Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963Dear Fred:This is really my diary entry for January 20. I have long since concluded to follow what appearsin O’Neil’s “Lazarus Laughs.” I have been initiated into the many kinds of laughter by the Zenmethod, and while a lot of people are going to deny this this is called non-egotism, when you denysomebody else), the laughter works. I had seven kinds from Senzaki and then the eighth kind givenme in secret by a dying Zen devotee. I am under no restriction about sharing it or not sharing it—orfor that matter any kind of Zen laughter.Paul Reps has most of it naturally and he can have it all just by meeting me in person, not evenhaving to ask for it. Only once in my life did I try to confer the Zen-Dharma on anybody—of courseI ain’t got it—but it worked immediately. To tell these things is egotism and not to tell is to destroyhistory so I’ll take the charges of egotism and let it go at that.The reason is that I met a lady this last week who has long been in Zen. She has had nothingbut tragedy—nobody would believe her. She was judged insane by friend and foe alike. The onlything is that Zen Masters (the real ones who don’t appear on TV, radio or book columns) come andgo and that saved her. Well her inner story was almost identical with mine excepting on one point: “Ifailed but you passed. I can see you passed.” Now I will go and give her all she can receive althoughthis is an awakening and not a giving.The actual cosmos as viewed by all mystics is the same, but the intellectual report that it is thesame is of no value. It is like comparing blue-prints and finding them alike. This builds no houses. Ihave spoken twice here and the effects were the same—people in the audience spotted my “secret,”but when I have gone to religious or esoteric groups I can expect either silence or rejection.Thus the other night a Swami was telling the audience that you can judge people by the glint intheir eyes. And I looked around the room and saw solemnity and seriousness and that rapture whichcomes when a speaker ecstatizes the audience—but no glints—not a glint in that room. Excepting, ofcourse, in the swami himself.When I was with Swami Ramdas I ran out of the lecture room to play with the children outside.This sort of thing would scandalize the “old ladies” who go to “spiritual” lectures; but theSwami knew what I was doing and said that when one can play with children as their equal he mustbe spiritual. I can see the audiences ogle and applaud anybody who says that to play with children isa sign of spirituality but I can’t see the audience running out and playing with the children. I know afew who do and of course they are marked down immediately.The next thing that is noticeable is the number of excellent letters I get from abroad. Every timesomebody says “nix” to me here I can be sure I’ll be getting a letter from some faraway place laudingme to the skies. Sometimes I send the envelopes to my attorneys who collect stamps but the returnaddresses themselves are something.

Diaries 1963-2I am about to get into judicial history here. A young protégé of mine is in trouble. I just had to fight,the usual thing. I told the party that never once in my whole history in San Francisco have I beenpermitted to intervene in behalf of those in trouble with law courts, with hospitals, with mentalinstitutions—I have never failed because somebody blocked my path—and then lost out of course.The last was the committing of my mother to a mental institution—done in my absence. I have determinedto appear as “amicus curiae” and am willing to have my fingers burned—they are alwaysburned by those close to me anyhow, and nothing was ever gained. Even Dr. Baker, who got veryclose to me, did not let me pass a certain point, and it ultimately was a factor in her own death.And while this is going on, I get letters of encouragement, or the aftermaths of incidentsabroad, when I wasn’t only permitted to participate, I was actually called in. They are not so importantor big, but there were no failures. And it is, to me, laughable and silly, that twice now the verytop American scientists have called me into their conferences. Asians do it anyhow, but this is notAsia. And I am nowhere in the sciences to where I am in the “occult.”It is time now to record some of my own “prophetic visions” on the war. This, strange to say,flopped with all the esotericists, but not with the Army Intelligence; how come? Now there is a bigfight going on, as if between the professors and the publishers, and I have jumped in full on the sideof the professors. It is too early for an answer, but I can smell it coming. And it is time to tell thesethings to close friends. After 12 years here, I got one friend to read one poem—it was hard and trying,but the reaction was