Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963July 29, 1963This day was foretold by Major Sadiq as being important in life though for the moment theonly change is a quickening of whatever has been going on.Ivy Duce surprised by writing that I could pick up my materials from Don Stevens, if as andmaybe so at least a chance will be taken. If the commentaries are there they will be used and nodoubt revised because today there is a much greater knowledge of tasawwuf.Bill Hathaway Was here for a quickie. Edward has been slow in finding his papers and certainlythe reports do not tab with those of years ago. It is probable that he has thrown away or misplaceda lot of them. But the Gathas and some Gathekas most, most important. The Githas would be partlyrevised today. The new world will not accept any long[er?] his teachings on spiritualism becauseMajor Sadiq has much more. The Murakkabah are most important and the Breath-Mysticism, buteven this can be worked out.Saladin Reps arrived Saturday night and there was complete mutual spiritual recognition andunderstanding. He now comprehends fully my position in the hierarchy and also has been mostsuccessful with the Wazifas. He can see that even Pir-o-Murshid’s methods have to be integratedinto a larger field. He has sent me all his books and I especially wish “The Unity of Religious Ideals”upon which commentaries will be written and used by many schools until I am permitted to returnto Pakistan, inshallah.Dietary. I have already taken up with Walt Baptiste the basis for a dietary-of-resurrection (seebelow) and worked out its principles. But Saladin has been studying this for a long time, living on itand is here in California (Chico) for a conference thereon. It may be that I shall visit that conferencetoo. But he is sending me the literature. It has for the moment all the answers that both Walt and Ihave discussed.Cancer. We talked over this and sooner or later will approach the Tobacco interests with atheme, ant see what the reactions will be. The presence research is all wrong. We agree there aremany dietary methods which can be used, inter alia.Yantra Yoga. The basis of this appears in “Shiva! Shiva!” and the formulation comes from theart method used in “Le Dessin” but the combinations and the practices learned from ex-EstelleReps make it possible to have a “science” in the Tibetan sense. I had gone so far as laying the basisof a “death-and-resurrection” walk and since then a dance form has come entirely in accordwith Magana’s principles. Add to this the devotional, psychic and spiritual elements and we havesomething for all children, for correcting postures, etc. The details will be kept to Walt, Magana andSaladin, but already a report has been sent to Pakistan. Combined with the Sufi instructions on malformedchildren we should in a few generations obviate many diseases. But the combination of theYantra-yoga with the reports on the dietary research open up grand new fields.The letter must step. An important inspiration which is enclosed.

Diaries 1963August 7, 1963Dear Saladin:Nothing suffers so much as my diary in which I am supposed to record events for future history.The two letters from Pakistan made it almost mandatory to add two more correspondents tomy list, one in Los Angeles and the other in North England, people who are interested in Sufism. Myletter to the PoM was long and my typing rushes at an unabated rate.Yesterday I called on Connie, Fields Book Store and for the first time did a “Fudo” on one ofWatts’ students. I gave it to him. One person said, “I do not like your argument.” I turned to Connieand said, “How do I look?” “You never looked better in your life.” “That’s my argument.”Actually it is a sort of fana with old Nyogen and I should use it more. Tonight I may run intoDon Stevens and don’t know which way I shall act. But old Sensei’s statement that “You hear withyour eyes and see with your ears” works and is infallible and is in “Cosmic Language.” I hope Donreturns to me my commentary on “Cosmic Language” which was my best work. But I now have atremendous load of teachings for the future without even integrating all the Sufi work which mustbe done, University of Islamabad or not.A Sufi has strange experiences. Not only does he know what his brothers are doing to combatcommunism—“we” set the Russians against the Chinese and I can give details—“we” also pressuredthis ban-bomb. And when I was in an office the other day on food problems a wire came from Washingtonsummoning my contact, high level stuff that is “secret” only that no newspaper many wouldaccept it from a “little guy” and the serious man who received it would never give it to the press. Soeven with kashf sometimes one is way, way ahead. Actually twice I was entrusted by top men andnobody believed me. Don’t we have fun?A man in this house is ill and another and I wish they would take the Ohsawa diet. Connie andher friends all have good words for him as a person, but with all the long faces I have seen in theworld it is going to take more than corrective diet. Personally I believe that malnutrition outweighsstarvation anywhere from 10/1 to 100/1.I received a surprise letter from the White House in re this subject and so wrote. The top boysthink they influence me by rhetoric, wrong guy.Spent three hours with Charlton Kendal who has known me at least 30 years and sees little aging.I arranged my photos yesterday and if it were not for the styles, I don’t think anybody could tellthe older. It is only hair-graying.Several people want to see you and I only have given Connie a little more. She sells your booksand this is business, and she is now studying real Zen. The only social engagement I could have foryou are at book stores, because I find you can communicate spirituality by the $ and you can’t by thecocktail.At present spiritually and mentally all seems in order; materially very bad, hard pressed andmay have to move—it is a sword of Damocles rather than a fire. It is now clear about everythingPoM told me.Cordially,S.A.M.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>July 29, <strong>1963</strong>This day was foretold by Major Sadiq as being important in life though for the moment theonly change is a quickening of whatever has been going on.Ivy Duce surprised by writing that I could pick up my materials from Don Stevens, if as andmaybe so at least a chance will be taken. If the commentaries are there they will be used and nodoubt revised because today there is a much greater knowledge of tasawwuf.Bill Hathaway Was here for a quickie. Edward has been slow in finding his papers and certainlythe reports do not tab with those of years ago. It is probable that he has thrown away or misplaceda lot of them. But the Gathas and some Gathekas most, most important. The Githas would be partlyrevised today. The new world will not accept any long[er?] his teachings on spiritualism becauseMajor Sadiq has much more. The Murakkabah are most important and the Breath-Mysticism, buteven this can be worked out.Saladin Reps arrived Saturday night and there was complete mutual spiritual recognition andunderstanding. He now comprehends fully my position in the hierarchy and also has been mostsuccessful with the Wazifas. He can see that even Pir-o-<strong>Murshid</strong>’s methods have to be integratedinto a larger field. He has sent me all his books and I especially wish “The Unity of Religious Ideals”upon which commentaries will be written and used by many schools until I am permitted to returnto Pakistan, inshallah.Dietary. I have already taken up with Walt Baptiste the basis for a dietary-of-resurrection (seebelow) and worked out its principles. But Saladin has been studying this for a long time, living on itand is here in California (Chico) for a conference thereon. It may be that I shall visit that conferencetoo. But he is sending me the literature. It has for the moment all the answers that both Walt and Ihave discussed.Cancer. We talked over this and sooner or later will approach the Tobacco interests with atheme, ant see what the reactions will be. The presence research is all wrong. We agree there aremany dietary methods which can be used, inter alia.Yantra Yoga. The basis of this appears in “Shiva! Shiva!” and the formulation comes from theart method used in “Le Dessin” but the combinations and the practices learned from ex-EstelleReps make it possible to have a “science” in the Tibetan sense. I had gone so far as laying the basisof a “death-and-resurrection” walk and since then a dance form has come entirely in accordwith Magana’s principles. Add to this the devotional, psychic and spiritual elements and we havesomething for all children, for correcting postures, etc. The details will be kept to Walt, Magana andSaladin, but already a report has been sent to Pakistan. Combined with the Sufi instructions on malformedchildren we should in a few generations obviate many diseases. But the combination of theYantra-yoga with the reports on the dietary research open up grand new fields.The letter must step. An important inspiration which is enclosed.

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