Robust Lathe Review - More Woodturning

Robust Lathe Review - More Woodturning

Robust Lathe Review - More Woodturning


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<strong>Robust</strong> <strong>Lathe</strong> <strong>Review</strong>by Reed Gray (aka robo hippy)I went to the Portland AAWSymposium in 06 for a couple of reasons.It was just down the road, andI had never been to a symposium. Ialso was selected to do 2 rotationsof demonstrations, presenting a toolreview of the 3 different bowl coringsystems that are available. I hadsome disposable income at the time,and wanted a new lathe.I had started turning on an Atlas4 speed lathe. I worked it to death forabout 2 years, and customers keptasking for bigger bowls than my 12inch lathe could turn. I stepped upto a PM3520A. I had turned on itfor 8 years, and loved it, but wantedsome thing with more horsepower<strong>More</strong> <strong>Woodturning</strong> is published monthlyexcept April and October for $35.00 peryear by Fred and Mildred Holder at 19805Fales Road, Snohomish, WA 98296. MailingAddress is P. O. Box 2168, Snohomish WA98291-2168. Telephone: (360) 668-0976.E-Mail: fred@morewoodturning.net, WEBPage URL: http://www.morewoodturning.net. Periodicals Postage paid at Snohomish,Washington and at additional mailing office.<strong>More</strong> <strong>Woodturning</strong> is sold by subscriptionat $35.00 for one year and at a singlecopy price of $4.00 plus $1.50 postageand handling. Editorial material submittedfor publication must be accompaniedby a stamped, self-addressed envelope toensure return if it is not accepted for use.<strong>More</strong> Woodtunring uses materials frommany sources and many authors, the viewsexpressed herein are, therefore, those ofthe authors and not necessarily those of thePublishers. <strong>More</strong> <strong>Woodturning</strong> receives anumber of products each year for evaluation,but accepts no responsibility for return ofthose products unless specifically requestedto do so, in advance!POSTMASTER: Send address changesto <strong>More</strong> <strong>Woodturning</strong>, P. O. Box 2168,Snohomish WA 98291-2168.USPS No. 015387Page 4 <strong>More</strong> <strong>Woodturning</strong> February 2010<strong>Robust</strong> 25” Swing American Beauty like the author purchased.and torque. I had narrowed my mobility kit, tilt away tailstock setchoices to the <strong>Robust</strong> American up, and a steady rest. Total bill, includingshipping was over $8,000.Beauty, and the VB36. My turningroom in my shop is rather small, Brent English told me it would takeabout 8 by 12, and the lathe sits in about 3 months, and me, knowinga corner. Outboard turning isn’t an that it was custom made, expectedoption, so that ruled out the Oneway it to take about 4 months to get here,and the Serious lathe. I know this which it did. Brent did call me to tellis silly, but the Stubby just looked me that it would be about a monthalien to me, and didn’t look like it late.would work.I had sold my PM to a friend,I chose the <strong>Robust</strong> over the and he got here the day my <strong>Robust</strong>VB36 for a couple of reasons. One arrived. We dismantled my PM andwas that no matter what the set up fit it into his Volkswagon Jetta (thatwas on the VB36, it looked like a could be a story in itself), then proceededto get the <strong>Robust</strong> uncrated.dedicated bowl lathe. Probably 90%of my turnings are bowls, but I do Not too much of a problem with anothercouple of friends. I had to getsome spindles and hollow forms,and liked the set up of the <strong>Robust</strong> it onto the mobility wheels, and laybetter. Add to that the sliding headstockwhich I was used to from my the gravel and into my shop. Theout 3/4 inch plywood to get it overyears on the PM, and the fact that mobility wheels are really smooth,it was made in America, and I was and once it is on concrete, it is reallysold. I ordered the American Beauty easy to move around. I have beenwith the 3 hp motor, bed extension,

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