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<strong>WASHING</strong> <strong>MACHINES</strong> <strong>2010</strong>EFFECTIVE LINE

ARDO is the international brand of the Antonio Merloni Group. Present in 56 countries worldwide, for over40 years it has been synonymous with quality and passion for household appliances.Our appliances live with you, every day. They add cleanliness by washing your laundry and cookware; theytake care of your health by promoting hygiene, preserving foodstuffs and cooking them in the best possibleways; they spare you the effort by doing the work for you; they save you precious time, allowing you toenjoy life.In this catalogue you will find our new range of free standing washing machines.ARDO promotes an active policy of care and respect for the environment. From the drawing board stage tothe production and distribution stages of our appliances, we always strive for those solutions having thelowest possible environmental impact. Our household appliances implement water and energy in the mostefficient way.Millions of ARDO appliances worldwide accomplish this, every day.www.ardo.biz

INDEXIn case of variation of catalogue page numbers, pleasecheck the index and modify the eventual variations.<strong>WASHING</strong> <strong>MACHINES</strong>05WASHER DRYERS23RANGE OVERVIEW 26TECHNICAL FEATURES 28COLOURS AND SUFFIXESMATT BLACKBALUMINIUMAWHITEWe.g., FLN126LW: WHITE03

<strong>WASHING</strong> <strong>MACHINES</strong>EFFECTIVE LINE - WORLD RANGE05

ENERGY SAVING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CAREECOCARBON TUBEvery possible technicaldevice and innovativesolution which may help toimprove the performanceof its washing machines isadopted by ARDO in orderto create products which arecapable of optimising theamount of energy saved. Theenergy effi ciency classes A+guarantees the reduced energyconsumption per cycle.This makes it possible tosignifi cantly save on the costof your electricity bill whiledemonstrating the utmostrespect for the environment.In the same time ARDOproducts guarantee maximumwashing performances andspin performances.ANTI CORROSION COATINGARDO providea special coatingon all washing machinecabinets that stopsrust and blocks corrosion.These rust preventativesform a barrier coatingto insure corrosionprotection in corrosive,marine, high humidity andhigh salt environments.FLN168LWEcocarbon tubs ensure maximumsilence, reducing vibrationsconsiderably and isolate heateffi ciently.Designed for and manufacturedwith materials having lowenvironmental impact, Ecocarbontubs enhance the reliability anddurability of ARDO washingmachines.JANUS ELECTRONIC SYSTEMThe Janus ARDO PCB managesthe washing machinecompletely.Using an infrared or cableconnectedPDA, the softwarecan be reconfi gured, anymalfunctions can be detectedand all the appliance’scomponents can be tested.The Janus PCB is pre-arrangedfor updating software and forfacilitating technical assistanceoperations.EASY LOGIC SYSTEMTime (h) - Energy (kWh)SAVINGTRADITIONALEASY LOGICLAUNDRY LOAD (kg)LOAD BALANCING SYSTEMThe electronic Load Balancingsystem ensures that laundryis arranged in the drumas uniformly as possible priorto each spin cycle phase.With an evenly distributedload, vibrations are reducedto a minimum during the spincycle and the machineoperates with the utmostsilence.With the Easy Logic system, water and energy consumption andwash cycle time can be adjusted according to the actual amountof laundry in the drum. The half-load selection button thus nolonger exists.JUMBO TUBThe new generation of tubs of the Jumbo rangeaccommodate large-scale washing needs. ARDOwashing machines offer a load capacity suitable forwashing up to 9 kg of laundry.06

EASY LOADINGThe maxi-porthole door with an external diameter of 44 cm and180° opening hinge guarantees excellent visibility of the insideas well as easy loading or unloading oflaundry even of large volume.OVER TEMPERATURE SAFETY DEVICEAn emergency thermostatprotects the appliancefrom water boilingin case of failure ofthe standard thermostat.SELF CLEANING PUMPARDO washing machines have a special self cleaning pumpthat doesn’t need to be cleaned regularly.Moreover the pump is provided with a special separatorthat traps small object like coins, rings,buttons from being pumped out.OVERFLOWARDO washing machineare equipped withan overflow safety systemthat prevents water floodingin case the water loading systembreaks down.ECOBALL SYSTEMThe Ecoball is a special hydraulic system that prevents wastingof detergent.With Ecoball, the whole detergent is kept in the tub and usedduring the wash. It saves money and preserves the environment.DEFOAMERA virtual sensor detectsexcessive foam andproceeds to reduce itby lowering the spin speed andby activating jet rinses.All ARDO washing machinesare equipped with thedigital defoamer.07

HOME LAUNDRY<strong>WASHING</strong> <strong>MACHINES</strong>Choose an ARDO washing machine according to your needs. We have devised 3 different levels of customisation.For those preferring functionality and simplicity. 11 wash programmes and 3 options for easily resolving allwashing-related problems.A classic confi guration with 11 wash programmes and 6 options. Many exclusive wash programmes for perfecttreatment of garments and fabrics.For those wanting a sophisticated washing machine with special programmes and large LCD display to monitorall phases of the wash cycle. 15 wash programmes and 6 options. Automatic cleaning function preventing limescale and foulodours in the washing machine.08

