addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans

addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans


Addressing Climate Change Adaptation in Regional Transportation PlansA Guide for California MPOs and RTPAsClimate Impactand PotentialInfrastructureImpactLandslidesRoad WashoutsPotentialTransportation Impacts Planning Strategy Design Strategy Operations/Maintenance ResponseRoute closuresTravel delaysIncreased safety risksBridge Scour Compromised integrity ofbridge structures Bridge failure resulting inclosure Reduced bridge capacityRailway Flooding Disruption of rail traffic –closure or delay Rail and railway roadbeddamage Malfunctions of track orsignal sensorsHigher Temperatures – Extreme Heat EventsHighway Asphalt Route closuresRutting Travel delaysHighway Asphalt Limitations onBucklingconstruction periodsConcreteduring summerDeterioration/ BlowupsLimits on Periods ofConstruction Activity Identify roadway segmentsimpacted by past intenseprecipitation events Address vulnerabilities intransportation plans Identify alternatives to vulnerableroutes Perform increased riskassessment for new roads Identify locations of bridges inlocations vulnerable to sea-levelrise and bridge scour Address vulnerabilities intransportation plans Identify segments of railwayvulnerable to sea-level rise Address vulnerability in rail plans Identify roadway segmentsimpacted by past extreme heatevents Address vulnerabilities intransportation plansProtect critical evacuation routesIncorporate landslide mitigationmeasures for projects in vulnerableareas Ensure adequate drainage onroadbed surfaces, and shoulders Incorporate rockfall protectionmeasures Protection of bridge piers andabutments with riprap Increase base elevation of rail beds Upgrade rail drainage systems Increase warning and advisory systemsfor dispatch centers and crews Development of new heat resistantasphalt/concrete mixtures Overlay with new rut-resistant asphaltRepair damage as needed by emergencycontract or permanent restoration projectIncreased monitoring of infrastructure conditionsEnsure the roadway is clear of rocks, debris,and downed vegetationDuring extreme precipitation events, continuallymonitor drainage systemsMinimize repair backlogsIncreased monitoring for bridge pier andabutment scourIncreased monitoring of infrastructure conditionsEnsure drainage systems are adequate toaccommodate flood conditions Ensure bridge openings/culverts are clear forappropriate flood managementIncreased monitoring of infrastructure duringextreme heat eventsOverlay with more rut-resistant asphaltIncreased maintenance to prevent impacts ofextreme heatShift to evening construction schedule4-6 Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

Addressing Climate Change Adaptation in Regional Transportation PlansA Guide for California MPOs and RTPAsClimate Impactand PotentialInfrastructureImpactRail Buckling Potential for trainderailmentIncreased ThermalExpansion ofBridgesChanges toVegetation/BiodiversityIncrease in Wildfiresand MudslidesPotentialTransportation Impacts Planning Strategy Design Strategy Operations/Maintenance Response Malfunction of track andsignal sensors Disruption of rail traffic –closure or delayBridge damageBridge closuresHigher temperatures willincrease droughtconditions. Landscapedright-of-ways will requiremore wateringChanging temperaturepatterns will alter naturalbiodiversityRoute closures anddetoursDamaged infrastructuresuch as guardrails andsignsIdentify segments of railwaylocated in areas mostvulnerable to extreme heateventsAddress vulnerability in railplansIdentify bridges impacted bypast extreme heat eventsAddress vulnerabilities intransportation plansWhen feasible, work with localmunicipalities to use reclaimedwater vegetation irrigationSource: Climate impacts highlighted based on relevance for California regions, Caltrans, 2012. Design for higher maximumtemperatures in replacement or newrail infrastructureEnsure bridge joints canaccommodate anticipated thermalexpansionDesign for higher maximumtemperatures in replacement or newconstructionIncreased consideration of droughttolerant vegetationConvert to new “smart” irrigationsystems that water only whennecessary to conserve waterDesign alternatives to water reliantplants, such as decorative hardscapeUse native drought resistant plansIncrease use of inert materials asgroundcover to minimize exposureand need for plantingsUse of heat resistant infrastructureIncorporate mudslide mitigationmeasures for projects in vulnerableareas (burned-out)Improved monitoring of rail temperatures, tracks,track sensors and signals during extreme heateventsIncreased track maintenanceLower speeds and shorter trains to shortenbraking distance when necessaryLighter loads to reduce track stress whennecessaryImproved monitoring of bridge jointsIncreased ongoing bridge maintenanceIncreased vegetation managementIncreased monitoring of slope stability invulnerable areasRepair damage as needed by emergencycontract or permanent restoration projectCambridge Systematics, Inc. 4-7

