addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans

addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans


Addressing Climate Change Adaptation in Regional Transportation PlansA Guide for California MPOs and RTPAsThe five modules are as follows:Module 1: Set Mission, Goals and ObjectivesModule 2a: Assemble Asset Inventory and Screen CriticalityModule 2b: Apply Climate InformationModule 3: Conduct Vulnerability and Risk AssessmentModule 4: Develop Adaptation StrategiesModule 5: Monitor and Evaluate PlanThe modules are meant to be flexible and can be applied with anywhere fromminimal data and resources, to extensive data and advanced technical capacity.This flexibility allows MPOs and RTPAs to utilize this document in a way thatbest serves their needs. It can be used for a first time preliminary assessment ofadaptation issues for the RTP or as a means to formally integrate climateadaptation into the RTP process.Caltrans provides many statewide transportation asset layers as geospatialresources in the GIS Data Library. 13 MPOs or RTPAs interested in utilizing thisassessment process with GIS data layers can download individual layers throughthe Caltrans GIS Data Library. Alternatively, resources such as Cal-Adapt can beused for planning level assessment as a complementary data set to transportationlayers. Smaller or agencies with limited resources will find it helpful to walkthrough each module in a more qualitative fashion or simply to use Part II of thisguide for Basic Users. An agency with more staff and mapping resources maywant to start with the Caltrans GIS Data Library information but layer onadditional local and regional GIS layers to apply a more rigorous climateassessment to its facilities.13 Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

Addressing Climate Change Adaptation in Regional Transportation PlansA Guide for California MPOs and RTPAs8.0 Module 1: Set Mission, Goals,and Objectives8.1 THE REASON FOR SETTING MISSION, GOALS,AND OBJECTIVESIncorporating climate change adaptation is a new topic in transportationplanning. It must compete with a litany of requirements already embedded inthe RTP guidelines, so MPOs/RTPAs will have to be clear about the goals andobjectives of conducting a climate change risk assessment and adaptationstrategy. For many California MPOs/RTPAs, the goal may be to develop a highlevelscenario assessment with existing data and base the assessment mainly onextrapolations from current hazard mitigation planning. At some agencies, suchas at Humboldt County Association of Governments, for which the climateprojections reveal extreme impacts of sea-level rise on its coastal roads, plannersare already exploring detailed adaptation strategies in parallel with the RTPprocess.The purpose of Module 1 is to lay out the overall effort associated withincorporating climate adaptation into the RTP process and to collect and garneras much existing data, support, and technical expertise to leverage efforts alreadytaking place in the region.Figure 8.1 provides a step-by-step guide for setting the mission, goals andobjectives of the effort and is described in greater detail throughout the text.Cambridge Systematics, Inc. 8-1

Address<strong>in</strong>g Climate Change Adaptation <strong>in</strong> Regional Transportation PlansA Guide for California MPOs and RTPAsThe five modules are as follows:Module 1: Set Mission, Goals and ObjectivesModule 2a: Assemble Asset Inventory and Screen CriticalityModule 2b: Apply Climate InformationModule 3: Conduct Vulnerability and Risk AssessmentModule 4: Develop Adaptation StrategiesModule 5: Monitor and Evaluate PlanThe modules are meant to be flexible and can be applied with anywhere fromm<strong>in</strong>imal data and resources, to extensive data and advanced technical capacity.This flexibility allows MPOs and RTPAs to utilize this document <strong>in</strong> a way thatbest serves their needs. It can be used for a first time prelim<strong>in</strong>ary assessment of<strong>adaptation</strong> issues for the RTP or as a means to formally <strong>in</strong>tegrate <strong>climate</strong><strong>adaptation</strong> <strong>in</strong>to the RTP process.Caltrans provides many statewide <strong>transportation</strong> asset layers as geospatialresources <strong>in</strong> the GIS Data Library. 13 MPOs or RTPAs <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> utiliz<strong>in</strong>g thisassessment process with GIS data layers can download <strong>in</strong>dividual layers throughthe Caltrans GIS Data Library. Alternatively, resources such as Cal-Adapt can beused for plann<strong>in</strong>g level assessment as a complementary data set to <strong>transportation</strong>layers. Smaller or agencies with limited resources will f<strong>in</strong>d it helpful to walkthrough each module <strong>in</strong> a more qualitative fashion or simply to use Part II of thisguide for Basic Users. An agency with more staff and mapp<strong>in</strong>g resources maywant to start with the Caltrans GIS Data Library <strong>in</strong>formation but layer onadditional local and <strong>regional</strong> GIS layers to apply a more rigorous <strong>climate</strong>assessment to its facilities.13 Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

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