AUTOCLEANHYGIENIC (40°C)Frequent washing at low temperatures may encourage theformation of mould or foul odours inside the washing machine. Ifhigh-temperature wash cycles have not been run for a long time,Autoclean intervenes by automatically suggesting when to start ashort cleaning programme.WOOL – WOOLMARK CERTIFIED (40°C)At only 40°C, the antibacterial programme on ARDO washingmachines ensures that any bacteria that may contaminate laundryis eliminated.This feature guarantees maximum hygiene for white or colouredgarments as well as for synthetic fi bres.The programme is certifi ed by Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker,a renowned German certifi cation agency.HAND <strong>WASHING</strong> (30°C)The Wool programme is intended for those garments whoselabel carries the indication “machine washable wool”. Thefabrics maintain their original consistency and colours retain theiroriginal brilliance after each wash cycle.The programme was tested and certifi ed by WoolwarkCompany, the Australian body which guarantees the quality ofpure virgin wool through its stringent tests.JEANS (40°C)Delicate garments require special care and are normallyhand-washed. Our washing machines have a specifi c HandWash programme which ensures the same delicate touch asyour hands.EXPRESS 20’ (35°C)The special Jeans programme washes delicately at 40°C, handlesall the denim fi bres with care and preserves the colours ofthe fabric by preventing any fading.Your stone-washed denim garments will always seem new.SHIRTS (40°C)The Express 20’ is a fast wash cycle suitable for refreshing lightlysoiled laundry, in only 20 minutes.Express 20’ enables you to save precious time by performing ahalf-load wash cycle at 35°C.MIX (30°C)The time you dedicate to ironing will be drastically reducedthanks to the programme specifi c for shirts.The programme electronically adjusts the water level andtemperature as well as washing intensity and spin cycle speed,in order to reduce the formation of creases and to facilitateironing of blouses and shirts.The special Mix programme at 30°C allows for washing fabricsof different kinds (cotton, synthetic, mixed) with perfect results.COLOURED (30°C)ECOA (40°C)The special ECOA programme, at only 40°C, guarantees thebest results among Class A appliances and with maximumenergy saving.The Coloured programme enables you to wash garments ofdifferent colours simultaneously; light or dark-coloured laundrycan be washed together at 30°C in total safety without any risk.09

HOME LAUNDRYSPORT (40°C)TURBOThe Sport programme is suitable for casual and sports clothing.The wash cycle at 40°C preserves the shape of the fabrics andthe elasticity of modern synthetic fi bres. An ideal programme forrapid washing of garments that do not require ironing.ADJUSTABLE SPIN CYCLEWith the Turbo option you can reduce the duration of the washcycle. The system modifi es the parameters to compensate forthe reduction in duration while still ensuring the same level ofwashing effectiveness.ANTI-CREASESpin speed can be adjusted to suit your preferences and alltypes of fabric.SKIN CAREWith the Anti-crease option, ARDO handles your garments withcare in all phases of the wash cycle. By reducing the formationof creases, ironing operations are much quicker.DELAY STARTARDO takes care of your skin. The extra rinse option eliminatesany detergent and additive residues which may cause allergicreactions or leave traces on dark fabrics.By choosing the Delay Start option, the start of the wash cyclecan be delayed according to your needs. The display also visualisesthe time remaining to the end of the programme.10

FLN149LB 010980287 - 9.999,0059cmWashing machine, BLACK colour15 programmes (9 special)6 optionsLarge washing capacity 9 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1400 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLCD display interfaceAutoclean functionChild safety door lock599A+A B 1400 TFLN149LA 010980297 - 9.900,00Washing machine, ALUMINIUM colour15 programmes (9 special)6 optionsLarge washing capacity 9 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1400 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLCD display interfaceAutoclean functionChild safety door lock599A+A B 1400 TFLN149LW 010980285 - 9.900,00Washing machine, WHITE colour15 programmes (9 special)6 optionsLarge washing capacity 9 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1400 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLCD display interfaceAutoclean functionChild safety door lockFLN129LW 0109802861200 rpmA+ / A / B9.900,0059 9A+A B 1400 T11

FLN149SW 010980264 - 9.999,00Washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (6 special)6 optionsLarge washing capacity 9 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1400 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating options and cycle-phasesChild safety door lockFLN129SW 0109802631200 rpmA+ / A / B9.900,00A+599A B 1400 TFLN168LW 010980300 - 9.900,00Washing machine, WHITE colour15 programmes (9 special)6 optionsLarge washing capacity 8 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class AMaximum spin speed 1600 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLCD display interfaceAutoclean functionChild safety door lockA+FLN128LW 0109802811200 rpmA+ / A / B9.900,00FLN108LW 0109802771000 rpmA+ / A / C9.900,0059 8A A 1600 TFLN128LB 010980282 - 9.900,00Washing machine, BLACK colour15 programmes (9 special)6 optionsLarge washing capacity 8 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1200 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLCD display interfaceAutoclean functionChild safety door lockA+598A B 1200 T12

FLN128LA 010980296 - 9.999,00Washing machine, ALUMINIUM colour15 programmes (9 special)6 optionsLarge washing capacity 8 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1200 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLCD display interfaceAutoclean functionChild safety door lockA+598A B 1200 TFLN128SW 010980262 - 9.900,00Washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (6 special)6 optionsLarge washing capacity 8 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1200 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating options and cycle-phasesChild safety door lockA+FLN108SW 0109802581000 rpmA+ / A / C9.900,0059 8A B 1200 TFLN108EW 010980241 - 9.999,00Washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (1special)3 optionsLarge washing capacity 8 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating optionsChild safety door lockA+598A C 1000 T13

55cmFLN147LW 010980284 - 9.900,00Washing machine, WHITE colour15 programmes (9 special)6 optionsLarge washing capacity 7 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1400 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLCD display interfaceAutoclean functionChild safety door lockA+FLN127LW 0109802791200 rpmA+ / A / B9.900,0055 7A B 1400 TFLN127LB 010980280 - 9.900,00Washing machine, BLACK colour15 programmes (9 special)6 optionsLarge washing capacity 7 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1200 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLCD display interfaceAutoclean functionChild safety door lockA+557A B 1200 TFLN127LA 010980295 - 9.999,00Washing machine, ALUMINIUM colour15 programmes (9 special)6 optionsLarge washing capacity 7 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1200 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLCD display interfaceAutoclean functionChild safety door lock557A+ A B 1200T14

FLN127SW 010980261 - 9.900,00Washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (6 special)6 optionsLarge washing capacity 7 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1200 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating options and cycle-phasesChild safety door lockFLN107SW 0109802571000 rpmA+ / A / C9.900,0055 7A+ A B 1200 TFLN107EW 010980240 - 9.900,00Washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (1special)3 optionsLarge washing capacity 7 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating optionsChild safety door lock55 7A+ A C 1000 TFLN126LW 010980278 - 9.999,00Washing machine, WHITE colour15 programmes (9 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 6 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1200 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLCD display interfaceAutoclean functionChild safety door lockFLN106LW 0109802761000 rpmA+ / A / C9.900,0055 6A+ A B 1200 T15

