addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans

addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans


Addressing Climate Change Adaptation in Regional Transportation PlansA Guide for California MPOs and RTPAsDevelop Digital Elevation MapsDigital elevation maps provide a critical geospatial dimension lacking in mostembedded asset data – that of relative elevation. A roadway layer, for example,typically contains the extent and path of the road and, with the benefit of a widthor “lanes” field, some measure of width. However, the elevation of the roadwayabove a parallel drainage ditch is rarely known.By incorporating a separate elevation layer into the GIS, most assets will assumethe topography of the terrain beneath them. In many areas, high resolution 14laser (LiDAR) generated elevation data is obtainable, either through the U.S.Geological Survey 15 (USGS) or the NOAA Digital Coast web site. 16 Many largecities and urbanized areas have commissioned their own high resolution digitalmaps. Lower resolution (7.5-minute) maps are available nationwide through theUSGS National Map, last updated in 1992. 17An important caveat to the use of most LiDAR data is that manmade structuresare generally removed during processing. Although this has little or no effect onroadways or rail, for instance, bridges and skyways are removed, leading to adepiction of inundation for every structure crossing an existing waterway. Ifpossible, these structures should be left in during processing, although thisrequires significant foresight and processing often takes years to complete. Somestructures will have full or partial relative elevation information included in thedata. Bridge deck clearances over navigable waterways or other rights-of-way(road or rail) are usually available through NBI datasets, for example – althoughthis field is likely to be null for largeculverts and bridges crossing nonnavigablewaterways. In this case, thestatus of the bridge approaches may offerclues as to whether the bridge will berendered unusable during a flood event,but this technique generally cannot beapplied systematically (i.e., each bridgewould require visual examination by theassessment team).Climate Assessment in Just Two DaysOahuMPO conducted a two‐day workshop inMarch 2011 to discuss the climate impactsprojected to affect Hawaii. Climatescientists, planners, and engineers at thecity, state, and Federal levels attended thisevent, which focused on sea‐level rise,flooding, and increased storm frequency andintensity. Through this process, participantsidentified five specific areas as the mostvulnerable transportation assets/locationson Oahu.Source: OahuMPO (2011).14 Less than 1 meter horizontal and 10 centimeters vertically is typical.15 Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

Addressing Climate Change Adaptation in Regional Transportation PlansA Guide for California MPOs and RTPAsConduct Criticality AssessmentSome of the more prominent climate change vulnerability and risk assessmentframeworks, such as the FHWA’s Conceptual Model, ask the assessment team todefine the relative criticality of various types and tiers of assets. The recentFHWA pilot projects, initiated in order to test, validate, and refine the Model,demonstrate that a broad range of techniques can be used to establish assetcriticality, from the very qualitative to the very quantitative.Qualitative MethodsUsing Transportation Models for ClimateAdaptation AssessmentsThe multi-agency New Jersey project funded aspart of FHWA’s 2010-2011 Climate ChangeVulnerability Assessment Pilot Program usedspatial analysis to determine how critical eachasset is to achieving the mission and goals of theNew Jersey multi-agency coalition. Becausetransportation infrastructure serves to connectsystem users with their destinations, a destinationbasedapproach was used. The project teamanalyzed data related to jobs and populationdensity at the Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) level todetermine which destinations were critical. Thesedata were used to place highway assets into threelevels of “criticality”,: “extreme”, “high”, and “lowand medium”. The “extreme” assets were thosethat were the most critical and would cause majorproblems if they were to fail. The other categoriesdecrease respectively in their level of criticality.Maps displaying these assets according to theircriticality levels were then generated.Source: NJTPA et al. (April 2012).Especially for assessments with smaller study areas or a limited selection ofassets, or for assessment teams with limited technicalresources, a qualitative assessment might suffice. Thisstep may simply involve an extension of the “High LevelCriticality Screening” described previously, wherein astakeholder process is used to establish a dialogue onpriorities. These regional priorities are then translatedinto a limited selection of assets for assessment. Thistechnique was recently adopted by OahuMPO (an FHWApilot) to establish a very constrained list of assets forassessment with limited resources.Quantitative MethodsAssessments of greater scope may require theintroduction of quantitative elements in order to protectagainst unintended omissions and potential errors injudgment relating to the relative importance of one assettype or class versus another.The most basic quantitative technique is to establish asimple numerical scale for rating criticality. Ratings maybe conducted collaboratively as a group (linking to thestakeholder process essential to qualitative criticalityassessments) or separately and then added or averaged.Washington DOT used a 10-point scale to determinecriticality for each major asset as part of its FHWA pilotproject, although the rankings are qualified as beingsubjective and useful primarily as a device in differentiating the rankings.The North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority’s FHWA pilot projectincluded a wide range of roadway assets in the assessment, and thereforeadopted a GIS-based approach to tiering assets by criticality. The assessmentteam developed a destination-based criticality approach, which used jobs andpopulation density for each Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) as proxies for criticaldestinations. To account for the magnitude of the connections made by a givenasset, volume or ridership data was also factored in (AADT). Originally, theCambridge Systematics, Inc. 9-13

