byelaws_cg_regn_Fina.. - State Health Resource Centre, Chhattisgarh

byelaws_cg_regn_Fina.. - State Health Resource Centre, Chhattisgarh

byelaws_cg_regn_Fina.. - State Health Resource Centre, Chhattisgarh


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iv. The subsequent Governing Bodies would be constituted on the basis of therecommendation of the outgoing Governing Body. Each of the three categories ofmembers would recommend by simple majority the names for their category in thesubsequent board. The four members of public eminence/<strong>Health</strong> Activists would bechosen in the first meeting of the newly constituted Governing Body by consensus failingwhich by simple majority of the members with the Member Secretary having the castingvote in case of a tie. The Secretary to Government of <strong>Chhattisgarh</strong>, Department of <strong>Health</strong>& family Welfare and the Country Director, Action Aid India would also be invited topropose their nominees to serve on the Governing Bodies.v. The Governing Body may also have permanent invitees from partner organisations orinvite special invitees on a meeting to meeting basis to attend its meetings subject to theapproval of the Governing Body.vi. One third of the members, not counting invitees would constitute a quorum for a meetingof the general Body.vii. A regular meeting of the general Body would require at least one month notice sent to theaddress given in the acceptance letter or the address signed in the official minutes bookfor the last meeting attended or to address change duly notified.viii. The Governing Body shall have a Chairperson and a Member Secretary. The Director ofSHRC would be the ex-officio member-secretary of the Governing body.b. The Executive Committeei. A committee selected by the Governing Body shall be the Executive Committee of thesociety, which shall manage the day-to-day affairs of the Society.ii. The Executive Committee will have at most seven members.iii. The Executive Committee of the society will meet at least once every three months.iv. Simple majority (more than 50%) of the total members of the Executive Committee shallform the quorum for the purpose of transacting business of the Executive Committeeexcept for adjourned meeting for which no quorum is necessary. In case of lack ofquorum in the Executive Committee meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned.v. As for conducting the executive committee meetings, Seven days’ notice for ordinaryExecutive Committee meetings and one days’ notice for emergency Executive Committeemeetings may be given.c. Conduct of Annual Governing Body Meeting and the procedure there of:i. The Annual Governing Body Meeting of the society shall be held at least once in a year,within 6 months from the end of accounting year. The Member Secretary shall givenotice to the members of the society 21 days before the date fixed for the meeting. Thenotice must contain the date, time and place of meeting and subjects to be discussed inthe meeting.ii. A governing body meeting shall have quorum if one third of the members are present atthe onset of the meeting.iii. The annual receipts and expenditure, the annual budget, auditor’s report etc. shall beread out, considered and accepted by the General Body.iv. Any resolutions shall be passed by majority vote of the members present.v. All resolutions/amendments, which are to be passed, should be communicated to theChairperson of the Governing Body 30 days in advance and the Member Secretary, uponthe Chairperson’s instructions, shall give notice of such amendments at least 21 days inadvance. More than half of the total members should be present in the General Bodymeetings. If this does not materialize, the meeting shall be adjourned to the next dayand same time. If minimum quorum is still absent, the meeting will be held with themembers present.5

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