FLN106SB 010980256 - 9.900,00Washing machine, BLACK colour11 programmes (6 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 6 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating options and cycle-phasesChild safety door lock55 6A+ A C 1000 TFLN106SA 010980298 - 9.900,00Washing machine, ALUMINIUM colour11 programmes (6 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 6 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating options and cycle-phasesChild safety door lock55 6A+ A C 1000 TFLN106SW 010980255 - 9.999,00Washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (6 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 6 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating options and cycle-phasesChild safety door lock55 6A+ A C 1000 T16

FLN106EW 010980239 - 9.900,00Washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (1special)3 optionsWashing capacity 6 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating optionsChild safety door lockFLN86EW 010980238800 rpmA+ / A / D9.900,0055 6A+ A C 1000 TFLN105LW 010980275 - 9.900,00Washing machine, WHITE colour15 programmes (9 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 5 kgEnergy efficiency class AWash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLCD display interfaceAutoclean functionChild safety door lock 55 5A A C 1000 TFLN105SW 010980254 - 9.999,00Washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (6 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 5 kgEnergy efficiency class AWash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating options and cycle-phasesChild safety door lockFLN85SW010980251800 rpmA / A / D9.900,0055 5A A C 1000 T17

FLN85EW 010980236 - 9.900,00Washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (1special)3 optionsWashing capacity 5 kgEnergy efficiency class AWash performance class ASpin performance class DMaximum spin speed 800 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating optionsChild safety door lockFLN65EW010980235600 rpmA / A / E9.900,0055 5A A D 800 T46cm*FLSN127LW 010980291 - 9.900,00Compact washing machine, WHITE colour15 programmes (9 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 7 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1200 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLCD display interfaceAutoclean functionChild safety door lockFLSN107LW 0109802901000 rpmA+ / A / C9.900,00*46 7A+ A B 1200 TFLSN107SW 010980273- 9.999,00Compact washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (6 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 7 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating options and cycle-phasesChild safety door lockFLSN87SW 010980268800 rpmA+ / A / D9.900,00*46 7A+ A C 1000 T*18Commercial value

FLSN107EW 010980242 - 9.900,00Compact washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (1special)3 optionsWashing capacity 7 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating optionsChild safety door lockFLSN87EW 010980246800 rpmA+ / A / D9.900,00*46 7A+ A C 1000 T49cmFLSN126LW 010980294 - 9.900,00Compact washing machine, WHITE colour15 programmes (9 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 6 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1200 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLCD display interfaceAutoclean functionChild safety door lockFLSN106LW 0109802891000 rpmA+ / A / C9.900,0049 6A+ A B 1200 TFLSN106SW 010980272- 9.999,00Compact washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (6 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 6 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating options and cycle-phasesChild safety door lockFLSN86SW 010980267800 rpmA+ / A / D9.900,0049 6A+ A C 1000 T*19Commercial value

FLSN106EW 010980250 - 9.900,00Compact washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (1special)3 optionsWashing capacity 6 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating optionsChild safety door lockFLSN86EW 010980248800 rpmA+ / A / D9.900,0049 6A+ A C 1000 TFLSN125LW 010980283 -9.999,0039cmCompact washing machine, WHITE colour15 programmes (9 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 5 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1200 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLCD display interfaceAutoclean functionChild safety door lock39 5A+ A B 1200 TFLSN105SB 010980274 - 9.999,00Compact washing machine, BLACK colour11 programmes (6 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 5 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating options and cycle-phasesChild safety door lock39 5A+ A C 1000 T20

FLSN105SA 010980299 - 9.900,00Compact washing machine, ALUMINIUM colour11 programmes (6 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 5 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating options and cycle-phasesChild safety door lock39 5A+ A C 1000 TFLSN105SW 010980260 - 9.900,00Compact washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (6 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 5 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating options and cycle-phasesChild safety door lockFLSN85SW 010980253800 rpmA+ / A / D9.900,0039 5A+ A C 1000 TFLSN85EW 010980237 - 9.999,00Compact washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (1special)3 optionsWashing capacity 5 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class DMaximum spin speed 800 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating optionsChild safety door lock39 5A+ A D 800 T21

FLSN103LW 010980301 - 9.999,0033cmSlim washing machine, WHITE colour15 programmes (9 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 3,5 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLCD display interfaceAutoclean functionChild safety door lock3335 ,A+ A C 1000 TFLSN103SW 010980259 - 9.900,00Slim washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (6 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 3,5 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating options and cycle-phasesChild safety door lockFLSN83SW 010980252800 rpmA+ / A / D9.900,003335 ,A+ A C 1000 TFLSN103EW 010980234 - 9.900,00Slim washing machine, WHITE colour11 programmes (1special)3 optionsWashing capacity 3,5 kgEnergy efficiency class A+Wash performance class ASpin performance class CMaximum spin speed 1000 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating optionsChild safety door lockFLSN83EW 010980233800 rpmA+ / A / D9.900,003335 ,A+ A C 1000 T22

WASHER DRYERSEFFECTIVE LINE - WORLD RANGE<strong>Ardo</strong> washer-dryers combine the ease of a big capacity washing machine up to 8 kilos withan energy saving dryer. When you use the washing machine you can enjoy the specialwashing programmes that help you on the daily wash. Jeans, shirt, hygienic are someof the new programmes which take care very accurately of your laundry. Several optionsmake the wash effective and faster, cutting down time. By using the washer dryer you canwash and dry perfectly loads up to 5 kilos at the same time. If you like you can only dry clotheswith the dryer functions. During the drying cycle the water left in the textiles is condensed andpumped out by the draining hose without being dispersed in the ambient.23