Address<strong>in</strong>g Climate Change Adaptation <strong>in</strong> Regional Transportation PlansA Guide for California MPOs and RTPAsDevelop Digital Elevation MapsDigital elevation maps provide a critical geospatial dimension lack<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> mostembedded asset data – that of relative elevation. A roadway layer, for example,typically conta<strong>in</strong>s the extent and path of the road and, with the benefit of a widthor “lanes” field, some measure of width. However, the elevation of the roadwayabove a parallel dra<strong>in</strong>age ditch is rarely known.By <strong>in</strong>corporat<strong>in</strong>g a separate elevation layer <strong>in</strong>to the GIS, most assets will assumethe topography of the terra<strong>in</strong> beneath them. In many areas, high resolution 14laser (LiDAR) generated elevation data is obta<strong>in</strong>able, either through the U.S.Geological Survey 15 (USGS) or the NOAA Digital Coast web site. 16 Many largecities and urbanized areas have commissioned their own high resolution digitalmaps. Lower resolution (7.5-m<strong>in</strong>ute) maps are available nationwide through theUSGS National Map, last updated <strong>in</strong> 1992. 17An important caveat to the use of most LiDAR data is that manmade structuresare generally removed dur<strong>in</strong>g process<strong>in</strong>g. Although this has little or no effect onroadways or rail, for <strong>in</strong>stance, bridges and skyways are removed, lead<strong>in</strong>g to adepiction of <strong>in</strong>undation for every structure cross<strong>in</strong>g an exist<strong>in</strong>g waterway. Ifpossible, these structures should be left <strong>in</strong> dur<strong>in</strong>g process<strong>in</strong>g, although thisrequires significant foresight and process<strong>in</strong>g often takes years to complete. Somestructures will have full or partial relative elevation <strong>in</strong>formation <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> thedata. Bridge deck clearances over navigable waterways or other rights-of-way(road or rail) are usually available through NBI datasets, for example – althoughthis field is likely to be null for largeculverts and bridges cross<strong>in</strong>g nonnavigablewaterways. In this case, thestatus of the bridge approaches may offerclues as to whether the bridge will berendered unusable dur<strong>in</strong>g a flood event,but this technique generally cannot beapplied systematically (i.e., each bridgewould require visual exam<strong>in</strong>ation by theassessment team).Climate Assessment <strong>in</strong> Just Two DaysOahuMPO conducted a two‐day workshop <strong>in</strong>March 2011 to discuss the <strong>climate</strong> impactsprojected to affect Hawaii. Climatescientists, planners, and eng<strong>in</strong>eers at thecity, state, and Federal levels attended thisevent, which focused on sea‐level rise,flood<strong>in</strong>g, and <strong>in</strong>creased storm frequency and<strong>in</strong>tensity. Through this process, participantsidentified five specific areas as the mostvulnerable <strong>transportation</strong> assets/locationson Oahu.Source: OahuMPO (2011).14 Less than 1 meter horizontal and 10 centimeters vertically is typical.15 Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

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