Food Safety Magazine, February/March 2013

Food Safety Magazine, February/March 2013

Food Safety Magazine, February/March 2013


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INGREDIENTSBy Rupa Das, M.Sc.Quality Control of Botanical IngredientsPartnerships with dependable, qualityconscioussuppliers are key to a manufacturer’sreputation and success.As the nutrition science industry grows, sodo the questions and concerns regarding quality.Most, if not all, quality-related questionscan be answered by evaluating the cultivationand harvesting practices, the manufacturingpractices and the quality control program adoptedby the ingredient suppliers.One of the challenges the industry faces today is the lackof standardized methods for product assessment. Using differentmethodologies produces different test results. Therefore,a product that may meet all the requirements using a certainmethod may not meet the requirements using a different method.Several industry organizations are currently working towardstandardization of processing and testing methodologies.Manufacturing PracticesManufacturing processes affect the quality of herbal ingredients.Cross-contamination with other products, environmentalcontamination, mix-ups and mislabeling can lead to poorqualitymaterial. These can be avoided by implementing GoodManufacturing Practices (GMPs). Quality-conscious ingredientStandardizedmethods forbotanicalingredient safetyare urgently neededsuppliers have adopted some form of GMPs,whether the product is a drug, a food, a proposeddietary supplement or a combinationof the three. Manufacturers also must contendwith the challenge that ingredients are sourcedfrom diverse geographic locations. Althoughmost of these locations have some form ofGMPs, the standards and enforcement arenot the same as those in the manufacturer’shome market. It is therefore important to check and evaluatethe manufacturing practices of suppliers to ensure high-qualitybotanical products.Ingredient SpecificationsA quality botanical ingredient is one that uses the correctplant species and plant part, is unadulterated, safe for humanconsumption and has the potency (level of chemical constituents)it claims.Different types of identification methods, such as macroscopic,microscopic, organoleptic, thin-layer chromatography(TLC), high-pressure (HP) TLC, HP liquid chromatography(HPLC) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, may beused to identify the genus, species and plant part. Each of theseidentity tests has advantages and limitations. At the very least,54 F o o d S a f e t y M a g a z i n e

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