what I feared, too much. If the party had read it when I wished, it couldhave been received without emotion. This has to do with Christ, healing and world events.I have seen the Christ healing, both in the empyrean and on earth, only that on earth was byothers—names, dates, events. I am willing to bet, too, that the despised AMA will take these reportsbefore the “good,” ”the “spiritual,” the “divine healer,” etc. The case of Oral Roberts is better knownin India and Pakistan than here—I am not sure of this man, but prefer his methods to those of “theorists”(but here I can be entirely wrong).Now Fred, at the present time, I do not see that the worst enemy is death, and certainly not themicrobe or virus. Reading Russell I have a complete picture. But alcoholism is standing in the way,and I find more people turning to drink, or even dope, than before, either running away from it allor experimenting. Paul Brunton distinctly lays it down that there are the ways of the eye, the heart,and the breath. One Yoga teacher here challenged me, and of course, I gave it to him. Christ said,“Freely give, freely receive.” What is going to happen now will be dramatic, but the laughter comes,and not as in the first lines of “The Merchant of Venice” either. It is the most serious laughter thereis. Someday I might tell you that it solves all sex problems, but today I think most people prefer theproblems. If it is not complex, it can’t be true???? End of diary for the moment.S.A.M.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>-2I am about to get into judicial history here. A young protégé of mine is in trouble. I just had to fight,the usual thing. I told the party that never once in my whole history in San Francisco have I beenpermitted to intervene in behalf of those in trouble with law courts, with hospitals, with mentalinstitutions—I have never failed because somebody blocked my path—and then lost out of course.The last was the committing of my mother to a mental institution—done in my absence. I have determinedto appear as “amicus curiae” and am willing to have my fingers burned—they are alwaysburned by those close to me anyhow, and nothing was ever gained. Even Dr. Baker, who got veryclose to me, did not let me pass a certain point, and it ultimately was a factor in her own death.And while this is going on, I get letters of encouragement, or the aftermaths of incidentsabroad, when I wasn’t only permitted to participate, I was actually called in. They are not so importantor big, but there were no failures. And it is, to me, laughable and silly, that twice now the verytop American scientists have called me into their conferences. Asians do it anyhow, but this is notAsia. And I am nowhere in the sciences to where I am in the “occult.”It is time now to record some of my own “prophetic visions” on the war. This, strange to say,flopped with all the esotericists, but not with the Army Intelligence; how come? Now there is a bigfight going on, as if between the professors and the publishers, and I have jumped in full on the sideof the professors. It is too early for an answer, but I can smell it coming. And it is time to tell thesethings to close friends. After 12 years here, I got one friend to read one poem—it was hard and trying,but the reaction was what I feared, too much. If the party had read it when I wished, it couldhave been received without emotion. This has to do with Christ, healing and world events.I have seen the Christ healing, both in the empyrean and on earth, only that on earth was byothers—names, dates, events. I am willing to bet, too, that the despised AMA will take these reportsbefore the “good,” ”the “spiritual,” the “divine healer,” etc. The case of Oral Roberts is better knownin India and Pakistan than here—I am not sure of this man, but prefer his methods to those of “theorists”(but here I can be entirely wrong).Now Fred, at the present time, I do not see that the worst enemy is death, and certainly not themicrobe or virus. Reading Russell I have a complete picture. But alcoholism is standing in the way,and I find more people turning to drink, or even dope, than before, either running away from it allor experimenting. Paul Brunton distinctly lays it down that there are the ways of the eye, the heart,and the breath. One Yoga teacher here challenged me, and of course, I gave it to him. Christ said,“Freely give, freely receive.” What is going to happen now will be dramatic, but the laughter comes,and not as in the first lines of “The Merchant of Venice” either. It is the most serious laughter thereis. Someday I might tell you that it solves all sex problems, but today I think most people prefer theproblems. If it is not complex, it can’t be true???? End of diary for the moment.S.A.M.

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