Address<strong>in</strong>g Climate Change Adaptation <strong>in</strong> Regional Transportation PlansA Guide for California MPOs and RTPAsClimate Impactand PotentialInfrastructureImpactLandslidesRoad WashoutsPotentialTransportation Impacts Plann<strong>in</strong>g Strategy Design Strategy Operations/Ma<strong>in</strong>tenance ResponseRoute closuresTravel delaysIncreased safety risksBridge Scour Compromised <strong>in</strong>tegrity ofbridge structures Bridge failure result<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>closure Reduced bridge capacityRailway Flood<strong>in</strong>g Disruption of rail traffic –closure or delay Rail and railway roadbeddamage Malfunctions of track orsignal sensorsHigher Temperatures – Extreme Heat EventsHighway Asphalt Route closuresRutt<strong>in</strong>g Travel delaysHighway Asphalt Limitations onBuckl<strong>in</strong>gconstruction periodsConcretedur<strong>in</strong>g summerDeterioration/ BlowupsLimits on Periods ofConstruction Activity Identify roadway segmentsimpacted by past <strong>in</strong>tenseprecipitation events Address vulnerabilities <strong>in</strong><strong>transportation</strong> <strong>plans</strong> Identify alternatives to vulnerableroutes Perform <strong>in</strong>creased riskassessment for new roads Identify locations of bridges <strong>in</strong>locations vulnerable to sea-levelrise and bridge scour Address vulnerabilities <strong>in</strong><strong>transportation</strong> <strong>plans</strong> Identify segments of railwayvulnerable to sea-level rise Address vulnerability <strong>in</strong> rail <strong>plans</strong> Identify roadway segmentsimpacted by past extreme heatevents Address vulnerabilities <strong>in</strong><strong>transportation</strong> <strong>plans</strong>Protect critical evacuation routesIncorporate landslide mitigationmeasures for projects <strong>in</strong> vulnerableareas Ensure adequate dra<strong>in</strong>age onroadbed surfaces, and shoulders Incorporate rockfall protectionmeasures Protection of bridge piers andabutments with riprap Increase base elevation of rail beds Upgrade rail dra<strong>in</strong>age systems Increase warn<strong>in</strong>g and advisory systemsfor dispatch centers and crews Development of new heat resistantasphalt/concrete mixtures Overlay with new rut-resistant asphaltRepair damage as needed by emergencycontract or permanent restoration projectIncreased monitor<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>in</strong>frastructure conditionsEnsure the roadway is clear of rocks, debris,and downed vegetationDur<strong>in</strong>g extreme precipitation events, cont<strong>in</strong>uallymonitor dra<strong>in</strong>age systemsM<strong>in</strong>imize repair backlogsIncreased monitor<strong>in</strong>g for bridge pier andabutment scourIncreased monitor<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>in</strong>frastructure conditionsEnsure dra<strong>in</strong>age systems are adequate toaccommodate flood conditions Ensure bridge open<strong>in</strong>gs/culverts are clear forappropriate flood managementIncreased monitor<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>in</strong>frastructure dur<strong>in</strong>gextreme heat eventsOverlay with more rut-resistant asphaltIncreased ma<strong>in</strong>tenance to prevent impacts ofextreme heatShift to even<strong>in</strong>g construction schedule4-6 Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

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