Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963August 16Dear Saladin:Your project may be an answer to a prayer or it may be part of divine guidance or both. TheUniversity if Islamabad wants me to write a book on “Leaves” and I have a feeling we may be on theway to the recovery of amrita. Some weeks back I spoke to Iru Price about Taoist Herbology and hesaid he would help me. But he has been moving and then you came along.Another thing, quite different. In 1923 PoM appointed six cherags and put me at the head ofthe exoteric work. As soon as he was gone Rabia appointed me cherag against my will. There weresix cherags, three of them retired, I was working six days a week and they compelled me to take overthe Universal Worship so I was lucky I had Sunday afternoons. And in those days I had to do all mycooking and laundry while living at home. It contributed to my 1925 breakdown.More recently it came to me if there is to be a Universal Worship it must include Taoism. Zarathustrianismis small and confined to a bunch of money-grabbers. Its best texts have not come downto us, and whatever it has to contribute it is not much. On the other hand I have been initiated intoesoteric Confucianism and admire many forms of Taoism. And with your agog-ness I can’t see any“sky” or any reason, if there is to be universal religion why all of this cannot be taken in.Last night I filed all my papers excepting correspondence. I looked again at the material. I hadto sweat blood to get in Rabia’s home and Etta never let me finish. I found a complete Yoga system(or many) and another type of healing system. I have also my commentary on “Health” which includesa lot of etcetera material turned over to Rabia and never used; plus the healing practices fromboth contemporary PoMs in Pakistan. The healing cum diet school alone would merit a staff workingfull time. And in between more practices for developing magnetism and healing powers besidesthe ones I know.If a certain material event takes place I shall initiate Walt Baptiste who is known as Guru Dev,in the Yoga systems. I was sent to him some weeks ago warning that his Guru, Sivanananda, was nolonger effective and six weeks later that Sage died, leaving Walt in a funk.What is more certain: I took PoM’s “Three Plays” down to him with the suggestion that hiswife present them to the public. The changes are highly favorable. They already have the costumesand stage setting for the first two plays. What they needed was dramatic material and here they haveit.Yesterday’s mail shows that for me the Fudo path is right. Now as the fall approaches—beginningnext week, I have been admitted to forums on Asia where before doors were closed. I am goingto lay it down to Iru Price in re: Buddhism. I love this man who took over from Rev. Phra Sumangalo,but he has not the good-will of the Buddhists in the southern part of the State, and if I seem anobstacle here, I found myself in total and absolute agreement with those people. The Zendo in L.A.is growing great guns and the Bishop (Yamada) is the most wonderful Buddhist (to me) in the U.S.

Diaries 1963-2No doubt I shall have to learn more about the Bodhisattvas. I will not be a “stone-Buddha,”cannot be. This means more negotiations with the Japanese—do not anticipate any difficulty.Cooked more Rice this a.m. and sealed the rest before moving. My new address will be 143 SecondAve., San Francisco 18. I shall be near quite a few old friends and also near the East-West House.If there are any letters from Europe I shall tell them that there is no need for anything, that theymay seclude the teachings and lessons in any way they wish but the Sufi world will soon have themall. I shall wait for Bryn to write. In one sense he is not to be forgiven—PoM wrote at length on kashfand even Manly Hall—and the Vedas—point out the hrydaya meant the heart-immediate-grasping. Inotice that failure comes when the heart is blocked. Last night I felt terrifically strong with a maximumof both pain and bliss at the same time—the pain, the sympathetic or empathic attunement toothers.Today I am afraid even to crack jokes because I find some of them turn out to be too prophetic.PoM gave in the Githas these sciences:a. Healing (Shifayat) b. Psychic Power (Amaliat)c. Concentration (Murakkabah) d. Esoteric practices (Ryazat)The papers on Spiritualism did not impress me and those on Sadhana are really Hindu and Ican work out other papers if necessary, covering other facets of wisdom.I think there are other lessons too. But these omita. Mushahida—Contemplation, which is the positive side to the Dhyana of Buddhism andHinduism.b. Mujahida—which is the self-purging and is not only moral but “hierarchal.”The Irfan which I tried to show you, may be above POM’s most advanced teaching that appearsin his literature and higher lessons. But in the mss. here there may be other high teachers. Youare right when you said I am rich, in this respect now too rich. And I still have all my writing andeverything else.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>August 16Dear Saladin:Your project may be an answer to a prayer or it may be part of divine guidance or both. TheUniversity if Islamabad wants me to write a book on “Leaves” and I have a feeling we may be on theway to the recovery of amrita. Some weeks back I spoke to Iru Price about Taoist Herbology and hesaid he would help me. But he has been moving and then you came along.Another thing, quite different. In 1923 PoM appointed six cherags and put me at the head ofthe exoteric work. As soon as he was gone Rabia appointed me cherag against my will. There weresix cherags, three of them retired, I was working six days a week and they compelled me to take overthe Universal Worship so I was lucky I had Sunday afternoons. And in those days I had to do all mycooking and laundry while living at home. It contributed to my 1925 breakdown.More recently it came to me if there is to be a Universal Worship it must include Taoism. Zarathustrianismis small and confined to a bunch of money-grabbers. Its best texts have not come downto us, and whatever it has to contribute it is not much. On the other hand I have been initiated intoesoteric Confucianism and admire many forms of Taoism. And with your agog-ness I can’t see any“sky” or any reason, if there is to be universal religion why all of this cannot be taken in.Last night I filed all my papers excepting correspondence. I looked again at the material. I hadto sweat blood to get in Rabia’s home and Etta never let me finish. I found a complete Yoga system(or many) and another type of healing system. I have also my commentary on “Health” which includesa lot of etcetera material turned over to Rabia and never used; plus the healing practices fromboth contemporary PoMs in Pakistan. The healing cum diet school alone would merit a staff workingfull time. And in between more practices for developing magnetism and healing powers besidesthe ones I know.If a certain material event takes place I shall initiate Walt Baptiste who is known as Guru Dev,in the Yoga systems. I was sent to him some weeks ago warning that his Guru, Sivanananda, was nolonger effective and six weeks later that Sage died, leaving Walt in a funk.What is more certain: I took PoM’s “Three Plays” down to him with the suggestion that hiswife present them to the public. The changes are highly favorable. They already have the costumesand stage setting for the first two plays. What they needed was dramatic material and here they haveit.Yesterday’s mail shows that for me the Fudo path is right. Now as the fall approaches—beginningnext week, I have been admitted to forums on Asia where before doors were closed. I am goingto lay it down to Iru Price in re: Buddhism. I love this man who took over from Rev. Phra Sumangalo,but he has not the good-will of the Buddhists in the southern part of the State, and if I seem anobstacle here, I found myself in total and absolute agreement with those people. The Zendo in L.A.is growing great guns and the Bishop (Yamada) is the most wonderful Buddhist (to me) in the U.S.

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