, respectively, and adjust the share of free cash flows thataccrues to USP under the arm’s length JV agreements to reflect differences in theintercompany JV agreement’s key terms. The adjusted share of profits constitutesthe proportion of free cash flows that should accrue to USP under its JV arrangementwith FS.12.4.1 Key Terms of JV AgreementsThe key terms of USP’s arm’s length and intercompany JV agreements are summarizedbelow. Allocation of Costs and RisksUSP’s JV agreement with FS provides that the latter has sole responsibility fordeveloping international markets (with the exception of Germany and Japan) at itsown cost and risk. More particularly, FS is obligated to establish, finance and managethe subsidiaries and call centers that USP and FS jointly agree to establish in themajor international markets. In contrast, USP’s arm’s length JV agreements providethat a separate JV company will be established, and USP and its JV partner willeach purchase and hold 50% of the JV company’s shares. Moreover, each partner isresponsible for contributing equal amounts of working capital to the JV company,up to a specified maximum. Hence, USP bears substantially higher costs and greaterrisks vis-a-vis its arm’s length JV agreements, as compared with its intercompanyJV agreement with FS. Use of USP’s IT Platform and Performance of SiteOperations ServicesUnder the terms of USP’s intercompany JV agreement, it contributes its existing ITplatform and has sole responsibility for maintaining and upgrading the platform atits own cost and risk. USP also maintains FS’ sites on its servers and allows FS toimplement improvements in features and functions that USP develops, if desired.Under the terms of USP’s arm’s length JV agreements, it agrees to (a) design,develop, deploy, operate and maintain the JV company’s site; (b) ensure that usersof the JV company’s site benefit from the same level of service that USP providesto its users; and, (c) allow the JV company to implement any feature or functionmade commercially available on USP’s site. In sum, USP permits both its affiliatedand independent JV partners to use its IT platform and provides the same range ofongoing software development and site operations support thereto.

12.4 Analysis Under Alternative Regime 17312.4.1.3 Use and Promotion of USP’s MarksAs noted above, FS is contractually obligated to develop and promote USP’s brandidentity in international markets and indemnify USP against all losses, damages,expenses and other costs incurred as a result of alleged claims of improper useof USP’s brand name. In contrast, the companies owned jointly by USP and itsunaffiliated JV partners have no obligation to develop and promote USP’s brandname. Moreover, USP expressly indemnifies the JV companies against all losses,damages and expenses that arise due to claims of trademark infringement. Hence,FS bears significant costs and risks associated with the development of USP’s marksin its territory, and is, for this reason, entitled to retain the associated intangibleincome. Neither USP’s unaffiliated JV partners nor the separate JV companies bearany such costs or risks. Moreover, USP’s arm’s length JV agreements do not providefor the payment of trademark royalties. As such, there is no mechanism to transfermarketing intangible income from the JV companies to USP. Marketing and Promotion of WebsitesUSP’s JV agreement with FS does not stipulate minimum promotional expendituresor activities. As a practical matter, FS invests very heavily in the marketing andpromotion of its international sites. USP’s arm’s length JV agreements describe itscounterparties’ obligations regarding marketing and promotion in detail, albeit interms of specific numbers of editorial mentions, television spots, etc., rather thancost or a percentage of revenues. USP’s JV partners’ obligations in this regarddecline over time. The JV partners have invested considerably less per annum, asa percentage of net revenues, than FS since the JV companies and FS commencedoperations. Allocation of JV IncomeInasmuch as USP owns 50% of the separate JV companies’ shares, it has claims to50% of their respective free cash flows (after payment of interest and repayment ofprincipal on outstanding debt). Under the terms of its JV agreement with FS, USPhas claims to 20% of the latter’s free cash flows.12.4.2 Summary of Qualitative ObservationsIn summary, USP bears substantially higher costs and risks under its arm’s lengthJV agreements, as compared with its intercompany JV agreement. USP permits bothits affiliated and independent JV partners to use its IT platform and brand identity,and provides the same range of IT and site operations support thereto. FS bearssignificant costs and risks associated with the development of USP’s marks in itsterritory, and is therefore entitled to retain the associated intangible income. USP’sthird party JV partners do not bear costs or risks associated with the developmentof its brand identity in their respective territories, and, in principle, are therefore not

12.4 Analysis Under Alternative Regime 17312.4.1.3 Use and Promotion of USP’s MarksAs noted above, FS is contractually obligated to develop and promote USP’s brandidentity in international markets and indemnify USP against all losses, damages,expenses and other costs incurred as a result of alleged claims of improper useof USP’s brand name. In contrast, the companies owned jointly by USP and itsunaffiliated JV partners have no obligation to develop and promote USP’s brandname. Moreover, USP expressly indemnifies the JV companies against all losses,damages and expenses that arise due to claims of trademark infringement. Hence,FS bears significant costs and risks associated with the development of USP’s marksin its territory, and is, for this reason, entitled to retain the associated intangibleincome. Neither USP’s unaffiliated JV partners nor the separate JV companies bearany such costs or risks. Moreover, USP’s arm’s length JV agreements do not providefor the payment of trademark royalties. As such, there is no mechanism to transfermarketing intangible income from the JV companies to USP. Marketing and Promotion of WebsitesUSP’s JV agreement with FS does not stipulate minimum promotional expendituresor activities. As a practical matter, FS invests very heavily in the marketing andpromotion of its international sites. USP’s arm’s length JV agreements describe itscounterparties’ obligations regarding marketing and promotion in detail, albeit interms of specific numbers of editorial mentions, television spots, etc., rather thancost or a percentage of revenues. USP’s JV partners’ obligations in this regarddecline over time. The JV partners have invested considerably less per annum, asa percentage of net revenues, than FS since the JV companies and FS commencedoperations. Allocation of JV IncomeInasmuch as USP owns 50% of the separate JV companies’ shares, it has claims to50% of their respective free cash flows (after payment of interest and repayment ofprincipal on outstanding debt). Under the terms of its JV agreement with FS, USPhas claims to 20% of the latter’s free cash flows.12.4.2 Summary of Qualitative ObservationsIn summary, USP bears substantially higher costs and risks under its arm’s lengthJV agreements, as compared with its intercompany JV agreement. USP permits bothits affiliated and independent JV partners to use its IT platform and brand identity,and provides the same range of IT and site operations support thereto. FS bearssignificant costs and risks associated with the development of USP’s marks in itsterritory, and is therefore entitled to retain the associated intangible income. USP’sthird party JV partners do not bear costs or risks associated with the developmentof its brand identity in their respective territories, and, in principle, are therefore not

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