Extract Utility User's Guide - Supra - Cincom

Extract Utility User's Guide - Supra - Cincom Extract Utility User's Guide - Supra - Cincom


Coding argumentsWhen you code a statement name and an argument, you must enclose theargument in parentheses. You can use spaces or not as you like (but a singleargument with multiple parts must not contain embedded spaces). Forexample, all of the following statement formats are valid:STATEMENT(argument)STATEMENT (argument)STATEMENT ( argument )STATEMENT ()STATEMENT ( )STATEMENT()If the format shows the argument can be a list, it looks like the followingexample:⎛⎧ALL⎫⎞ELEMENT ⎜⎟⎨⎬⎝⎩element-list⎭⎠If you code a list of elements instead of ALL, separate the elements withcommas, as shown in the following example:ELEMENT(ELEMENT1,ELEMENT2,ELEMENT3)You can also separate the items in a list with any number of spaces, as shownin the following examples:ELEMENT (ELEMENT1, ELEMENT2, ELEMENT3)ELEMENT (ELEMENT1, ELEMENT2, ELEMENT3)Do not embed spaces within an item. For example, ELEMENT1 and ELEMENT 1do not mean the same thing.Extract Utility User's Guide, P25-9513-03 12Chapter: 2. Using the Extract utilitySection: Extract utility overview

Validating programsThe program listing follows the opening message CSUL0101I: COMMENCINGCOMMAND VALIDATION. The listing is an image of your input program.Errors are identified by an error flag (**ERROR**), error pointer (@), and athree-digit number. These three indicators appear immediately after each linein which an error occurs. The following annotated listing identifies errors inlines 18 and 21:Line number Line text Indicator1 CONTROL (BEGIN) Valid Command2 ENV-DESC (MYDESC) Valid Command..17 FUNCTION (EXTRACT) Valid Command18 FILE CUST Invalid Command**ERROR** @001 Inserted Error InformationError NumberError Pointer19 RECORD (ALL) Valid Command20 ELEMENT (ALL) Valid Command21 FILE (ABC#) Invalid Command**ERROR** @015 Inserted Error InformationError NumberError Pointer..44 CONTROL (END) Valid CommandThe error flag appears in the line number column in the left margin. Thepointer identifies the error's exact location in the line. The three-digit numberspecifies the error's cause or condition. Only one error is reported in each line.For example, in line 18, the number 001 indicates the open parenthesis ismissing. The pointer is immediately below the file called CUST where the openparenthesis should be. Since only one error is reported in each line, nothingindicates that the close parenthesis is also missing.If a UCL programming error occurs, validation continues flagging errors to theend of the program. No function processing is done until you correct all errorsand rerun the job.Extract Utility User's Guide, P25-9513-03 13Chapter: 2. Using the Extract utilitySection: Extract utility overview

Coding argumentsWhen you code a statement name and an argument, you must enclose theargument in parentheses. You can use spaces or not as you like (but a singleargument with multiple parts must not contain embedded spaces). Forexample, all of the following statement formats are valid:STATEMENT(argument)STATEMENT (argument)STATEMENT ( argument )STATEMENT ()STATEMENT ( )STATEMENT()If the format shows the argument can be a list, it looks like the followingexample:⎛⎧ALL⎫⎞ELEMENT ⎜⎟⎨⎬⎝⎩element-list⎭⎠If you code a list of elements instead of ALL, separate the elements withcommas, as shown in the following example:ELEMENT(ELEMENT1,ELEMENT2,ELEMENT3)You can also separate the items in a list with any number of spaces, as shownin the following examples:ELEMENT (ELEMENT1, ELEMENT2, ELEMENT3)ELEMENT (ELEMENT1, ELEMENT2, ELEMENT3)Do not embed spaces within an item. For example, ELEMENT1 and ELEMENT 1do not mean the same thing.<strong>Extract</strong> <strong>Utility</strong> <strong>User's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>, P25-9513-03 12Chapter: 2. Using the <strong>Extract</strong> utilitySection: <strong>Extract</strong> utility overview

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