Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963-3Sri Aurobindo, in seeking to use English terms instead of Sanskrit, has made a mess of things.He translate “prana” as life and in this shows an ignorance which is almost as stupendous as hisprofundity in other directions. In the first place, especially from Indian philosophy, there is theJacob’s Ladder movement of life above-below and below-above. This is common, in some respects,to Chinese wisdom, to Hebraic wisdom, and most of all, to the science of breath. Prana-Yama meansthe stopping of breath, not the stopping of life. Adepts can live without ordinary breathing and withouteating much, and yet they are fully alive. And this Anglicizing of Sanskrit terms leads to foolishness.We have used the Greek language in our external sciences—Anglo-Saxon will not do; we haveto use the Asian words in our internal sciences, just as we use Cotton, Muslim, Damask, etc. etc.At the Yoga Center, therefore, perhaps more attention is paid to the breath than at most places,and then to diet. When these two are properly employed it is possible not only to preserve health butto restore, even youth and vitality.The Tibetans, therefore, speak of “The Science”; they do not analyze the person back into thefive facets taught by the Indians, or the three bodies taught by all faiths. They treat everything asOne.The essential difference between Esoteric Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism is the environment.The Tibetan forms were evolved to meet conditions totally different from those found in India.In Tibet you have to keep warm and in treating the science of the body, therefore, you have to havea “yoga” that will keep the body warm. The so-called “Agni Yoga” of the Roerichs is humbug. (Itis neither Agni nor Yoga and nobody has gone far in it. It is just compendium of more dualisticalpseudo-moral trivia which passes for divine wisdom.)The other side of the Esoteric Buddhism which is common to Japan, China and Tibet has to dowith rituals, sounds, the elements as above, the cosmic hierarchy, etc. This cosmic hierarchy is fairlyclear in the Japanese version which minimizes the change of language forms and very unclear in thetheosophical “esoteric Buddhism” which, by anglicizing the principles, has adopted words from thecommon languages which do not fit. Indeed better works has been done by Christians on the Bodhisattva.As soon as the Bodhisattva passes from symbology to reality trouble arises. Buddhism teaches“One Mind” but as soon as one contacts and draws from that “One Mind” he will receive nothingbut challenges. Those who have drunk from this universal font, the “One Mind” will always agree.They are not silence but it is difficult to express in the common language. You cannot effectivelytranslate the mantras.Tonight I may appear at a forum on “Buddhism, Occultism and the [?]. A man who has beenactually trained by teachers, masters and Yogis and who in addition has read almost the entire sacredliterature of the Orient, is at a loss when he meets Western “authorities.”

Diaries 1963-4On previous occasions Nyogen Senzaki appeared, took over my being, threw thunderbolts andcaused confusion. Actually this is the work of Fudo Bostsu and it is no fun. You have to smash everybody,friend or foe, to get rid of illusion and stop talking about getting rid of illusion. There is a vastdifference between the thunderbolt and some of the “nice” dance patterns I have seen based on it.I have here and I’ll set more made, a picture of myself on top of the sacred mountain of Japan—no other Westerners have been there, seated between a Pl. Orientalis and a Pl. Occidentalis withFuji-san in the background. In a sense this was my Horeb, my Carmel or even my Meru. Fortunatelythe picture is real and unlike Gurdjieff I can relate how I got there and what happened. But as I wasthe first non-Asian ever to ascend that mountain, the unusual—which always happens to “the unworthy”is slow to penetrate and thus I have been unable to get anybody to follow. I am hoping thatPaul Reps will accept certain introductions and go so somebody can confirm. But the esoteric Buddhism,of reality and realities does not always conform with the written descriptions. The nearest isfound at the Koyasan Temple in Los Angeles, and that is somewhat mixed with other teachings.Now you can see the outlines of what happened from long association with Rabia Martin whogave me the keys early in life and they did not use other keys furnished by Inayat Khan and NyogenSenzaki. Only she did give the heritage of the European esotericisms so that they can be coalescedwith the wisdoms of the Orient.I shall have to move shortly and this will probably be for the better.Finally, I recovered the “Esoteric Masonry” of Inayat Khan which has to do with the renovationof earth, first. This is in accord with the now lost “Nabatean Culture” the Sabean esotericism whichonce dominated Rabia and which also influence the Jewish esotericism (as against mysticism.) Thenearest in the Bible is “the mystery of the seed-sowing” of Jesus Christ.The renovation of earth and the re-vivification of the human body no doubt go together andthis is the exoteric work and I have not even touched on that here.Will be glad to see you any time to mutual convenience.Cordially,Samuel L. LewisSufi Ahmed Murad

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>-3Sri Aurobindo, in seeking to use English terms instead of Sanskrit, has made a mess of things.He translate “prana” as life and in this shows an ignorance which is almost as stupendous as hisprofundity in other directions. In the first place, especially from Indian philosophy, there is theJacob’s Ladder movement of life above-below and below-above. This is common, in some respects,to Chinese wisdom, to Hebraic wisdom, and most of all, to the science of breath. Prana-Yama meansthe stopping of breath, not the stopping of life. Adepts can live without ordinary breathing and withouteating much, and yet they are fully alive. And this Anglicizing of Sanskrit terms leads to foolishness.We have used the Greek language in our external sciences—Anglo-Saxon will not do; we haveto use the Asian words in our internal sciences, just as we use Cotton, Muslim, Damask, etc. etc.At the Yoga Center, therefore, perhaps more attention is paid to the breath than at most places,and then to diet. When these two are properly employed it is possible not only to preserve health butto restore, even youth and vitality.The Tibetans, therefore, speak of “The Science”; they do not analyze the person back into thefive facets taught by the Indians, or the three bodies taught by all faiths. They treat everything asOne.The essential difference between Esoteric Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism is the environment.The Tibetan forms were evolved to meet conditions totally different from those found in India.In Tibet you have to keep warm and in treating the science of the body, therefore, you have to havea “yoga” that will keep the body warm. The so-called “Agni Yoga” of the Roerichs is humbug. (Itis neither Agni nor Yoga and nobody has gone far in it. It is just compendium of more dualisticalpseudo-moral trivia which passes for divine wisdom.)The other side of the Esoteric Buddhism which is common to Japan, China and Tibet has to dowith rituals, sounds, the elements as above, the cosmic hierarchy, etc. This cosmic hierarchy is fairlyclear in the Japanese version which minimizes the change of language forms and very unclear in thetheosophical “esoteric Buddhism” which, by anglicizing the principles, has adopted words from thecommon languages which do not fit. Indeed better works has been done by Christians on the Bodhisattva.As soon as the Bodhisattva passes from symbology to reality trouble arises. Buddhism teaches“One Mind” but as soon as one contacts and draws from that “One Mind” he will receive nothingbut challenges. Those who have drunk from this universal font, the “One Mind” will always agree.They are not silence but it is difficult to express in the common language. You cannot effectivelytranslate the mantras.Tonight I may appear at a forum on “Buddhism, Occultism and the [?]. A man who has beenactually trained by teachers, masters and Yogis and who in addition has read almost the entire sacredliterature of the Orient, is at a loss when he meets Western “authorities.”

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