Eng - IOI Group

Eng - IOI Group

Eng - IOI Group

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Re-electionIn accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association (“Articles”), all Directors who are appointed by the Board aresubject to election by shareholders at the first opportunity after their appointment. The Articles also provide that atleast one third of the remaining Directors be subject to re-election by rotation at each Annual General Meeting providedalways that all Directors including the Managing Director shall retire from office at least once every three years but shallbe eligible for re-election.Upon the recommendation of the Nominating Committee, Datuk Hj Mohd Khalil b Dato’ Hj Mohd Noor and Lee Cheng Leangshall retire by rotation at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election.Directors’ RemunerationThe Company’s remuneration scheme is linked to performance, service seniority, experience and scope of responsibilitiesand is periodically benchmarked to market/industry survey conducted by human resource consultants.83<strong>IOI</strong> Corporation BerhadAnnual Report 2003

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