Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 19631088 Fulton St.,San Francisco 17, Calif.August 6, 1963To Pir Zade Vilayat Inayat Khan,Fazal Manzil, Sufi Headquarters,Suresnes, Seine, FranceBeloved One of Allah,Toward the One, the Perfection of Love, Harmony and Beauty, the Only Being, United WithAll the Illuminated Souls Who Form the Embodiment of the Master, the Spirit of Guidance.Today I am writing two books, one is scientific and every scientist that has gone over mywords and works has accepted every point down to the most minute. It is all based on experienceand knowledge, there is no symbology or hyperbolism or anything in it which cannot be validated.And the other book is based on the experience in another direction. Every time somethingshown to a great religious leader or saint he accepts and already in my notes the greatest of theworld’s leaders in Buddhism and Hinduism have accepted it. While the common people go aroundrejecting, the leaders accept and gradually, in the case of Buddhism, as the leaders come, they get thecommon people to accept. And here, a Sufi is on the “Encyclopedia of Buddhism” staff because hehas the dharma by Grace and nobody can take it from him, Every ego, every ignorant person will rejectand especially one finds those who give lectures on karma. And one can list a whole lot of lecturerson karma and they talk and their lives are miserable; they come to unhappy ends, but you can’tstop them. They put their ego-shadows over the light and fool everybody including themselves.The above Invocation is in two parts. It is symbolic to those who have not the realization andit is truth as al-Hujweri (Data Ganj Baksh) says, to the “arrived ones.” But in the West the “arrivedones” are all spurned by the powerful, the noisy, and perhaps it has always been that way. So wehave the ridiculous situation of peoples saying that Allah is the Only Being and asserting themselveswithout the Grace. If they have the Grace they may assert and if they have not the Grace it is eitherthe karma or even damnation, and as Holy Qur’an says, “Woe, woe unto you who go astray after theguidance has been given,” Yet all through the years it is so.And the second part of the Invocation refers to Hierarchy. To you people who desecrate theMessage by holding that “flesh and blood do inherit the Kingdom of Heaven,” Jesus Christ or noJesus Christ, the Hierarchy is a symbol; while to the Sufis the Hierarchy is a reality.For Examples. (1) A representative of the Hierarchy—can give home, place date—told me ofthe impending split between Russia and China long ago. (2) A Representative of the Hierarchy—cangive name, place date—formulated the plan which has led to the tri-party agreement on banning thebomb. There is no symbology in it, these are real Sufis on this real earth and this real time, if we callthe outer manifestation “real.” And nobody, be they followers of “flesh and blood inherit the Kingdom”And thus are anti-Christ, or followers of Spurious Sufis who make false prophecies can doanything about it.

Diaries 1963-2Having faced death in 1925 I was saved by Grace and the appearance of Khidr. Pir-o-MurshidInayat Khan said, “Yes” and his mureeds said “No” excepting one Saladin Reps. And to those whosay “No” it is remarkable that among the real mureeds of the real Inayat Khan we two have notaged, and nobody would guess our age or explain our vitality. People can make all sorts of faces andcriticisms, but they cannot explain this vitality.Today I am to chant and read poetry and both the chanting and the poetry are the result of thisGrace through Khizr and the whole world will accept this , inshallah, and the people who pretendto Sufism without the Divine Wisdom are fooling themselves. I say this, because my work is on theJalali line, for which I have had innumerable initiations, and even the Buddhist Fudo which ignorantpeople cannot understand. I showed just one picture to the leaders of the Japanese Community andthey did what we call volte face so fast. But when one has to depend upon outer things, whetherpictures or miracles, this shows absence of faith, absence of love, absence of surrender and what thereal Sufis, may Allah bless them, call Absence.After Khidr there was another experience which your blessed father wished me to write and allthe followers of all the groups establishing their private Pir-o-Murshids rejected and I quote his ownwords from “Rassa Shastra,”He who was truly a merciful teacher,Who helped the feeble to fulfill their lives,Who was an ever-present help in sorrow,Who grieved with his own people and in the trouble of others,He was my beloved Mohammed.He who forgave the faults of the wrong-doers,Who cleansed the hearts of the timorous and despairing from their fear,Who vanquished evil with power and with might, (Note)Who reconciled families long at war and embittered against each other,He was my beloved Mohammed.Can you say that? Can your relatives say that? They have destroyed the original constitution,they have changed the records, they have hidden teachings, they have put a healing, by voting asPir-o-Murshid, and none of them say “Allah” or “God.”They accept the audacious statements of “Murshid” Talewar Dussaq:“There is another point: some people who had the privilege of being initiated by Pir-o-MurshidHazrat Inayat Khan, when Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan left this physical plane, they thoughtthey were directly in touch with Him and had a disregard of the living Pir-o-Murshid.” Well, yourblessed father did just that. In has “Confessions of Inayat Khan” and elsewhere he tells how hisown son, Seyyed Moudani, guided him at all times, and he did not follow the direct successor of thatPir.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>-2Having faced death in 1925 I was saved by Grace and the appearance of Khidr. Pir-o-<strong>Murshid</strong>Inayat Khan said, “Yes” and his mureeds said “No” excepting one Saladin Reps. And to those whosay “No” it is remarkable that among the real mureeds of the real Inayat Khan we two have notaged, and nobody would guess our age or explain our vitality. People can make all sorts of faces andcriticisms, but they cannot explain this vitality.Today I am to chant and read poetry and both the chanting and the poetry are the result of thisGrace through Khizr and the whole world will accept this , inshallah, and the people who pretendto Sufism without the Divine Wisdom are fooling themselves. I say this, because my work is on theJalali line, for which I have had innumerable initiations, and even the Buddhist Fudo which ignorantpeople cannot understand. I showed just one picture to the leaders of the Japanese Community andthey did what we call volte face so fast. But when one has to depend upon outer things, whetherpictures or miracles, this shows absence of faith, absence of love, absence of surrender and what thereal Sufis, may Allah bless them, call Absence.After Khidr there was another experience which your blessed father wished me to write and allthe followers of all the groups establishing their private Pir-o-<strong>Murshid</strong>s rejected and I quote his ownwords from “Rassa Shastra,”He who was truly a merciful teacher,Who helped the feeble to fulfill their lives,Who was an ever-present help in sorrow,Who grieved with his own people and in the trouble of others,He was my beloved Mohammed.He who forgave the faults of the wrong-doers,Who cleansed the hearts of the timorous and despairing from their fear,Who vanquished evil with power and with might, (Note)Who reconciled families long at war and embittered against each other,He was my beloved Mohammed.Can you say that? Can your relatives say that? They have destroyed the original constitution,they have changed the records, they have hidden teachings, they have put a healing, by voting asPir-o-<strong>Murshid</strong>, and none of them say “Allah” or “God.”They accept the audacious statements of “<strong>Murshid</strong>” Talewar Dussaq:“There is another point: some people who had the privilege of being initiated by Pir-o-<strong>Murshid</strong>Hazrat Inayat Khan, when Pir-o-<strong>Murshid</strong> Hazrat Inayat Khan left this physical plane, they thoughtthey were directly in touch with Him and had a disregard of the living Pir-o-<strong>Murshid</strong>.” Well, yourblessed father did just that. In has “Confessions of Inayat Khan” and elsewhere he tells how hisown son, Seyyed Moudani, guided him at all times, and he did not follow the direct successor of thatPir.

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