Course Title - Earth and Atmospheric Sciences - University of Alberta

Course Title - Earth and Atmospheric Sciences - University of Alberta

Course Title - Earth and Atmospheric Sciences - University of Alberta


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<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Alberta</strong>1EAS 105: The Dynamic <strong>Earth</strong> Through TimeSection A1Fall Term, 2012Instructor: Dr. Octavian Catuneanu, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor EASOffice: CCIS 3-020E-mail:octavian@ualberta.caOffice Hours:available at any time without appointment. Alternatively, contactinstructor for appointment, or address questions by e-mail.Lecture Room: SAB 3-31, TR 11:00-12:20Lab Coordinator: David Chesterman, CCIS L1-272; david.chesterman@ualberta.ca<strong>Course</strong> Description:The plate tectonic framework <strong>of</strong> a dynamic <strong>Earth</strong> as it relates to the origin <strong>of</strong> major groups <strong>of</strong>minerals <strong>and</strong> rocks. <strong>Earth</strong>quakes, structural geology, <strong>and</strong> the origin <strong>of</strong> mountain belts. Surfaceprocesses <strong>and</strong> their sedimentary products. History <strong>of</strong> life <strong>and</strong> extinctions.Not available to students with credit in EAS 101, 210 or SCI 100.Prerequisite: EAS 100 or 102 [Faculty <strong>of</strong> Science]Required Textbook:Monroe J. <strong>and</strong> Wic<strong>and</strong>er, R. (2012) The Changing <strong>Earth</strong>. 6th Edition, with 2 chapters customsupplement. Published by Brooks-Cole. ISBN: 0176536086. Available at U<strong>of</strong>A Bookstore.Lab Manual EAS 105 available at U<strong>of</strong>A Bookstore.Lecture Schedule & Assigned Readings:Week Beginning Topic Readings___1 3 September Introduction <strong>and</strong> Plate tectonics Chapters 1, 22 10 September Minerals Chapter 33 17 September Igneous rocks Chapters 4, ±54 24 September Sedimentary rocks Chapters 6, 75 1 October Metamorphic rocks Chapter 86 8 October Structural geology <strong>and</strong> tectonics Chapter 107 15 October Geologic time; midterm exam Chapter 178 22 October Precambrian <strong>Earth</strong> Chapter 199 29 October Paleozoic <strong>Earth</strong> Chapters 20, 2110 5 November Mesozoic <strong>Earth</strong> Chapter 2211 12 November Cenozoic <strong>Earth</strong> Chapter 2312 19 November <strong>Earth</strong>quakes <strong>and</strong> <strong>Earth</strong>'s interior Chapter 913 26 November Shorelines <strong>and</strong> shoreline processes Chapter 1614 3 December Review________________________________________________________________________This schedule is tentative <strong>and</strong> it may change.

Laboratory Work:2• Labs are m<strong>and</strong>atory <strong>and</strong> the lab schedule follows below• Labs are graded by teaching assistants <strong>and</strong> each lab carries equal weight• There is no lab midterm or final exam. Lab material may be tested on the lecturemidterm <strong>and</strong> final exam• Students are to contact the lab coordinator if they miss a lab exerciseWeek Beginning Topic ___1 3 September NO LABS2 10 September NO LABS3 17 September Minerals4 24 September Igneous rocks5 1 October Sedimentary rocks6 8 October Metamorphic rocks7 15 October Geologic mapping8 22 October Plate tectonics9 29 October Precambrian <strong>Earth</strong>10 5 November Paleozoic <strong>Earth</strong>11 12 November NO LABS12 19 November Mesozoic <strong>Earth</strong>13 26 November Cenozoic <strong>Earth</strong>________________________________________This schedule is tentative <strong>and</strong> it may change.Representative Evaluative Material:The required textbook includes Review Questions at the end <strong>of</strong> each chapter. These reviewquestions are representative <strong>of</strong> the questions that will be asked in the midterm <strong>and</strong> final exams.Grade Evaluation:All lab assignments <strong>and</strong> examinations in this course will be given a numerical score. Acumulative course mark will be calculated from those scores, weighted as tabulated below.Marks <strong>of</strong> lab assignments, midterm <strong>and</strong> final exams will reflect the absolute level <strong>of</strong> performance<strong>of</strong> each student, as well as the performance relative to other students in the class.Marks will be translated into letter grades following the <strong>University</strong> curve for first-year levelcourses. Grading will make use <strong>of</strong> natural breaks in the distribution <strong>of</strong> marks to define gradeboundaries, <strong>and</strong> will result in a mean final grade for the course that is reasonably close to thehistorical means <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> for first-year level courses.EVALUATION WEIGHTING DATEMidterm exam 20% 18 October 2012 (in class)Lab assignments 40%Final exam 40% TBA (check BearTracks)Grades are un<strong>of</strong>ficial until approved by the Department <strong>and</strong>/or Faculty <strong>of</strong>fering the course.