HOME LAUNDRYWASHER DRYERS<strong>Ardo</strong> washer-dryers are designed to use less energy.Their score in energy efficiency is the highest on the market.Thanks to a sophisticated software and an advanced design,the 9-5 kg washer-dryers scored A in energy efficiency class washing drying.WDN1495LWA6,371,33140095202A classic confi guration with 11 wash programmes and 6 options. Many exclusive wash programmes for perfecttreatment of garments and fabrics.For those wanting a sophisticated washing machine with special programmes and large LCD display to monitorall phases of the wash cycle. 15 wash programmes and 6 options. Automatic cleaning function preventing limescale and foulodours in the washing machine.Please, refer to the entry pagesof the washing machines sectionin this catalogue to know all uniquefeatures that ARDO washer-dryersshare with them.24

WDN1495LW 014980024- 9.999,0059cmWasher Dryer, WHITE colour15 programmes (9 special)6 optionsLarge washing capacity 9 kgLarge drying capacity 5 kgEnergy efficiency class A [A+ wash only]Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1400 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLCD display interfaceAutoclean functionChild safety door lock59 95WDN1285SW 014980026- 9.900,00Washer Dryer, WHITE colour11 programmes (5 special)6 optionsLarge washing capacity 8 kgLarge drying capacity 5 kgEnergy efficiency class B [A+ wash only]Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1200 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating options and cycle-phasesChild safety door lockA B 1400A+ W 59 8 5A+ W A WDA B 1200B WD A B 1200WDN1264SW 014980025- 9.900,0055cmWasher Dryer, WHITE colour11 programmes (6 special)6 optionsWashing capacity 6 kgDrying capacity 4 kgEnergy efficiency class B [A+ wash only]Wash performance class ASpin performance class BMaximum spin speed 1200 rpmEcocarbon tub and stainless steel drumJanus electronic systemEasy Logic systemLoad balancing systemAntifoam systemLarge portholeLED indicating options and cycle-phasesChild safety door lock55 6 4A+ W B WD25

<strong>WASHING</strong> <strong>MACHINES</strong> RANGE OVERVIEW15 programmes, 6 options 11 programmes, 6 options 11 programmes, 3 options59cmFLN149LBFLN128LB9kg 1400 rpm A+8kg 1200 rpm A+FLN149LAFLN128LA9kg 1400 rpm A+8kg 1200 rpm A+FLN149LWFLN129LWFLN168LWFLN128LWFLN108LW9kg 1400 rpm A+9kg 1200 rpm A+8kg 1600 rpm A+8kg 1200 rpm A+8kg 1000 rpm A+FLN149SWFLN129SWFLN128SWFLN108SW9kg 1400 rpm A+9kg 1200 rpm A+8kg 1200 rpm A+8kg 1000 rpm A+FLN108EW 8kg 1000 rpm A+55cmFLN127LB 7kg 1200 rpm A+ FLN127LA 7kg 1200 rpm A+FLN147LWFLN127LWFLN126LWFLN106LW7kg 1400 rpm A+7kg 1200 rpm A+6kg 1200 rpm A+6kg 1000 rpm A+FLN105LW 5kg 1000 rpm AFLN106SB6kg 1000 rpm A+FLN106SA6kg 1000 rpm A+FLN127SWFLN107SWFLN106SWFLN105SWFLN85SW7kg 1200 rpm A+7kg 1000 rpm A+6kg 1000 rpm A+5kg 1000 rpm A5kg 800 rpm AFLN107EW 7kg 1000 rpm A+FLN106EW 6kg 1000 rpm A+FLN86EW 6kg 800 rpm A+FLN85EW 5kg 800 rpm AFLN65EW 5kg 600 rpm ACompact49cmFLSN126LW 6kg 1200 rpm A+FLSN106LW 6kg 1000 rpm A+FLSN106SW 6kg 1000 rpm A+FLSN86SW 6kg 800 rpm A+FLSN106EW 6kg 1000 rpm A+FLSN86EW 6kg 800 rpm A+26

Compact15 programmes, 6 options 11 programmes, 6 options 11 programmes, 3 options46cm*FLSN127LW 7kg 1200 rpm A+FLSN107LW 7kg 1000 rpm A+FLSN107SW 7kg 1000 rpm A+FLSN87SW 7kg 800 rpm A+FLSN107EW 7kg 1000 rpm A+FLSN87EW 7kg 800 rpm A+Commercial value*Compact39cmFLSN125LW 5kg 1200 rpm A+ FLSN105SB 5kg 1000 rpm A+FLSN105SA 5kg 1000 rpm A+FLSN105SW 5kg 1000 rpm A+FLSN85SW 5kg 800 rpm A+FLSN85EW 5kg 800 rpm A+Slim33cmFLSN103LW 3,5kg 1000 rpm A+FLSN103SW 3,5kg 1000 rpm A+FLSN83SW 3,5kg 800 rpm A+FLSN103EW 3,5kg 1000 rpm A+FLSN83EW 3,5kg 800 rpm A+WASHER DRYERS59cm55cmWDN1495LW 9-5kg 1400 rpmWDN1285SW 8-5kg 1200 rpmWDN1264SW 6-4kg 1200 rpm27

