Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963August 11, 1963Dear Saladin:I awoke this morning uncertain as to whether to write and then read an article in the paperthat a plant which I have grown, Vinca Rosea, provides a “cure” for cancer. Now yesterday I had along walk to meditate on the Kemalic processes in plants and the Kemalic foods, and it is possiblethat these Kemalic foods may be Yin or Yang, but I am better able to deal with the Sufic classification.I am as yet unable to determine the Sattva-Rajas-Tamas division for I think (but don’t know) theytouch the subtle spheres. But the chemistry and the biology are becoming clear.While this is going on a visitor to this house has been diagnosed as having cancer and sixmonths and it is poppycock. He has to die because the medical profession is stuck on analysis. Whena Vijnanavadin steps in all the analysts unite in denying him and also in fighting each other. Incertain quarters I am unpopular because again and again I have stopped the “experts” from fightingeach other. The age of specialization.I wrote to Bertrand (Lord) Russell and called attention to the fact that he was stuck on analysisdespite the fact that his own works on logic and mathematics clearly pointed out the limitations.Finding a universal measuring stick he had never applied it to himself which was surprising. I receiveda nice answer. But it is my colleague, Prof. Reiser, who has supplied the next step.Life is synthesis of integration, analysis is death. Catching doctors alone you can break themdown, but when they get together that is different. Catching scientists alone one never has anytrouble, there is no need to break down. My teacher, Prof. Cassius Keyser, wrote The Human Worthof Rigorous Thinking and that, with Indian and Sufi mind-training enables one to go ahead, evenprophetically. Murshid brought this out in “The Story of Lot” but how many people can functionwith the five bodies? If you do, you will at once be misunderstood and often attacked. There is littlehumility and no surrender among the metaphysical and religious people, but with scientists and“skeptics” one can often get along.I am waiting for Major Sadiq whom I have not heard from, because I have seen him curecancer—I mean hospital cases with attendant physicians.Now this week I was attacked by one mureed whom I had hoped for. Then my landlady gavenotice; I must move. Then my landlady disappeared and it may even be a polio case. And on theother hand Pir-o-Murshid came and pointed out that today I have the spiritual poetry, the spiritualmusic, the spiritual dance just given, and next it will be the spiritual drama because with all prayerspeople do not make themselves vessels of divine guidance. I sang through the temples of India andmay again. I danced at Fatehpur Sikri and will again all over, inshallah. Now I have two people whowill listen and it is a relief.This morning I go to Don Stevens ostensibly to get my papers. But the landlady is gone and theother car had a smash up so I get no help even on errands.

Diaries 1963-2When I revise the commentaries on the Gathas, especially the first series, these will be masterpiecesfor the future, inshallah. We are stuck with egocentricities, limitations, etc. The other dayI spent a long time with an elderly lady who has an art form something like yours but more Vijnanavada.That is her genre. That is not mine. It may be possible like Moses to supply the manna, orlike Jesus to divide loaves and fishes but my work is to see that people have food from the ordinarysources and not the magic’s. The ordinary will supply its own magics when we have Vijnanavadinswho can comprehend the principles and apply them by hard work, patience and human dealings.Found copy of “The Integration of the Ancient and Modern in the Solution of India’s Problems”and left it at the consulate. There are always new staffs. Today I know this is true and the hopeof the world is largely in India because they recognize the integration. I did not take out the studieson their medical and herbal systems. Actually when we recognize the Kemal in the plants (andelsewhere) the detailed study may not be necessary and it is only at the Yoga Center here where youget any breath training.There is not one moment repose but there is also the secret of finding the repose in turmoilwhich none of the writers on Zen seem to recognize. I hope to visit the Chinese temple today, notime for the Zen unless. And had to add two more persons to my correspondence, lone Sufis in thewide Western world.One can be as honest, as clear-headed, as tolerant, as sincere, etc., but if you don’t rub nice onsomebody’s ego, wow. And if you catch somebody whoring, stealing, gossiping, you have made anenemy. They always attack and accuse you, although one may pay no more attention than to animalsin similar conditions. Fortunately there is tasawwur and higher practices and I remain here until Ican find somebody.There was a Sufi once in San Francisco. What a life. He was born an Albanian and as soon ashe could explain the Divine mysteries in his language he can to go to Istanbul. As soon as he couldexplain in Turkish he had to go to Cairo. As soon as he knew the Arabic, he had to come to America.Now he learned the English and had to go elsewhere. It is not always easy.God bless you,P.S. During the week I received a surprise letter from a Radio Station which, if followed up,could land me in a conspicuous place. But what’s the use? It’s not in my dharma, I am not progressingwith my writing, and any report is received other than in plain simplicity.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>August 11, <strong>1963</strong>Dear Saladin:I awoke this morning uncertain as to whether to write and then read an article in the paperthat a plant which I have grown, Vinca Rosea, provides a “cure” for cancer. Now yesterday I had along walk to meditate on the Kemalic processes in plants and the Kemalic foods, and it is possiblethat these Kemalic foods may be Yin or Yang, but I am better able to deal with the Sufic classification.I am as yet unable to determine the Sattva-Rajas-Tamas division for I think (but don’t know) theytouch the subtle spheres. But the chemistry and the biology are becoming clear.While this is going on a visitor to this house has been diagnosed as having cancer and sixmonths and it is poppycock. He has to die because the medical profession is stuck on analysis. Whena Vijnanavadin steps in all the analysts unite in denying him and also in fighting each other. Incertain quarters I am unpopular because again and again I have stopped the “experts” from fightingeach other. The age of specialization.I wrote to Bertrand (Lord) Russell and called attention to the fact that he was stuck on analysisdespite the fact that his own works on logic and mathematics clearly pointed out the limitations.Finding a universal measuring stick he had never applied it to himself which was surprising. I receiveda nice answer. But it is my colleague, Prof. Reiser, who has supplied the next step.Life is synthesis of integration, analysis is death. Catching doctors alone you can break themdown, but when they get together that is different. Catching scientists alone one never has anytrouble, there is no need to break down. My teacher, Prof. Cassius Keyser, wrote The Human Worthof Rigorous Thinking and that, with Indian and Sufi mind-training enables one to go ahead, evenprophetically. <strong>Murshid</strong> brought this out in “The Story of Lot” but how many people can functionwith the five bodies? If you do, you will at once be misunderstood and often attacked. There is littlehumility and no surrender among the metaphysical and religious people, but with scientists and“skeptics” one can often get along.I am waiting for Major Sadiq whom I have not heard from, because I have seen him curecancer—I mean hospital cases with attendant physicians.Now this week I was attacked by one mureed whom I had hoped for. Then my landlady gavenotice; I must move. Then my landlady disappeared and it may even be a polio case. And on theother hand Pir-o-<strong>Murshid</strong> came and pointed out that today I have the spiritual poetry, the spiritualmusic, the spiritual dance just given, and next it will be the spiritual drama because with all prayerspeople do not make themselves vessels of divine guidance. I sang through the temples of India andmay again. I danced at Fatehpur Sikri and will again all over, inshallah. Now I have two people whowill listen and it is a relief.This morning I go to Don Stevens ostensibly to get my papers. But the landlady is gone and theother car had a smash up so I get no help even on errands.

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