Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963-4My God-Children in Pakistan. According to Islamic law anybody is permitted to adopt orphans.The age involved does not matter. So I have a godson and god-daughter and a beautiful storyconnected with each. I shall omit the story of Major Anwar here. He is my emissary in the Rawalpindiregion.Khawar was a beautiful young woman to whom I was immediately attracted. My position inPakistan (and India, and Japan, etc.) is totally different from here. You could not understand it andI won’t argue the point, that when the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and I were both guests todinner, the seat of honor was given to … but you can’t understand this and I am not going to pressthe point.As Khawar was an orphan and I was, let us say, a Dervish, I was permitted to meet her again.Then I did or served some very great favors for her aunt and uncle and after that we agreed that Ibecome her godfather. The relation grew closer and closer.Julie had gone to-Asia originally to cover an international philosophical conference in whichthe Russians, learning Asian philosophies from Asians, wiped the floor with Americans learning (?)Asian philosophies from Europeans. The Americans departed and Julie, sent to cover the conferenceby newspapers was so appalled, she resigned and stayed in Asia.She begged me to cover the next conference and I, now four times in Communist nests and nononsense, refused. The Americans begged me and I refused. So we compromised. I wrote the paperand Khawar delivered it and she won first prize and I did not have to face the communists—it istiresome and dangerous. This made Khawar famous.Meanwhile another stringy of events brought us still closer together. She owns the propertywhich once belonged to Mahatma Gandhi and it is mine for use whenever I want it. But since I leftthe Orient things have gone still better. Khawar was the youngest full professor on the whole continentof Asia, and on top of that she is a “holy woman” and on top of that she is very beautiful.Before I left Pakistan I found she was wealthy. Now since she won the award in psychology she hasbeen offered more jobs and has so much money she is willing to support me for the rest of my life—five sources of income and no dependents.The stories of proposals to her I omit here—all very fictional and I benefit no matter whichway.Anyhow after being rejected unanimously by all the European Professors of Islamics in theU.S., I have been offered a scholarship on the History of Islamic Philosophy. And I had forgottenI had written a paper on this subject—which was published, abroad. All my stuff, rejected here, ispublished abroad—I mean on Oriental Philosophy.

Diaries 1963-5Buddhism. In the meanwhile I have had a terrific series of battles here. I was unanimouslyrejected by the press and TV and one of the things they rejected years ago was my paper on “TheReligion of Vietnam.” My meeting with the spiritual leader of the Vietnamese was one of the mosthilarious and delightful episodes, but it is impossible to get it accepted in certain circles.Well along this Spring I showed some Japanese my picture before the ashes of Lord Buddhain Japan where even they had not been permitted to go and they did a double-talk quick. After all,this bum has been a guest of the Imperial Garden in Japan, etc., where even Vice-Presidents don’t goexcepting…. Oh well.Anyhow I am now on the staff of the Encyclopedia of Buddhism which does not employ Europeans,Beatniks and ex-communists to do their work—“only in America” we have that nonsense.Last Trip South was just for Food Problems and Buddhism, “no time for sergeants” but nexttrip may include some personal visits. I have to await my friend Reps, for introductions before thenext step.My third close friend, Robert Clifton, died this Spring and his disciples came here from Malaya.This is a long, beautiful series of stories, not mentioned hereSo you will excuse me if I did not phone. Last trip was the first time I went to L.A. rather thanHollywood to be in the Japanese section, and then to West Los Angeles where I stayed with a veryold friend (in both sense), and visited UCLA. This was fortunate for I have laid the groundwork forMajor Sadiq’s visit whenever that comes.Now the Japanese are becoming interested in my book on people have met. The local editorwill back me up if the “metropolitan” press does not. But I have one editor in tow—Virgin Pinkley—that is a story in itself.Poetry. I am revising my work because I have contacted two groups interest. One here in S.F.,the other in Mendocino. I spent my “vacation” in Mendocino. I have a god-daughter there, and thisis also a beautiful story but not quite so advanced as the one in Pakistan.I have a god-son, right in this house—he got this apartment for me. There is another one who isprobably in San Mateo. All of them are in their 30’s—the right age for “my children.”This is enough. Sorry I can’t make you get younger—like me. I told you, Dorothy, I had a freemethod. Nobody in America has accepted it—Nobody in Pakistan has refused it.Love,S. A. M.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>-4My God-Children in Pakistan. According to Islamic law anybody is permitted to adopt orphans.The age involved does not matter. So I have a godson and god-daughter and a beautiful storyconnected with each. I shall omit the story of Major Anwar here. He is my emissary in the Rawalpindiregion.Khawar was a beautiful young woman to whom I was immediately attracted. My position inPakistan (and India, and Japan, etc.) is totally different from here. You could not understand it andI won’t argue the point, that when the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and I were both guests todinner, the seat of honor was given to … but you can’t understand this and I am not going to pressthe point.As Khawar was an orphan and I was, let us say, a Dervish, I was permitted to meet her again.Then I did or served some very great favors for her aunt and uncle and after that we agreed that Ibecome her godfather. The relation grew closer and closer.Julie had gone to-Asia originally to cover an international philosophical conference in whichthe Russians, learning Asian philosophies from Asians, wiped the floor with Americans learning (?)Asian philosophies from Europeans. The Americans departed and Julie, sent to cover the conferenceby newspapers was so appalled, she resigned and stayed in Asia.She begged me to cover the next conference and I, now four times in Communist nests and nononsense, refused. The Americans begged me and I refused. So we compromised. I wrote the paperand Khawar delivered it and she won first prize and I did not have to face the communists—it istiresome and dangerous. This made Khawar famous.Meanwhile another stringy of events brought us still closer together. She owns the propertywhich once belonged to Mahatma Gandhi and it is mine for use whenever I want it. But since I leftthe Orient things have gone still better. Khawar was the youngest full professor on the whole continentof Asia, and on top of that she is a “holy woman” and on top of that she is very beautiful.Before I left Pakistan I found she was wealthy. Now since she won the award in psychology she hasbeen offered more jobs and has so much money she is willing to support me for the rest of my life—five sources of income and no dependents.The stories of proposals to her I omit here—all very fictional and I benefit no matter whichway.Anyhow after being rejected unanimously by all the European Professors of Islamics in theU.S., I have been offered a scholarship on the History of Islamic Philosophy. And I had forgottenI had written a paper on this subject—which was published, abroad. All my stuff, rejected here, ispublished abroad—I mean on Oriental Philosophy.

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