Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963-2 July 27Factual honesty, to which they all must adhere for their work or research, has a marked effecton character which neither metaphysical nor theological people can understand. It also produces akind of sincerity without moral training.In the meantime I have to do a lot of work with Murshid’s “Moral Culture” which has beenvery effective abroad. I realize that none of his disciples get the drift of it, excepting the one or twowhom he mentioned and which all people stubbornly refuse to accept, and thereby proving thatthey never get the drift of this Moral Culture. Now with the obvious tragic karma before me, and theseeming inability to get any of the deeper papers, I shall be called on not only to delineate this Yogaas above, but to formulate a more complete and integrating Sufi system than has ever been attemptedor done. No doubt this will be in and with the University of Islamabad.With Pir-o-Murshid’s training on Concentration ignored and the formula of Baba on meditationremaining (I have no doubt he cribbed it from Ghani) it is now possible to put this into effect onat least two levels without paying any attention to anybody. Furthermore having now the esotericismof two or three modern schools (at least), these can be integrated with both Pir-o-Murshid’s andthe “ancient Sufi” methods, to no end.I do not know how Saladin will react to this and I have four days in which to receive a “climactic”letter from Major Sadiq as a proof or disproof of certain meta-psychic faculties. Therefore this isa test and record.Della returned from the Buddhist conference corroborating what I have long written and whichhas been published; “A lot of things are published or taught as Buddhism which never had any existenceany time excepting in the minds of their creators.” Having studied (?) Buddhism with all kindsof people, mostly worse than phonies, she did not have any idea of what the real Buddhist leaderswere discussing at the Asilomar Conference. So we have the radio-TV-press “Buddhism’s, death inVietnam and real discussions by real Buddhists, the contents of which never get into our channels ofcommunication or instruction. My own next talk will be about August 12, and the talk can be “silence”also. If Della, who is intelligent, got so little out of the real Buddhists, how can one deal withan audience less intelligent?Too Lun is evidently on Sutter & Webster although I have missed him at both places. ChristineSigeliev will be here next week.Have been invited to go to back MacDonald’s retreat for work as and as I wish to see kin cultivateolive trees have tentatively accepted. Bishop Yamada has refused to help him financially butwe shall see. Don’t know how I can benefit from two separate retreats, but we shall see--have not yetmeditated.

Diaries 1963-3I saw Dr. Miller at the opening of the Aquarium and he said he would be glad to see me anytime. So last week I left with him the copy of the plan used by the National Research Center of Cairowhich I shall explain to him. The story splits:I went to the Academy to get some stuff on the history and “romance” of some of the betterknown fruits grown here and ran smack into two ladies doing research on just that. Dr. Howell, theBotanist (who was a friend of my mother) has offered to let me use his rooms for typing, so the coastis clear.The other side deals with the integrative approach to science and I mention it because there isa story, if not a romance. Again my love-life (half of it) has plopped and I am wondering whetherif I do marry, to drop all the emotional and feeling side and have a lady who is either a scientist, anartist orJulie Medlock. I met her in Lahore and tier: are more stories here than I wish to tell. On theone side she is the biographer of Dr. Oliver Reiser of Pittsburgh whose Integral Philosophy I havebeen introducing all over, and on the other side, she is being financed by my Pakistani colleagues,the stories of big are “unbelievable” in our frame of references. Last Julie was in Ghana. I don’t knowwhere she is now and the efforts of both Reiser and myself have been aborted.Universal of Islamabad which I represent was not only oversubscribed when I left Pakistan,it has been now so oversubscribed that there is careful planning. Julie’s financial angel is the oneresponsible but he does not wish his name known. Behind the scenes we are very close.From this point on the stories are both amusing and disgusting.Parapsychology. This department is oversubscribed, and you can’t get hardly anybody inAmerica from Dr. Rhine to Mrs. Garrett to “Madame Three-Eyes” to answer letters. It is a bizarrething to find psychics all around, claiming faculties, ignoring each other and weeping because theyhave not funds and not one capable of using any faculties to discover money. On New Year’s Eve Iwas approached by three different groups of “psychics” at one party, all weeping for money, all ignoringeach other and none answering my mail. The contradiction of this behavior pattern with thatof the actual scientists is so amazing, one wonders if we do behave like human beings.Major Sadiq is my closest friend. He is planning to come here and will undoubtedly havemessages from the University. I have submitted a Campbell & Wong plan to them—they would likean American architect. But here it is they (the university) which have not answered. The Major willhave a number of requests for me and perhaps commissions. Anyhow when I return to Pakistan, thisside of me is safe both scientifically and financially.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>-3I saw Dr. Miller at the opening of the Aquarium and he said he would be glad to see me anytime. So last week I left with him the copy of the plan used by the National Research Center of Cairowhich I shall explain to him. The story splits:I went to the Academy to get some stuff on the history and “romance” of some of the betterknown fruits grown here and ran smack into two ladies doing research on just that. Dr. Howell, theBotanist (who was a friend of my mother) has offered to let me use his rooms for typing, so the coastis clear.The other side deals with the integrative approach to science and I mention it because there isa story, if not a romance. Again my love-life (half of it) has plopped and I am wondering whetherif I do marry, to drop all the emotional and feeling side and have a lady who is either a scientist, anartist orJulie Medlock. I met her in Lahore and tier: are more stories here than I wish to tell. On theone side she is the biographer of Dr. Oliver Reiser of Pittsburgh whose Integral Philosophy I havebeen introducing all over, and on the other side, she is being financed by my Pakistani colleagues,the stories of big are “unbelievable” in our frame of references. Last Julie was in Ghana. I don’t knowwhere she is now and the efforts of both Reiser and myself have been aborted.Universal of Islamabad which I represent was not only oversubscribed when I left Pakistan,it has been now so oversubscribed that there is careful planning. Julie’s financial angel is the oneresponsible but he does not wish his name known. Behind the scenes we are very close.From this point on the stories are both amusing and disgusting.Parapsychology. This department is oversubscribed, and you can’t get hardly anybody inAmerica from Dr. Rhine to Mrs. Garrett to “Madame Three-Eyes” to answer letters. It is a bizarrething to find psychics all around, claiming faculties, ignoring each other and weeping because theyhave not funds and not one capable of using any faculties to discover money. On New Year’s Eve Iwas approached by three different groups of “psychics” at one party, all weeping for money, all ignoringeach other and none answering my mail. The contradiction of this behavior pattern with thatof the actual scientists is so amazing, one wonders if we do behave like human beings.Major Sadiq is my closest friend. He is planning to come here and will undoubtedly havemessages from the University. I have submitted a Campbell & Wong plan to them—they would likean American architect. But here it is they (the university) which have not answered. The Major willhave a number of requests for me and perhaps commissions. Anyhow when I return to Pakistan, thisside of me is safe both scientifically and financially.

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