Primer on Standards - OEK - OVE

Primer on Standards - OEK - OVE Primer on Standards - OEK - OVE


New work arises at European level via either the CENELEC AG or the CENELECBT. As a matter of policy, CENELEC would endeavour to ascertain whether the IECcould undertake this work.Categories of New WorkNew work of European originRequired modifications to IEC Standards to tailor them to European needs, orThe need to revise IEC StandardsOwnershipThe Agreement requires the IEC to advise CENELEC whether it can undertake thework. This should be done as soon as possible and, at the latest, within six months.If accepted, and acceptable to CENELEC, the work becomes an IEC project. If theIEC rejects the work proposal or if the IEC’s timescale is too protracted for CENELEC,then CENELEC will continue the work.Progression of New WorkProgress details on these projects, whether undertaken by CENELEC or theIEC, are exchanged between the two organizations on a monthly basisDraft standards prepared by CENELEC must be of a quality consistent withISO/IEC Directives. They are subject to a five-month inquiry period. CENELECis obliged to take note of comments received via the IEC networkA parallel voting period of two months is stipulated in the Agreement. If IECand CENELEC votes are positive, the standard is published both as an IECStandard and an EN Standard in Europe. If the IEC vote is positive, but theCENELEC one is not, it is published as an IEC Standard. CENELEC may decideto publish it with common agreed European modificationsThe Agreement also covers the adoption of previously published European Standardsas IEC Standards.Results of the cooperation with the IECIn overall terms, 75% of CENELEC standards are identical to or based upon IEC’s.Next charts clearly show this relationship and its evolution in the past years.24 CENELEC. ong>Primerong> on Standards

100%90%27.8528.0527.4426.2326.1825.3825.6580%70%60%15.6713.9912.4410.4698.627.8750%40%30%56.4857.9660.1363.3164.8266.0166.4820%10%0%1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001Identical to IEC Standards Based on IEC Standards Purely European StandardsFigure 2: Evolution of the equivalence between active CENELEC standards and IEC standards since 1995Overall level of equivalence between CENELEC Standards and IEC’s at the end ofthe year 2001Identical to IEC’s 2662 66.5%Based on IEC’s 315 8%Purely European 1027 25.5%Total 4004 100%The Vilamoura ProcedureIn addition to the benefits of the Dresden Agreement, and in order to ensure thatprogress made at international level is not being overridden at national level,CENELEC has set a notification procedure all members have to follow: the VilamouraProcedure.In essence, this agreement obliges all CENELEC members to notify any nationalstandardization project to all other members should there be an interest for acommon standard at European level. If there is no reaction in a maximum periodof 3 months, then the country in question may continue developing this internalproject.Uncovering the mysteries of standardization in Europe 25

100%90%27.8528.0527.4426.2326.1825.3825.6580%70%60%15.6713.9912.4410.4698.627.8750%40%30%56.4857.9660.1363.3164.8266.0166.4820%10%0%1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001Identical to IEC <strong>Standards</strong> Based <strong>on</strong> IEC <strong>Standards</strong> Purely European <strong>Standards</strong>Figure 2: Evoluti<strong>on</strong> of the equivalence between active CENELEC standards and IEC standards since 1995Overall level of equivalence between CENELEC <strong>Standards</strong> and IEC’s at the end ofthe year 2001Identical to IEC’s 2662 66.5%Based <strong>on</strong> IEC’s 315 8%Purely European 1027 25.5%Total 4004 100%The Vilamoura ProcedureIn additi<strong>on</strong> to the benefits of the Dresden Agreement, and in order to ensure thatprogress made at internati<strong>on</strong>al level is not being overridden at nati<strong>on</strong>al level,CENELEC has set a notificati<strong>on</strong> procedure all members have to follow: the VilamouraProcedure.In essence, this agreement obliges all CENELEC members to notify any nati<strong>on</strong>alstandardizati<strong>on</strong> project to all other members should there be an interest for acomm<strong>on</strong> standard at European level. If there is no reacti<strong>on</strong> in a maximum periodof 3 m<strong>on</strong>ths, then the country in questi<strong>on</strong> may c<strong>on</strong>tinue developing this internalproject.Uncovering the mysteries of standardizati<strong>on</strong> in Europe 25

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