TECHNICAL FEATURESMODELFLN149LBFLN149LAFLN149LW FLN129LW FLN149SW FLN129SW FLN168LWFLN128LBFLN128LAFLN128LWProduct code01098028701098029701098028501098028601098026401098026301098030001098028<strong>2010</strong>980296010980281PRODUCT CATEGORY Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machineColourBlackAluminiumWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteBlackAluminiumWhiteE nergy label (energy -- wash -- spin)A+ - A - BA+ - A - BA+ - A - BA+ - A - BA+ - A - BA+ - A - BA+ - A - AA+ - A - BA+ - A - BA+ - A - BWash load capacity (kg) 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8Maximum spin speed (rpm)1400140014001200140012001600120012001200PRODUCT PLUSJanus electronic system • • • • • • • • • •Easy Logic system • • • • • • • • • •Ecoball avoids the waste of detergent • • • • • • • • • •Self cleaning pump • • • • • • • • • •Soap dispenser compatible with liquids • • • • • • • • • •Load balancing system • • • • • • • • • •Autoclean function • • • • - - • • • •LCD (display) / LED indicating options and cycle-phases LCD LCD LCD LCD LED LED LCD LCD LCD LCDPROGRAMMES AND OPTIONSWASH PROGRAMMES151515Cotton • • • • • • • • • •Jeans • • • • • • • • • •Shirts • • • • - - • • • •Eco-A • • • • • • • • • •Hygienic - VDE tested • • • • - - • • • •Wool / Wool Woolmark certified • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / •Hand wash • • • • • • • • • •Coloured garments • • • • • • • • • •Sportwear • • • • - - • • • •Special mix fabric • • • • • • • • • •Express 20' • • • • • • • • • •Cold-wash • • • • - - • • • •Rinses cycle • • • • • • • • • •Spin cycle • • • • • • • • • •WASH OPTIONSDelay start from to (h)1 161 - 161 - 161 - 161 - 81 81 161 161 161Adjustable spin speed • • • • • • • • • •No spin • • • • • • • • • •Prewash • • • • • • • • • •Turbo • • • • • • • • • •Skin care • • • • • • • • • •Anticrease • • • • • • • • • •SAFETY DEVICESOverflow system / Child safety / Antifoam system • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / •TECHNICAL FEATURES15Ecocarbon Tub / Stainless steel Drum • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / •Wash cycle energy consumption (kWh)*1,331,331,331,331,331,331,281,221,221,22Wash cycle water consumption (L)*85858585858575757575Reference program lenght (min)165165165165165165138138138138Maximun input (W)2100210021002100210021002100210021002100V oltage -- Frequency (V -- Hz)220 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 240 -- 50 220 2 40 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50Noise level wash/spinning (dB(A) re 1pW)55 7855 / 7855 / 7854 / 7455 / 7854 7455 8254 7454 7454 74Net dimensions (WxHxD) -- Weight (mm -- kg) 850x595x590 -- 73 850x595x590 -- 73 850x595x590 -- 73 850x595x590 -- 73 850x595x590 -- 73 850x595x590 -- 73 850x595x590 -- 73 850x595x590 -- 73 850x595x590 -- 73 850x595x590 -- 73Packaged dimensions (WxHxD) -- Weight (mm -- kg) 880x660x625 -- 75 880x660x625 -- 75 880x660x625 -- 75 880x660x625 -- 75 880x660x625 -- 75 880x660x625 -- 75 880x660x625 -- 75 880x660x625 -- 75 880x660x625 -- 75 880x660x625 -- 75E an Code8032773017536 8032773017635 8032773017512 8032773017529 8032773017307 8032773017291 8032773017697 8032773017482 8032773017628 80 3277301747511111515151516* According to the standards EN 60456 - EN 50229** Commercial value 460 mm-/-//-//-/-/-/-/28

TECHNICAL FEATURESMODELFLN108LW FLN128SW FLN108SW FLN108EW FLN147LWFLN127LBFLN127LAFLN127LW FLN127SW FLN107SWProduct code01098027701098026<strong>2010</strong>980258010980241010980284010980280010980295010980279010980261010980257PRODUCT CATEGORY Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machineColourWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteBlackAluminiumWhiteWhiteWhiteE nergy label (energy -- wash -- spin)A+ - A - CA+ - A - BA+ - A - CA+ - A - CA+ - A - BA+ - A - BA+ - A - BA+ - A - BA+ - A - BA+ - A - CWash load capacity (kg) 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7Maximum spin speed (rpm)1000120010001000140012001200120012001000PRODUCT PLUSJanus electronic system • • • • • • • • • •Easy Logic system • • • • • • • • • •Ecoball avoids the waste of detergent • • • • • • • • • •Self cleaning pump • • • • • • • • • •Soap dispenser compatible with liquids • • • • • • • • • •Load balancing system • • • • • • • • • •Autoclean function • - - - • • • • - -LCD (display) / LED indicating options and cycle-phases LCD LED LED - LCD LCD LCD LCD LED LEDPROGRAMMES AND OPTIONSWASH PROGRAMMES151111Cotton • • • • • • • • • •Jeans • • • - • • • • • •Shirts • - - - • • • • - -Eco-A • • • - • • • • • •Hygienic - VDE tested • - - - • • • • - -Wool / Wool Woolmark certified • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / •Hand wash • • • - • • • • • •Coloured garments • • • - • • • • • •Sportwear • - - - • • • • - -Special mix fabric • • • - • • • • • •Express 20' • • • • • • • • • •Cold-wash • - - • • • • • - -Rinses cycle • • • • • • • • • •Spin cycle • • • • • • • • • •WASH OPTIONSDelay start from to (h)1 161 - 81 - 81 - 161 161 161 161 81Adjustable spin speed • • • - • • • • • •No spin • • • • • • • • • •Prewash • • • • • • • • • •Turbo • • • • • • • • • •Skin care • • • - • • • • • •Anticrease • • • - • • • • • •SAFETY DEVICESOverflow system / Child safety / Antifoam system • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / •TECHNICAL FEATURES11Ecocarbon Tub / Stainless steel Drum • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / •Wash cycle energy consumption (kWh)*1,221,221,221,221,081,081,081,081,081,13Wash cycle water consumption (L)*75757575656565656565Reference program lenght (min)138138138148132132132132132132Maximun input (W)2100210021002100210021002100210021002100V oltage -- Frequency (V -- Hz)220 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 240 -- 50 220 2 40 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50Noise level wash/spinning (dB(A) re 1pW)53 7454 / 7453 / 7453 / 7455 / 7455 7255 7255 7255 7253 72Net dimensions (WxHxD) -- Weight (mm -- kg) 850x595x590 -- 73 850x595x590 -- 73 850x595x590 -- 73 850x595x590 -- 73 850x595x550 -- 70 850x595x550 -- 70 850x595x550 -- 70 850x595x550 -- 70 850x595x550 -- 70 850x595x550 -- 70Packaged dimensions (WxHxD) -- Weight (mm -- kg) 880x660x625 -- 75 880x660x625 -- 75 880x660x625 -- 75 880x660x625 -- 75 880x660x570 -- 72 880x660x570 -- 72 880x660x570 -- 72 880x660x570 -- 72 880x660x570 -- 72 880x660x570 -- 72E an Code8032773017437 8032773017284 8032773017246 8032773017079 8032773017505 8032773017468 8032773017611 8032773017451 8032773017277 80 327730172391515151511118* According to the standards EN 60456 - EN 50229** Commercial value 460 mm-/-/-/-//-/-/-/-/29