Format <strong>of</strong> Exams:Exams may contain multiple choice, short answers, true or false, fill in the blank, <strong>and</strong>/or diagramdescription. Exams may contain any or all <strong>of</strong> these formats.Missed Midterm Exam:A student who cannot write the midterm exam due to compelling reasons, is required to completea Statutory Declaration at the Student Services Office in the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Science, <strong>and</strong> present thepaperwork to the pr<strong>of</strong>essor.A missed midterm exam with a Statutory Declaration will have the weight <strong>of</strong> the midterm examrolled into the final exam. In this case, the final exam will count for 60% <strong>of</strong> the total coursegrade.Deferral <strong>of</strong> the midterm exam is a privilege <strong>and</strong> not a right. Misrepresentation <strong>of</strong> Facts to gain adeferral is a serious breach <strong>of</strong> the Code <strong>of</strong> Student Behaviour.Deferred Final Examination:A student who cannot write the final examination due to incapacitating illness or othercompelling reasons can apply for a deferred final examination. Such an application must bemade to the student’s Faculty <strong>of</strong>fice within 48 hours <strong>of</strong> the missed examination <strong>and</strong> must besupported by a Statutory Declaration or other appropriate documentation (Calendar section23.5.6). Deferred examinations are a privilege <strong>and</strong> not a right; there is no guarantee that adeferred examination will be granted. The deferred final examination is scheduled for Friday, 4January 2013, starting at 10 AM, location TBA.Misrepresentation <strong>of</strong> Facts to gain a deferred examination is a serious breach <strong>of</strong> the Code <strong>of</strong>Student Behaviour.Reexamination:A student who writes the final examination <strong>and</strong> fails the course may apply for a reexamination.Reexaminations are rarely granted in the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Science. These exams are governed by<strong>University</strong> (Calendar section 23.5.5) <strong>and</strong> Faculty <strong>of</strong> Science Regulations (Calendar section192.5.9). Misrepresentation <strong>of</strong> Facts to gain a reexamination is a serious breach <strong>of</strong> the Code <strong>of</strong>Student Behaviour.Student Responsibilities:ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: "The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Alberta</strong> is committed to the highest st<strong>and</strong>ards<strong>of</strong> academic integrity <strong>and</strong> honesty. Students are expected to be familiar with these st<strong>and</strong>ardsregarding academic honesty <strong>and</strong> to uphold the policies <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> in this respect. Studentsare particularly urged to familiarize themselves with the provisions <strong>of</strong> the Code <strong>of</strong> StudentBehaviour (onlineat http://www.governance.ualberta.ca/en/Codes<strong>of</strong>Conduct<strong>and</strong>ResidenceCommunitySt<strong>and</strong>ards/Code<strong>of</strong>StudentBehaviour.aspx) <strong>and</strong> avoid any behaviour which could potentially result insuspicions <strong>of</strong> cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation <strong>of</strong> facts <strong>and</strong>/or participation in an <strong>of</strong>fence.Academic dishonesty is a serious <strong>of</strong>fence <strong>and</strong> can result in suspension or expulsion from the<strong>University</strong>."All forms <strong>of</strong> dishonesty are unacceptable at the <strong>University</strong>. Any <strong>of</strong>fence will be reported to theSenior Associate Dean <strong>of</strong> Science who will determine the disciplinary action to be taken.3

Cheating, plagiarism <strong>and</strong> misrepresentation <strong>of</strong> facts are serious <strong>of</strong>fences. Anyone who engagesin these practices will receive at minimum a grade <strong>of</strong> zero for the exam or paper in question <strong>and</strong>no opportunity will be given to replace the grade or redistribute the weights. As well, in theFaculty <strong>of</strong> Science the sanction for cheating on any examination will include a disciplinaryfailing grade (no exceptions) <strong>and</strong> senior students should expect a period <strong>of</strong> suspension orexpulsion from the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Alberta</strong>.EXAMS: Your student photo I.D. is required at exams to verify your identity. Students will notbe allowed to begin an examination after it has been in progress for 30 minutes. Students mustremain in the exam room until at least 30 minutes has elapsed. Electronic equipment cannot bebrought into examination rooms.CELL PHONES: Cell phones are to be turned <strong>of</strong>f during lectures <strong>and</strong> labs. Cell phones are notto be brought to exams.STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Students who require accommodation in this course dueto a disability are advised to discuss their needs with Specialized Support & Disability Services(2-800 Students’ Union Building).ACADEMIC SUPPORT CENTRE: Students who require additional help in developingstrategies for better time management, study skills or examination skills should contact theStudent Success Centre (2-300 Students’ Union Building).Disclaimer: Any typographical errors in this <strong>Course</strong> Outline are subject to change <strong>and</strong> will beannounced in class. The date <strong>of</strong> the final examination is set by the Registrar <strong>and</strong> takesprecedence over the final examination date reported in this syllabus.Note: Recording is permitted only with the prior written consent <strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>essor or if recordingis part <strong>of</strong> an approved accommodation plan.4

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