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Volume 14 Australasia - dana ward's homepage

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THE NOETHEllX MOLUCCAS. 241The capital of Tidor is a mere village on the west side of the island ;butTernate is a real tewn, although it has suffered much since the opening of theports of Celebes to free trade. It is doubtless itsslf also a free port, but it has lostmany of its Chinese, Bugi, and Arab traders, and has ceased to be the chief marketfor the feathers of the bird of paradise. The ruins of buildings overthrown bythe earthquakes are scattered amid the modern dwellings, and the old Portugueseand Dutch forts have recently had to be rebuilt. Behind every stone houte is asecond structure in light wood where the sleeping apartments are contained, andwhere little risk is run in case of any sudden shock. The slopes of the neighbouringvolcano are covered with orchards, which yield the finest durians, mangoes,and other fruits.East of Ternate is developed the deep inlet of Dadinga Bay, by which thenorthern peninsula of Halmahera is nearly severed from the rest of the island.The connecting isthmus is commanded at its narrowest part bj' Fort Dadinga, theFig-.lOJ. —PoLTTicAL Dmsioss OF Indonesh.Scile 1 : .511,000 000.strongest strategic point in the whole island, and the only place where the Dutchkeep a garrison. Here the isthmus is scarcely two miles across, and although theroute pre.'ients some difficulties, praus can be transported in three days from bay tobay, thereby saving a detour of 240 miles. North of Dadinga Bay follows that ofJailollo, formerly a flourishing capital which for a time gave an alternative nameto Halmahera, now a mere hamlet surrounded by old cultivated tracts now overgrownwith coarse grass and scrub. These regions, so popular and flourishing inmediaaval times, have been almost entirely depopulated by slavery and monopolies.Of the other villages in Halmahera the best known is Galela, which lies on aninlet in the north-east of the northern peninsula over against the island ofMorotai. The Alfurus of the surrounding district, the most skilful and industriouspeasantry in the whole island, are usually known as Galelas from the nameof this place. Tabcllo, which lies farther south, and which is defended bynumerous reefs and islets of difiicult access, was long dreaded as a dangerous nestVOL. XIV. K

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