TECHNICAL FEATURESMODELFLN107EWFLN126LWFLN106LWFLN106SBFLN106SAFLN106SWFLN106EWFLN86EWFLN105LWFLN105SWProduct code010980240010980278010980276010980256010980298010980255010980239010980238010980275010980254PRODUCT CATEGORY Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machineColourWhiteWhiteWhiteBlackAluminiumWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteE nergy label (energy -- wash -- spin)A+ - A - CA+ - A - BA+ - A - CA+ - A - CA+ - A - CA+ - A - CA+ - A - CA+ - A - DA - A - CA - A - CW ash load capacity (kg)7666 6 6 6 6 5 5Maximum spin speed (rpm)100012001000100010001000100080010001000PRODUCT PLUSJanus electronic system • • • • • • • • • •Easy Logic system • • • • • • • • • •Ecoball avoids the waste of detergent • • • • • • • • • •Self cleaning pump • • • • • • • • • •Soap dispenser compatible with liquids • • • • • • • • • •Load balancing system • • • • • • • • • •Autoclean function - • • - - - - - • -LCD (display) LED indicating options and cycle-phasesLCDLCDLEDLEDLEDLCDLEDPROGRAMMES AND OPTIONSWASH PROGRAMMES11151511111111111511Cotton • • • • • • • • • •Jeans - • • • • • - - • •Shirts - • • - - - - - • -Eco-A - • • • • • - - • •Hygienic - VDE tested - • • - - - - - • -Wool / Wool Woolmark certified • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / •Hand wash - • • • • • - - • •Coloured garments - • • • • • - - • •Sportwear - • • - - - - - • -Special mix fabric - • • • • • - - • •Express 20' • • • • • • • • • •Cold-wash • • • - - - • • • -Rinses cycle • • • • • • • • • •Spin cycle • • • • • • • • • •WASH OPTIONSDelay start from to (h)1 - 161 - 161 - 81 - 81 81 161Adjustable spin speed - • • • • • - - • •No spin • • • • • • • • • •Prewash • • • • • • • • • •Turbo • • • • • • • • • •Skin care - • • • • • - - • •Anticrease - • • • • • - - • •SAFETY DEVICESOverflow system / Child safety / Antifoam system • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / •TECHNICAL FEATURESEcocarbon Tub / Stainless steel Drum • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / •Wash cycle energy consumption (kWh)*1,130,930,960,960,960,960,960,960,950,95Wash cycle water consumption (L)*65595959595959594949Reference program lenght (min)142126126126126126136136126126Maximun input (W)2100210021002100210021002100210021002100V oltage -- Frequency (V -- Hz)220 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 240 -- 50 220 2 40 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50Noise level wash/spinning (dB(A) re 1pW)53 7253 / 7354 / 7354 / 7354 / 7354 7354 7354 7159 7359 73N et dimensions (WxHxD) -- Weight (mm -- kg)850x595x550 -- 70 850x595x550 -- 68 850x595x550 -- 68 850x595x550 -- 68 850x595x550 -- 6 8 850x595x550 -- 68 850x595x550 -- 68 850x595x550 -- 68 850x595x550 -- 61 850x595x550 -- 61Packaged dimensions (WxHxD) -- Weight (mm -- kg) 880x660x570 -- 72 880x660x570 -- 70 880x660x570 -- 70 880x660x570 -- 70 880x660x570 -- 70 880x660x570 -- 70 880x660x570 -- 70 880x660x570 -- 70 880x660x570 -- 63 880x660x570 -- 63E an Code8032773017062 8032773017444 8032773017420 8032773017222 8032773017642 8032773017215 8032773017055 8032773017048 8032773017413 80 327730172088* According to the standards EN 60456 - EN 50229** Commercial value 460 mm/-/--//-//--/--/-/-/30

