addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans

addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans


Addressing Climate Change Adaptation in Regional Transportation PlansA Guide for California MPOs and RTPAsFigure 11.3 Example: Railroad Bridges in Various Temperature ZonesSource: Cambridge Systematics, Inc., 2012.Note: Projection Info for Climate Layers Extreme Heat and Extreme Precipitation shapefiles: geographic,wgs84 (GCS_WGS_1984).Projection Info for Infrastructure Database layers: geographic, nad 83(GCS_North_American_1983).Determine RiskAs explained previously, the risk assessment approach recommended in thismodule is intended to facilitate the generation of a list of priority transportationassets for assessment in the subsequent module. As with most calculations ofrisk, this approach cross-references the potential magnitude of consequenceswith the likelihood of impacts for individual assets or asset classes. With perfectinformation on both factors, this could be expressed mathematically as [(cost ofconsequence)*(probability of occurrence)]. If the consequence of a specificclimate impact were determined to be $1 million, and its probability to be50 percent, then the risk could be precisely quantified as $500,000. However, this11-8 Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

Addressing Climate Change Adaptation in Regional Transportation PlansA Guide for California MPOs and RTPAsstandard of precision is infeasible and unproductive in this application; theuncertainties are too great and the resources required would make a system levelassessment impossible. Instead, the technique described below is orientedtoward a rapid, sketch-level assessment of assets at risk, a selection of which canbe considered with greater rigor in the following module (Module 4).Estimate the Potential Magnitude of ConsequencesThe groundwork for this task will have been performed in Module 2a, whereasset criticality is determined. That designation (e.g., low, medium, high; 1-5,etc.) is carried into this exercise as a reasonable estimate of the potentialmagnitude of consequences from stressor exposure. For example, if an asset ishighly critical, meaning that its contribution to mobility, accessibility, economy,safety, etc. is significant, then the potential consequence of disruption,deterioration, or damage is also high. By making this connection, the assessor isspared the potentially painstaking task of attempting to estimate the range ofactual consequences – which involves a consideration of the complex interactionof stressor and structure characteristics. 20Since potential consequence and criticality are coincident, it should bestraightforward to create groupings of magnitudes (such as “high,” “medium,”and “low”). This can be accomplished in GIS (by selecting critical attributes, suchas volumes, for examples) or, for studies that are smaller in scope, by compilingpreviously generated lists of critical assets. If a large number of assets aredesignated as high consequence/highly critical, the “likelihood of impacts”exercise explained subsequently may help screen the selection down to amanageable set. Otherwise, it may be necessary to further segment the top“potential consequence” tier to reduce the pool of assets for further assessment(in GIS, this may be accomplished by distributing critical attributes by quintilesinstead of quartiles, for example).Estimate the Likelihood of ImpactsEstimating the likelihood of impacts can be one of the most challenging aspectsof the assessment. Stressor frequency or annual probability become moreuncertain as the assessment timeframe extends into the future, and the potentialsusceptibility of a given asset to that stressor is similarly difficult to anticipate –especially when asset deterioration and renewal cycles are considered. Thisapproach recommends deferring these difficulties to the significantly smallerselection of assets to be advanced to the following module. Instead, because the“magnitude of consequences” estimate has already established that this exercise20 For studies that have already limited the pool of assets for assessment (whetherthrough constrained geography or policy decisions), it may be appropriate toincorporate more rigorous assessment techniques from Module 4, as needed.Cambridge Systematics, Inc. 11-9

Address<strong>in</strong>g Climate Change Adaptation <strong>in</strong> Regional Transportation PlansA Guide for California MPOs and RTPAsstandard of precision is <strong>in</strong>feasible and unproductive <strong>in</strong> this application; theuncerta<strong>in</strong>ties are too great and the resources required would make a system levelassessment impossible. Instead, the technique described below is orientedtoward a rapid, sketch-level assessment of assets at risk, a selection of which canbe considered with greater rigor <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g module (Module 4).Estimate the Potential Magnitude of ConsequencesThe groundwork for this task will have been performed <strong>in</strong> Module 2a, whereasset criticality is determ<strong>in</strong>ed. That designation (e.g., low, medium, high; 1-5,etc.) is carried <strong>in</strong>to this exercise as a reasonable estimate of the potentialmagnitude of consequences from stressor exposure. For example, if an asset ishighly critical, mean<strong>in</strong>g that its contribution to mobility, accessibility, economy,safety, etc. is significant, then the potential consequence of disruption,deterioration, or damage is also high. By mak<strong>in</strong>g this connection, the assessor isspared the potentially pa<strong>in</strong>stak<strong>in</strong>g task of attempt<strong>in</strong>g to estimate the range ofactual consequences – which <strong>in</strong>volves a consideration of the complex <strong>in</strong>teractionof stressor and structure characteristics. 20S<strong>in</strong>ce potential consequence and criticality are co<strong>in</strong>cident, it should bestraightforward to create group<strong>in</strong>gs of magnitudes (such as “high,” “medium,”and “low”). This can be accomplished <strong>in</strong> GIS (by select<strong>in</strong>g critical attributes, suchas volumes, for examples) or, for studies that are smaller <strong>in</strong> scope, by compil<strong>in</strong>gpreviously generated lists of critical assets. If a large number of assets aredesignated as high consequence/highly critical, the “likelihood of impacts”exercise expla<strong>in</strong>ed subsequently may help screen the selection down to amanageable set. Otherwise, it may be necessary to further segment the top“potential consequence” tier to reduce the pool of assets for further assessment(<strong>in</strong> GIS, this may be accomplished by distribut<strong>in</strong>g critical attributes by qu<strong>in</strong>tiles<strong>in</strong>stead of quartiles, for example).Estimate the Likelihood of ImpactsEstimat<strong>in</strong>g the likelihood of impacts can be one of the most challeng<strong>in</strong>g aspectsof the assessment. Stressor frequency or annual probability become moreuncerta<strong>in</strong> as the assessment timeframe extends <strong>in</strong>to the future, and the potentialsusceptibility of a given asset to that stressor is similarly difficult to anticipate –especially when asset deterioration and renewal cycles are considered. Thisapproach recommends deferr<strong>in</strong>g these difficulties to the significantly smallerselection of assets to be advanced to the follow<strong>in</strong>g module. Instead, because the“magnitude of consequences” estimate has already established that this exercise20 For studies that have already limited the pool of assets for assessment (whetherthrough constra<strong>in</strong>ed geography or policy decisions), it may be appropriate to<strong>in</strong>corporate more rigorous assessment techniques from Module 4, as needed.Cambridge Systematics, Inc. 11-9

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