national master united parcel service agreement - Teamsters Local ...

national master united parcel service agreement - Teamsters Local ... national master united parcel service agreement - Teamsters Local ...


were denied Credited Service solely because the UPS Pension Planrequired that an employee be age twenty-five (25) or older to participatein the UPS Pension Plan.(6) For those multi-employer pension plans with which the UPSPension Plan does not have reciprocity, the UPS Pension Plan willexecute a mutually agreeable reciprocity agreement with thoseplans.(j) Long-Term DisabilityARTICLE 34(1) Full-time seniority employees will become eligible for longtermdisability (LTD) after six (6) months of employment for nonoccupationalillnesses or injuries that last longer than twenty-six(26) weeks.(2) Long-term disability benefits will equal sixty percent (60%) ofthe employee’s base weekly pay to a maximum of six hundred dollars($600) per week for up to five (5) years. Long-term disabilitybenefits begin when short-term disability coverage ends or aftertwenty-six (26) weeks from date of disability, whichever is later.(3) Average weekly base pay is computed by averaging paid hours(maximum of forty (40) hours per week) each week during the lastfull calendar quarter the employee worked and multiplying that bythe hourly rate of their base job. Weeks of unemployment in theprior quarter will not be counted in the calculation. If there weresubstantial weeks of unemployment, the prior full calendar quartermay be used for the calculation.(4) The definition of disability, termination of eligibility, offsets,exclusions, limitations, claim procedures and any other relatedissues will be controlled by the Summary Plan Description.(5) The long-term disability coverage will become effective onAugust 1, 2004 for eligible employees who become disabled afterthat date. However, pre-existing conditions will not affect theemployee’s eligibility for LTD.(6) In those situations where a Teamster Health and Welfare Fund pro-- 81 -

ARTICLE 34vides a short term disability benefit, the employee receiving such benefitshall provide the UPS National LTD Plan sixty (60) days advancenotice of the estimated termination date of the short term disability. Ifsuch notice is not provided, the UPS National LTD Plan shall have theright to delay the commencement of LTD payments.(7) Any employee receiving LTD benefits pursuant to this Plan shallbe entitled to receive health care coverage in accordance with theSPD for up to twelve (12) months only.(k) Part-time Retiree Coverage(1) Effective August 1, 2002 the Employer will provide health insurancecoverage to all part-time employees, not covered by a Unionplan, who retire on or after that date.(2) To be eligible for the coverage, the part-time employee must (i)not be eligible for Medicare; (ii) meet the same age and servicerequirements as that of a full-time employee in the sameSupplement, Rider or Addendum and at a minimum, be at leastfifty-five (55) years of age with a minimum of twenty-five (25)years of part-time service as defined in the UPS Pension Plan; (iii)be covered as an active employee by a UPS-administered healthcare plan for part-time employees at the time of retirement and; (iv)not a part-time employee because of a voluntary bid to part-timestatus in the five (5) years prior to retirement.(3) A retiree’s legal spouse is also eligible for coverage if he or sheis not eligible for Medicare and is under age sixty-five (65).(4) Coverage and benefit levels shall be as specified in theSummary Plan Description.(5) Eligibility for coverage for retiree and spouse begins on the first(1 st ) day after the employee’s active coverage ends.(6) The retired part-time employee will be required to make a contributionequal to the amount required by a retired full-time employeein the same Local Union. If there is no established rate the contributionwill be two hundred dollars ($200.00) per month.- 82 -

ARTICLE 34vides a short term disability benefit, the employee receiving such benefitshall provide the UPS National LTD Plan sixty (60) days advancenotice of the estimated termination date of the short term disability. Ifsuch notice is not provided, the UPS National LTD Plan shall have theright to delay the commencement of LTD payments.(7) Any employee receiving LTD benefits pursuant to this Plan shallbe entitled to receive health care coverage in accordance with theSPD for up to twelve (12) months only.(k) Part-time Retiree Coverage(1) Effective August 1, 2002 the Employer will provide health insurancecoverage to all part-time employees, not covered by a Unionplan, who retire on or after that date.(2) To be eligible for the coverage, the part-time employee must (i)not be eligible for Medicare; (ii) meet the same age and <strong>service</strong>requirements as that of a full-time employee in the sameSupplement, Rider or Addendum and at a minimum, be at leastfifty-five (55) years of age with a minimum of twenty-five (25)years of part-time <strong>service</strong> as defined in the UPS Pension Plan; (iii)be covered as an active employee by a UPS-administered healthcare plan for part-time employees at the time of retirement and; (iv)not a part-time employee because of a voluntary bid to part-timestatus in the five (5) years prior to retirement.(3) A retiree’s legal spouse is also eligible for coverage if he or sheis not eligible for Medicare and is under age sixty-five (65).(4) Coverage and benefit levels shall be as specified in theSummary Plan Description.(5) Eligibility for coverage for retiree and spouse begins on the first(1 st ) day after the employee’s active coverage ends.(6) The retired part-time employee will be required to make a contributionequal to the amount required by a retired full-time employeein the same <strong>Local</strong> Union. If there is no established rate the contributionwill be two hundred dollars ($200.00) per month.- 82 -

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