TECHNICAL FEATURESMODELFLN85SWFLN85EWFLN65EWFLSN127LW FLSN107LW FLSN107SWFLSN87SWFLSN107EWFLSN87EW FLSN126LWProduct code01098025101098023601098023501098029101098029001098027301098026801098024<strong>2010</strong>980246010980294PRODUCT CATEGORY Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machineColourWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteE nergy label (energy -- wash -- spin)A - A - DA - A - DA - A - EA+ - A - BA+ - A - CA+ - A - CA+ - A - DA+ - A - CA+ - A - DA+ - A - BW ash load capacity (kg)5557777776Maximum spin speed (rpm)80080060012001000100080010008001200PRODUCT PLUSJanus electronic system • • • • • • • • • •Easy Logic system • • • • • • • • • •Ecoball avoids the waste of detergent • • • • • • • • • •Self cleaning pump • • • • • • • • • •Soap dispenser compatible with liquids • • • • • • • • • •Load balancing system • • • • • • • • • •Autoclean function - - - • • - - - - •LCD (display) LED indicating options and cycle-phasesLEDLCDLCDLEDLEDLCDPROGRAMMES AND OPTIONSWASH PROGRAMMES11111115151111111115Cotton • • • • • • • • • •Jeans • - - • • • • - - •Shirts - - - • • - - - - •Eco-A • - - • • • • - - •Hygienic - VDE tested - - - • • - - - - •Wool / Wool Woolmark certified • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / •Hand wash • - - • • • • - - •Coloured garments • - - • • • • - - •Sportwear - - - • • - - - - •Special mix fabric • - - • • • • - - •Express 20' • • • • • • • • • •Cold-wash - • • • • - - • • •Rinses cycle • • • • • • • • • •Spin cycle • • • • • • • • • •WASH OPTIONSDelay start from to (h)1 - 81 161 - 161 81 81Adjustable spin speed • - - • • • • - - •No spin • • • • • • • • • •Prewash • • • • • • • • • •Turbo • • • • • • • • • •Skin care • - - • • • • - - •Anticrease • - - • • • • - - •SAFETY DEVICESOverflow system / Child safety / Antifoam system • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / •TECHNICAL FEATURESEcocarbon Tub / Stainless steel Drum • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / •Wash cycle energy consumption (kWh)*0,950,950,951,131,101,101,101,101,100,93Wash cycle water consumption (L)*49494976767676767659Reference program lenght (min)126136136148148148148158158126Maximun input (W)2100210021002100210021002100210021002100V oltage -- Frequency (V -- Hz)220 240 -- 50 220 240 -- 50 220 240 -- 50 220 240 -- 50 220 240 -- 50 220 240 -- 50 220 2 40 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50Noise level wash/spinning (dB(A) re 1pW)59 6959 6959 6854 7454 7554 / 7554 7154 7554 7153 73Net dimensions (WxHxD) -- Weight (mm -- kg) 850x595x550 -- 61 850x595x550 -- 61 850x595x550 -- 61 850x595x480** -- 63 850x595x480** -- 63 850x595x480** -- 63 850x595x480** -- 63 850x595x480** -- 63 850x595x480** -- 63 850x595x490 -- 63Packaged dimensions (WxHxD) -- Weight (mm -- kg) 880x660x570 -- 63 880x660x570 -- 63 880x660x570 -- 63 890x655x520 -- 65 890x655x520 -- 65 890x655x520 -- 65 890x655x520 -- 65 890x655x520 -- 65 890x655x520 -- 65 890x655x510 -- 65Ean Code8032773017178803277301702480327730170174820120930447 4820120930430 4820120930409 4820120930355 4820120930232 4820120930263 482012093047816* According to the standards EN 60456 - EN 50229** Commercial value 460 mm/-///--//--//-////-/-/--/--/-/31

TECHNICAL FEATURESMODELFLSN106LW FLSN106SW FLSN86SW FLSN106EW FLSN86EW FLSN125LW FLSN105SB FLSN105SA FLSN105SW FLSN85SWProduct code01098028901098027<strong>2010</strong>980267010980250010980248010980283010980274010980299010980260010980253PRODUCT CATEGORY Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machineColourWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteBlackAluminiumWhiteWhiteE nergy label (energy -- wash -- spin)A+ - A - CA+ - A - CA+ - A - DA+ - A - CA+ - A - DA+ - A - BA+ - A - CA+ - A - CA+ - A - CA+ - A - DWash load capacity (kg) 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5Maximum spin speed (rpm)1000100080010008001200100010001000800PRODUCT PLUSJanus electronic system • • • • • • • • • •Easy Logic system • • • • • • • • • •Ecoball avoids the waste of detergent • • • • • • • • • •Self cleaning pump • • • • • • • • • •Soap dispenser compatible with liquids • • • • • • • • • •Load balancing system • • • • • • • • • •Autoclean function • - - - - • - - - -LCD (display) / LED indicating options and cycle-phases LCD LED LED - - LCD LED LED LED LEDPROGRAMMES AND OPTIONSWASH PROGRAMMES15111111111511111111Cotton • • • • • • • • • •Jeans • • • - - • • • • •Shirts • - - - - • - - - -Eco-A • • • - - • • • • •Hygienic - VDE tested • - - - - • - - - -Wool /Wool Woolmark certified • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / •Hand wash • • • - - • • • • •Coloured garments • • • - - • • • • •Sportwear • - - - - • - - - -Special mix fabric • • • - - • • • • •Express 20' • • • • • • • • • •Cold-wash • - - • • • - - - -Rinses cycle • • • • • • • • • •Spin cycle • • • • • • • • • •WASH OPTIONSDelay start from to (h)1 - 161 81 81 - 161 - 81 - 81 - 81 - 8Adjustable spin speed • • • - - • • • • •No spin • • • • • • • • • •Prewash • • • • • • • • • •Turbo • • • • • • • • • •Skin care • • • - - • • • • •Anticrease • • • - - • • • • •SAFETY DEVICESOverflow system / Child safety / Antifoam system • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / •TECHNICAL FEATURESEcocarbon Tub / Stainless steel Drum • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / •Wash cycle energy consumption (kWh)*0,960,960,960,960,960,780,800,800,800,80Wash cycle water consumption (L)*59595959594949494949Reference program lenght (min)126126126136136122122122122122Maximun input (W)2100210021002100210021002100210021002100V oltage -- Frequency (V -- Hz)220 / 240 -- 50 220 240 -- 50 220 240 -- 50 220 240 -- 50 220 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 2 40 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50Noise level wash/spinning (dB(A) re 1pW)54 / 7354 7354 7154 7354 7155 / 7558 / 7458 / 7458 / 7458 / 72Net dimensions (WxHxD) -- Weight (mm -- kg) 850x595x490 -- 63 850x595x490 -- 63 850x595x490 -- 63 850x595x490 -- 63 850x595x490 -- 63 850x595x390 -- 58 850x595x390 -- 58 850x595x390 -- 58 850x595x390 -- 58 850x595x390 -- 58Packaged dimensions (WxHxD) -- Weight (mm -- kg) 890x655x510 -- 65 890x655x510 -- 65 890x655x510 -- 65 890x655x510 -- 65 890x655x510 -- 65 880x655x430 -- 60 880x655x430 -- 60 880x655x430 -- 60 880x655x430 -- 60 880x655x430 -- 60EanCode4820120930423 4820120930393 4820120930348 4820120930317 482012093029480327730174998032773017406803277301765980327730172608032773017192* According to the standards EN 60456 - EN 50229** Commercial value 460 mm-/-//-//-//-/32

