addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans

addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans


State-of-the-Practice Climate Change Adaptation Activities for California MPOs and RTPAsAppendixNPCC also provides a Risk Matrix (RM), a tool to help categorize and prioritizethe risk assessment findings by facility, based on the probability of the climatehazard, likelihood of impact, and magnitude of consequence (see Figure 3).Figure 3.Risk Matrix Used by New York CitySource: NPCC Climate Change Adaptation: Building a Risk Management Response.United Kingdom Highways Agency Adaptation Strategy ModelTo date, the most fully-developed adaptation framework is that described in TheUnited Kingdom Highway Agency’s Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. Theframework is a seven-step process for developing a climate change program. Itprovides a method for prioritizing risk and identifies staff members responsiblefor different climate change adaptation program development efforts.The Adaptation Framework provides a platform for decision makers to examinetheir individual business areas, including standards, specifications, maintenance,and the development and operation of the Highway Agency network. Itprovides a systematic process to identify the activities that will be affected by achanging climate, determine associated risks (and opportunities), and identifypreferred options to address and manage them.The Highways Agency’s Adaptation Framework Model (HAAFM) provides aseven-stage process that identifies activities which will be affected by a changingclimate; determines the associated risks and opportunities; and identifiespreferred options to address them.B-4 Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

State-of-the-Practice Climate Change Adaptation Activities for California MPOs and RTPAsAppendixFigure 4.UK Highways Agency Adaptation Framework ModelSource: Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Framework, Rev B, November 2009.1.2 EFFORTS IN CALIFORNIA2009 California Climate Change Adaptation StrategyThe California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA), with the help of other stateagencies, wrote The California Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (2009) inresponse to Executive Order S-13-2008, which directed California’s agencies todevelop an approach for statewide climate adaptation planning. This reportpresents climate change adaptation strategies for seven sectors includingtransportation. In addition to work done by state agencies involved in the sectorspecificworking groups, stakeholder input contributed to this strategy. The finalproduct includes a number of preliminary recommendations that relate to bothnear- and long-term actions. Some are specific to individual sectors and someare more global in nature, such as the recommendation for planning agencies toinclude climate change impact assessments as part of their plans.The strategy identifies and describes which types of climate change events aremost likely to affect transportation. For example, flooding and sea level rise aretwo major climate change events that could affect transportation assets andCambridge Systematics, Inc. B-5

State-of-the-Practice Climate Change Adaptation Activities for California MPOs and RTPAsAppendixNPCC also provides a Risk Matrix (RM), a tool to help categorize and prioritizethe risk assessment f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gs by facility, based on the probability of the <strong>climate</strong>hazard, likelihood of impact, and magnitude of consequence (see Figure 3).Figure 3.Risk Matrix Used by New York CitySource: NPCC Climate Change Adaptation: Build<strong>in</strong>g a Risk Management Response.United K<strong>in</strong>gdom Highways Agency Adaptation Strategy ModelTo date, the most fully-developed <strong>adaptation</strong> framework is that described <strong>in</strong> TheUnited K<strong>in</strong>gdom Highway Agency’s Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. Theframework is a seven-step process for develop<strong>in</strong>g a <strong>climate</strong> <strong>change</strong> program. Itprovides a method for prioritiz<strong>in</strong>g risk and identifies staff members responsiblefor different <strong>climate</strong> <strong>change</strong> <strong>adaptation</strong> program development efforts.The Adaptation Framework provides a platform for decision makers to exam<strong>in</strong>etheir <strong>in</strong>dividual bus<strong>in</strong>ess areas, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g standards, specifications, ma<strong>in</strong>tenance,and the development and operation of the Highway Agency network. Itprovides a systematic process to identify the activities that will be affected by achang<strong>in</strong>g <strong>climate</strong>, determ<strong>in</strong>e associated risks (and opportunities), and identifypreferred options to address and manage them.The Highways Agency’s Adaptation Framework Model (HAAFM) provides aseven-stage process that identifies activities which will be affected by a chang<strong>in</strong>g<strong>climate</strong>; determ<strong>in</strong>es the associated risks and opportunities; and identifiespreferred options to address them.B-4 Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

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