CEMB C72 Parts List

CEMB C72 Parts List CEMB C72 Parts List


5.5 ECCENTRICTY MEASUREMENT (OPTION)The figures are significantly enlarged to highlight the external surface of the tyre and the wheel rotation axis.Fig. A highlights the total Peak-Peak eccentricity measurement, defi ned as the maximum radial offsetof the surface of the tyre.Fig. AFig. BFig. B highlights the 1st harmonic eccentricitymeasurement, i.e. the eccentricity of the rim“refl ecting” the shape of the tyre, to calculatethe averages values of local offset of the tyrefrom roundness.It is evident that the P-P measurement isnormally higher than the 1st harmonicmeasurement. Tyre manufacturers usuallyprovide two different tolerances for the twotypes of eccentricity.At the end of a balancing spin, eccentricity measurement of the tyre can be performed automaticallyusing the SONAR sensor placed on the guard. To enable measurement at the end of every spin, seethe section MENU FUNCTION CONTROL.Fig.20EMSThe value of the fi rst harmonic with the relative phaseis displayed.EMSHold down thevalue.button to display the Peak-PeakRelease the button to return to the display of thefi rst harmonic value.BACK TO MEASUREMENT WINDOWN.B.: The eccentricity measurement is valid up to max. tyre Ø of 1000 mm.I 0226 GB - 20

6.1 - SELF-DIAGNOSTICS6 - SET UPDISPLAY TESTAll displays, readouts and LED’s should light up1The RH display indicates thecurrent position of the wheel, withnumbers from 0 to 127When the wheel is turned in theunbalance measurement rotationdirection, the down arrows mustappear.The central LED for the wheel (1)must come on ONLY ONCE perrotation at position 0.- Test parameter- Displays values of rim DISTANCEsensor- Displays values of DIAMETERsensor- Displys values of WIDTH sensor(optional)- Displays eccentricity measurementsensor values (RUN OUT - option)END OF SELF-DIAGNOSTICSCANCELS SELF-DIAGNOSTICSIN ANY PHASEI 0226 GB - 21

5.5 ECCENTRICTY MEASUREMENT (OPTION)The figures are significantly enlarged to highlight the external surface of the tyre and the wheel rotation axis.Fig. A highlights the total Peak-Peak eccentricity measurement, defi ned as the maximum radial offsetof the surface of the tyre.Fig. AFig. BFig. B highlights the 1st harmonic eccentricitymeasurement, i.e. the eccentricity of the rim“refl ecting” the shape of the tyre, to calculatethe averages values of local offset of the tyrefrom roundness.It is evident that the P-P measurement isnormally higher than the 1st harmonicmeasurement. Tyre manufacturers usuallyprovide two different tolerances for the twotypes of eccentricity.At the end of a balancing spin, eccentricity measurement of the tyre can be performed automaticallyusing the SONAR sensor placed on the guard. To enable measurement at the end of every spin, seethe section MENU FUNCTION CONTROL.Fig.20EMSThe value of the fi rst harmonic with the relative phaseis displayed.EMSHold down thevalue.button to display the Peak-PeakRelease the button to return to the display of thefi rst harmonic value.BACK TO MEASUREMENT WINDOWN.B.: The eccentricity measurement is valid up to max. tyre Ø of 1000 mm.I 0226 GB - 20

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