WatchGuard Firebox System 7.0 User Guide

WatchGuard Firebox System 7.0 User Guide WatchGuard Firebox System 7.0 User Guide
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Chapter 12: Setting Up Logging and Notificationthere may be a time lag before logs appear in thelog file. All denied packets are logged by default.Send NotificationSelect this checkbox to enable notification for theevent type; clear it to disable notification for theevent type.The remaining controls are active when you select theSend Notification checkbox:EmailSends an email message when the event occurs. Setthe email recipient in the Notification tab of theWSEP user interface.PagerTriggers an electronic page when the event occurs.Set the pager number in the Notification tab of theWSEP user interface.If the pager is accessible by email, select the Emailoption, and then enter the email address of thepager in the Notification tab of the WSEP userinterface.Popup WindowMakes a pop-up window appear on the log hostwhen the event occurs.Custom ProgramTriggers execution of a custom program when theevent occurs. A custom batch file or programenables you to trigger multiple types ofnotification. Type the full path to the program inthe accompanying field, or use Browse to locateand select the program.NOTEWatchGuard allows only one notification type per event.216 WatchGuard Firebox System

Customizing Logging and Notification by Service or OptionSetting Launch Interval and Repeat CountTwo parameters work in conjunction with the Event ProcessorRepeat Interval to control notification timing:Launch IntervalThe minimum time (in minutes) between separatelaunches of a notifier. Set this parameter to preventthe launch of several notifiers in response to similarevents that take place in a short amount of time.Repeat CountThe threshold for how often an event can repeatbefore the Firebox activates the special repeatnotifier. The repeat notifier creates a log entrystating that the notifier in question is repeating.Notification repeats only after this number ofevents occurs.As an example of how these two values interact, supposeyou have set up notification with these values:• Launch interval = 5 minutes• Repeat count = 4A port space probe begins at 10:00 a.m. and continues onceper minute, triggering the logging and notification mechanisms.Here is the time line of activities that would resultfrom this event with the above timing and repeating setup:1 10:00–Initial port space probe (first event)2 10:01–First notification launched (one event)3 10:06–Second notification launched (reports fiveevents)4 10:11–Third notification launched (reports fiveevents)5 10:16–Fourth notification launched (reports fiveevents)The time intervals between activities 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 arecontrolled by the launch interval, which was set to 5 minutes.User Guide 217

Chapter 12: Setting Up Logging and Notificationthere may be a time lag before logs appear in thelog file. All denied packets are logged by default.Send NotificationSelect this checkbox to enable notification for theevent type; clear it to disable notification for theevent type.The remaining controls are active when you select theSend Notification checkbox:EmailSends an email message when the event occurs. Setthe email recipient in the Notification tab of theWSEP user interface.PagerTriggers an electronic page when the event occurs.Set the pager number in the Notification tab of theWSEP user interface.If the pager is accessible by email, select the Emailoption, and then enter the email address of thepager in the Notification tab of the WSEP userinterface.Popup WindowMakes a pop-up window appear on the log hostwhen the event occurs.Custom ProgramTriggers execution of a custom program when theevent occurs. A custom batch file or programenables you to trigger multiple types ofnotification. Type the full path to the program inthe accompanying field, or use Browse to locateand select the program.NOTE<strong>WatchGuard</strong> allows only one notification type per event.216 <strong>WatchGuard</strong> <strong>Firebox</strong> <strong>System</strong>

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