addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans

addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans


Addressing Climate Change Adaptation in Regional Transportation PlansA Guide for California MPOs and RTPAs7.0 An Advanced Approach:Applying the Five-StepClimate Change Assessmentand Adaptation ModulesThe remainder of this report outlines a five-step process for CaliforniaMPOs/RTPAs to incorporate climate change assessment and adaptation intotheir RTPs. To meet this objective, this report suggests a set of modules shown inFigure 7.1, modified but aligned with the FHWA Climate Change VulnerabilityConceptual Risk Assessment Model. 12Figure 7.1Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation Modules5. Monitor &Evaluate Plan1. Set Mission,Goals andObjectives4. DevelopAdaptationStrategies2a. Assemble AssetInventory & ScreenCriticality2b. Apply ClimateInformationSource: Cambridge Systematics, Inc., 2012.3. ConductVulnerabilityand RiskAssessment12 Systematics, Inc. 7-1

Address<strong>in</strong>g Climate Change Adaptation <strong>in</strong> Regional Transportation PlansA Guide for California MPOs and RTPAs7.0 An Advanced Approach:Apply<strong>in</strong>g the Five-StepClimate Change Assessmentand Adaptation ModulesThe rema<strong>in</strong>der of this report outl<strong>in</strong>es a five-step process for CaliforniaMPOs/RTPAs to <strong>in</strong>corporate <strong>climate</strong> <strong>change</strong> assessment and <strong>adaptation</strong> <strong>in</strong>totheir RTPs. To meet this objective, this report suggests a set of modules shown <strong>in</strong>Figure 7.1, modified but aligned with the FHWA Climate Change VulnerabilityConceptual Risk Assessment Model. 12Figure 7.1Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation Modules5. Monitor &Evaluate Plan1. Set Mission,Goals andObjectives4. DevelopAdaptationStrategies2a. Assemble AssetInventory & ScreenCriticality2b. Apply ClimateInformationSource: Cambridge Systematics, Inc., 2012.3. ConductVulnerabilityand RiskAssessment12<strong>climate</strong>_<strong>change</strong>/<strong>adaptation</strong>/ongo<strong>in</strong>g_and_current_research/vulnerability_assessment_pilots/conceptual_model62410.cfm.Cambridge Systematics, Inc. 7-1

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