Food Safety Magazine, February/March 2013

Food Safety Magazine, February/March 2013

Food Safety Magazine, February/March 2013


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Coupler BrakeForce Control Industries Inc. recently developed a double C-facecoupler brake that mounts on the drive end of a standard C-face motor,replacing the commonly used motor brakes mounted on the back ofa special motor designed with a mounting flange and extendedshaft on the fan end of the motor. Mounting the brake betweenthe reducer and motor allows a standard C-face motor to be used.Since many plants stock C-face motors for other applications, thiseliminates the purchasing and stocking of both a brake motorand a standard C-face motor, simplifying inventory andreducing costs. Applications include palletizers, packagingmachinery, baggage handling systems, concrete block manufacturing,cranes and more.Force Control Industries, 513.868.0900 • www.forcecontrol.comManaged Cleaning ProgramSpartan Chemical Company has announced therelease of Spartan HealthCheck, which uses a threeprongedapproach to ensure proper environmentalcleaning is achieved: training, validation and documentation.The training system educates staff on cleaning standardsand methods, and portable procedure cards providereinforcement as a framework for adherence to thestandard going forward. This process is supported by thecompany’s UVcheck ® validation tools. Hermetically sealedUV marker swabs and a portable black light allow managers to train and assess staff cleaningoperations. In combination with Spartan’s wide range of cleaning and disinfecting chemicals,the system provides an end-to-end solution for environmental cleaning for health.Spartan Chemical Company, 800.537.8990 • www.spartanchemical.comOzone WasherOzone Safe <strong>Food</strong> hasintroduced an ozone washingsystem, which uses nochemicals to wash harmfulbacteria, such as Escherichiacoli and Salmonella, from food.An environmentally friendlyapproach to disinfecting freshfruits and vegetables, thewasher uses ozonated water(aqueous ozone) to kill nearly100 strains of bacteria andviruses without the use ofharmful chemicals.Ozone Safe <strong>Food</strong>, 951.674.9222www.ozonesafefood.com“Big Six” E. coli StrainsATCC is now offering strains from each of the six non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) serotypesto the food safety community. The strains referredto as the “Big Six” have been linked to a growing number offoodborne illnesses, prompting the U.S. Department of Agricultureto add them to their test regimen. Routine verificationtesting for the presence of STEC serogroups O26, O45, O103,O111, O121 and O145 is required in raw beef manufacturingtrimmings and other raw ground beef components produceddomestically and imported.ATCC, 800.638.6597 • www.atcc.orgThermal Guard PackageThe Serco ® Thermal Guard Package, available on SercoVertical Storing Dock Levelers, provides the ultimate energyand security seal for climate-controlled loading docks. Thisadditional package allows truck doors to be opened frominside the building after the truck is positioned at the doorwithout breaking a thermal seal at the dock. It includes anenhanced hinged bottom draft pad, bumper covers and extendedbumper gussets to provide greater sealing capability.Serco, 800.933.4834 • www.sercocompany.comShelf-LifeEnhancerSterilex is now offeringPerQuat ® , a unique productspecifically designed for usein any type of clean-in-placesystem as an additional measurefor increasing shelf life,as well as producing a cleaner,safer product for consumers.Injection systems treatedwith the product keep foodsmelling fresher much longerand maintain normal colorand normal texture twiceas long as nontreated systems.Validated by a majorU.S. poultry processor, theseproducts were used to disinfectbrine injection systemsand needles, and were foundto lower both aerobic platecounts and total coliformcounts.Sterilex, 800.511.1659www.sterilex.comGlove LineAnsell has announced newadditions to its VersaTouch brand, a line of versatilehand protectionand apparel solutionsfor the food processingindustry.Featuring PolarBear® cut-resistanttechnology, the newgloves and the complementarycut-resistantsleeve raise the standardin worker safety and comfortfor food processors.Ansell, 732.345.5400www.ansell.com64 F o o d S a f e t y M a g a z i n e

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