Primer on Standards - OEK - OVE

Primer on Standards - OEK - OVE Primer on Standards - OEK - OVE


egardless of the product’s origin or the plant’s location, are required to affix thisCE Marking to products that are governed by New Approach Directives.The CE Marking should not be confused with quality marks or labels for consumersto identify the excellence of a product. It is a visible sign affixed by the supplierof the product to show EU member states’ authorities and other parties concernedthat the product is in compliance with all the New Approach Directives applyingto it.Determining Which Directives Apply to my ProductThe first step to compliance is the responsibility of the manufacturer to determinewhich Directives apply to the product. This is sometimes a difficult task since aproduct may be regulated by more than one Directive. In this respect, CENELECpublishes every year in June the CD-ROM Links between Products, Directives andStandards in the Electrotechnical Field. Visiting web sites such as CENELEC’s orthe European Commission’s one may also help.Once the Directives and the requirements have been identified, the manufacturermust them apply the appropriate standards and/or elaborate his product on thebasis of the essential requirements if he intends to sell the product within theEuropean market. Finally, and depending on the individual Directive, he may haveto undertake a method of Conformity Assessment.The CE Marking does not provide any information about the Directives or Standardsthat apply to the product nor about the method of Conformity Assessment usedto bring the product into compliance. This information is provided by otheraccompanying documents such as the Declaration of Conformity.Who Affixes the CE MarkingIt is the manufacturer or his Authorized Representative, established in the EuropeanUnion, who affixes the CE Marking to the product. It is certainly not affixed bya Notified Body (officially recognized bodies that conduct Conformity Assessmenttests for products that fall under those New Approach Directives that require thiscompliance procedure).The CE Marking must be affixed visibly, legibly and indelibly to the product, toits data plate or, where this is not possible, to its packaging.40 CENELEC. ong>Primerong> on Standards

Where a Notified Body is involved in the production control phase according tothe applicable Directives, its identification number must follow the CE Marking.More complete instructions for the design and placing of the CE Marking areavailable in the Directive 93/68/EEC, also referred to as the CE Marking Directive.CE Marking vs. other marksThe CE Marking is the only marking symbolizing conformity to all the legalobligations relating to manufacturers for a given product as required by theapplicable European New Approach Directives providing for its affixing.However, it should be noted that products may bear additional marks, most ofthem granted by independent third party certification bodies. Depending on itsrelevance in the market where the product is sold, any given mark is a guaranteeof confidence mostly addressed to consumers. Why consumers? Because largemanufacturers always know what they are buying. They are specialists and/ortechnicians and can consequently verify the quality of the components themselves.Basically, any mark of guarantee is superfluous to manufacturers and is manlyaddressed to consumers.A product may bear any additional markings or marks only if:• They fulfill a different function from that of the CE Marking• They do not cause any confusion with it• They do not reduce its legibility and visibilityThe Supplier’s Declaration of ConformityProducts covered by New Approach Directives such as the Low Voltage Directive,the Toys Directive or the EMC Directive may be certified by the manufacturerhimself and do not require the intervention of a Notified Body. In that case only,the manufacturer verifies himself the conformity of his products to the applicableDirectives.The manufacturer may fill out the Declaration of Conformity, sign it and affix theCE Marking to products or equipment only if he can prove conformity to theapplicable requirements set in the Directives or to harmonized standards. Proofof this is provided in the Technical File that the manufacturer must also compile.See the Manufacturer’s Role for more information relating to this.Uncovering the mysteries of standardization in Europe 41

Where a Notified Body is involved in the producti<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>trol phase according tothe applicable Directives, its identificati<strong>on</strong> number must follow the CE Marking.More complete instructi<strong>on</strong>s for the design and placing of the CE Marking areavailable in the Directive 93/68/EEC, also referred to as the CE Marking Directive.CE Marking vs. other marksThe CE Marking is the <strong>on</strong>ly marking symbolizing c<strong>on</strong>formity to all the legalobligati<strong>on</strong>s relating to manufacturers for a given product as required by theapplicable European New Approach Directives providing for its affixing.However, it should be noted that products may bear additi<strong>on</strong>al marks, most ofthem granted by independent third party certificati<strong>on</strong> bodies. Depending <strong>on</strong> itsrelevance in the market where the product is sold, any given mark is a guaranteeof c<strong>on</strong>fidence mostly addressed to c<strong>on</strong>sumers. Why c<strong>on</strong>sumers? Because largemanufacturers always know what they are buying. They are specialists and/ortechnicians and can c<strong>on</strong>sequently verify the quality of the comp<strong>on</strong>ents themselves.Basically, any mark of guarantee is superfluous to manufacturers and is manlyaddressed to c<strong>on</strong>sumers.A product may bear any additi<strong>on</strong>al markings or marks <strong>on</strong>ly if:• They fulfill a different functi<strong>on</strong> from that of the CE Marking• They do not cause any c<strong>on</strong>fusi<strong>on</strong> with it• They do not reduce its legibility and visibilityThe Supplier’s Declarati<strong>on</strong> of C<strong>on</strong>formityProducts covered by New Approach Directives such as the Low Voltage Directive,the Toys Directive or the EMC Directive may be certified by the manufacturerhimself and do not require the interventi<strong>on</strong> of a Notified Body. In that case <strong>on</strong>ly,the manufacturer verifies himself the c<strong>on</strong>formity of his products to the applicableDirectives.The manufacturer may fill out the Declarati<strong>on</strong> of C<strong>on</strong>formity, sign it and affix theCE Marking to products or equipment <strong>on</strong>ly if he can prove c<strong>on</strong>formity to theapplicable requirements set in the Directives or to harm<strong>on</strong>ized standards. Proofof this is provided in the Technical File that the manufacturer must also compile.See the Manufacturer’s Role for more informati<strong>on</strong> relating to this.Uncovering the mysteries of standardizati<strong>on</strong> in Europe 41

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