MODEL FLSN85EW FLSN103LW FLSN103SW FLSN83SW FLSN103EW FLSN83EWProduct code01098023701098030101098025901098025<strong>2010</strong>980234010980233PRODUCT CATEGORY Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machine Washing machineColourWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteWhiteEnergy label (energy -- wash -- spin)A+ - A - DA+ - A - CA+ - A - CA+ - A - DA+ - A - CA+ - A - DWash load capacity (kg)53,53,53,53,53,5Maximum spin speed (rpm)800100010008001000800PRODUCT PLUSJanus electronic system • • • • • •Easy Logic system • • • • • •Ecoball avoids the waste of detergent • • • • • •Self cleaning pump • • • • • •Soap dispenser compatible with liquids • • • • • •Load balancing system • • • • • •Autoclean function - • - - - -LCD (display) / LED indicating options and cycle-phases - LCD LED LED - -PROGRAMMES AND OPTIONSWASH PROGRAMMES11Cotton • • • • • •Jeans - • • • - -Shirts - • - - - -Eco-A - • • • - -Hygienic - VDE tested - • - - - -15Wool / Wool Woolmark certified • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / •Hand wash - • • • - -Coloured garments - • • • - -Sportwear - • - - - -Special mix fabric - • • • - -Express 20' • • • • • •Cold-wash • • - - • •Rinses cycle • • • • • •Spin cycle • • • • • •WASH OPTIONSDelay start - from to (h)-1 - 161 - 81 - 8-Adjustable spin speed - • • • - -No spin • • • • • •Prewash • • • • • •Turbo • • • • • •Skin care - • • • - -Anticrease - • • • - -SAFETY DEVICESOverflow system / Child safety / Antifoam system • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / • • / • / •TECHNICAL FEATURESEcocarbon Tub / Stainless steel Drum • / • • / • • / • • / • • / • • / •Wash cycle energy consumption (kWh)*0,800,560,560,560,560,56Wash cycle water consumption (L)*493737373737Reference program lenght (min)132116116116126126Maximun input (W)210021002100210021002100Voltage -- Frequency (V -- Hz)220 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 240Noise level wash/spinning (dB(A) re 1pW)58 7258 / 7358 / 7358 / 7258 / 7358 72Net dimensions (WxHxD) -- Weight (mm -- kg) 850x595x390 -- 58 850x595x330 -- 56 850x595x330 -- 56 850x595x330 -- 56 850x595x330 -- 56 850x595x330 -- 56Packaged dimensions (WxHxD) -- Weight (mm -- kg) 880x655x430 -- 60 900x655x390 -- 57 900x655x390 -- 57 900x655x390 -- 57 900x655x390 -- 57 900x655x390 -- 57EanCode8032773017031803277301770311803277301725311803277301718511803277301700011---508032773016997* According to the standards d EN 60456 6 - EN 50229** Commercial value 460 mmTECHNICAL FEATURES////33

MODEL WDN1495LW WDN1285SW WDN1264SWProduct code 014980024 014980026 014980025PRODUCT CATEGORY Washer dryer Washer dryer Washer dryerColour White White WhiteEnergy label (energy -- wash) A - A B - A B - AWash / Drying load capacity (kg) 9 / 5 8 / 5 6 / 4Maximum spin speed (rpm) 1400 1200 1200PRODUCT PLUSEcoball avoids the waste of detergent • • •Self cleaning pump • • •Soap dispenser compatible with liquids • • •Janus electronic system • • •Easy Logic system • • •Load balancing system • • •Autoclean function • - -LCD (display) / LED indicating options and cycle-phases LCD LED LEDPROGRAMMES AND OPTIONSWASH PROGRAMMES 15 11 11Cotton • • •Jeans • • •Shirts • - -Eco-A • • •Hygienic - VDE tested • - -Wool / Wool Woolmark certified • / • • / • • / •Hand wash • • •Coloured garments • - -Sportwear • - -Special mix fabric • • •Express 20' • • •Dryng cycle • • •Rinses cycle • • •Spin cycle • • •WASH OPTIONSDelay Start 1 - 16 1 - 8 1 - 8Drying • • •Drying time - from to (min) 30 - 180 40 - 150 40 - 150Adjustable spin speed selector • • •Prewash • • •Turbo • • •Skin care • • •SAFETY DEVICESOverflow system / Child safety / Antifoam system • / • / • • / • / • • / • / •TECHNICAL FEATURESEcocarbon Tub / Stainless steel Drum • / • • / • • / •Wash cycle energy consumption (kWh) * 1,33 1,22 0,93Wash and drying cycle energy consumption (kWh) * 6,37 6,48 4,86Wash cycle water consumption (L) * 85 75 59Wash and drying cycle water consumption (L) * 202 221 141Reference program lenght (min) 450 458 429Maximun input (W) 2100 2100 2100Voltage -- Frequency (V -- Hz) 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50 220 / 240 -- 50Noise level wash/spinning/drying (dB(A) re 1pW) 55 / 77 / 65 55 / 76 / 65 52 / 74 / 62Net dimensions (WxHxD) -- Weight (mm -- kg) 850x595x590 -- 73 850x595x590 -- 73 850x595x550 -- 67Packaged dimensions (WxHxD) -- Weight (mm -- kg) 880x660x625 -- 75 880x660x625 -- 75 880x660x570 -- 69Ean Code 8032773017666 8032773017680 8032773017673* According to the standards EN 60456 - EN 50229TECHNICAL FEATURES34

Rev. 1.0 LBCF-LBASThe information in this catalogue should be considered reliable except for anyinvoluntary errors in technical accuracy or printing errors. With the intention ofmaking continued improvements to the products and services it offers, AntonioMerloni S.p.A in a.s. reserves the right to make any changes to the characteristics,colours, parts and energy supply procedures, without notice.The colours of the products shown should be regarded as purely indicative andnot binding, due to the technical limitations in reproduction and printing.Antonio Merloni S.p.A. in a.s. cannot be held responsible for any malfunctioningand damage caused by its own products if they have not been correctly installedas indicated in the instruction manuals. We would ask you to check actual availabilityof the products at our sales outlets. Your retailer will also inform you of any changesthat may have been made to the products since the catalogues were printed.The information contained in this brochure is as accurate as possible butis not to be considered as legally binding.

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