Eng - IOI Group

Eng - IOI Group

Eng - IOI Group

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alancesheets as at 30 June 2003In RM’000Note <strong>Group</strong> Company2003 2002 2003 2002ASSETS EMPLOYEDProperty, plant and equipment 12 3,817,976 2,665,410 385,539 385,992Subsidiaries 13 - - 2,056,437 1,846,787Associates 14 231,379 258,463 2,500 17,556Investment properties 15 534,243 522,456 - -Other long term investments 16 31,363 18,191 10,851 10,872Land held for development 17 650,029 660,074 - -Deferred tax assets 33 35,218 29,311 - -Goodwill on consolidation 18 415,565 179,628 - -Current assetsDevelopment properties 19 345,466 302,894 - -Inventories 20 458,077 123,382 3,954 4,678Trade and other receivables 21 560,138 318,045 41,029 13,020Amount due from subsidiaries 13 - - 1,377,853 712,677Amount due from associates 14 3,437 5,539 3,437 3,540Tax recoverable 1,247 10,187 - 8,287Short term investments 22 2,064 25,562 - 6,278Short term funds 23 44,649 61,641 - -Deposits with financial institutions 24 218,659 216,632 41,382 1,137Cash and bank balances 25 236,524 201,853 324 4891,870,261 1,265,735 1,467,979 750,106Current liabilitiesTrade and other payables 26 530,965 381,595 11,683 19,670Bank overdrafts 27 12,148 27,600 875 11,162Short term borrowings 28 327,054 680,416 260,500 611,330Amount due to subsidiaries 13 - - 469,101 381,549Amount due to an associate 14 2,739 2,739 2,739 2,739Taxation 23,536 41,181 1,676 6,087896,442 1,133,531 746,574 1,032,537Net current assets/(liabilities) 973,819 132,204 721,405 (282,431)6,689,592 4,465,737 3,176,732 1,978,776FINANCED BYShare capital 29 540,400 447,988 540,400 447,988Reserves 30 2,989,792 2,443,931 1,479,963 1,242,068Shareholders’ equity 3,530,192 2,891,919 2,020,363 1,690,056Minority interests 1,195,425 928,336 - -Long term borrowings 31 1,553,991 411,968 1,150,649 282,500Other long term liabilities 32 80,103 21,283 - -Deferred tax liabilities 33 329,881 212,231 5,720 6,2206,689,592 4,465,737 3,176,732 1,978,776The notes on pages 137 to 226 form an integral part of the financial statements129<strong>IOI</strong> Corporation BerhadAnnual Report 2003

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