Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963June 25Beloved one of Allah:It is not a very easy task to embody the whole of “The Unity of Religious Ideals” and it is halfironical,half-droll what is happening—rejection by those under European influences, acceptance byAsians and mixed receptions by plain Americana, The visit to Indio proves that when one listens tothe inner voice there can be only success. Dr. Howard Benninghoff my instructor in Soil Chemistry(indirectly in other subjects), is an important man in that district. Through him I had most pleasantinterviews with growers, packers, research-scientists. But before leaving I opened my ego up to oneman and this was followed by spontaneous introductions and I left there on excellent term with thebanks, Chamber of Commerce and newspaper—a rarity, especially the last.I then stopped off just for laundry and went to Mendocino. Although in one sense there mightnot be another “Shireen,” there are now two such women in my life, one in Mendocino and theother, my Goddaughter, Khalifa in Pakistan. As D. does not answer letters, she has not made properarrangements for me but this did not matter as I learned later my paid up contribution for the FolkDance Camp also covered all my meals, so the total expenses were down, not up.D. had been in the Watts and Subud camps and seems to have gotten out of them: 2 bad marriages,two attempts at being bilked, and the stymieing of her own intuitive faculties so that therewere boobers rather than just mistakes. The only time I really expressed my feelings were to cooka dinner for 30 people at her home in Mill Valley when one Ragavan Pillai was returning to India.Even than it was an unconscious or at most intuitive, not external or ego attraction.You may imagine my surprise to find all the Buddhist books gone from her library, very fewthings remaining and these dominated by the writing of Hazrat Inayat Khan! Sometimes one has towait for years and I did not press the point then, only indicate. Besides there are communicationsoutside of words. D. is too busy now with her own always complicate affairs.I could not prevent her second and unfortunate marriage because the young man in questionhad too many of the same characteristics as yours truly. He is an adventurer, not home type. Even atthe Folk Dance Camp when I picket out an elderly lady for partner I think we got along because weare both adventure types.D. has also fallen under the influence of Grace West and if nothing else happened, Grace hasuncovered my spirit. This is wonderful and while I did not always get along with all the dancers, a“beach head” was certainly established in Mendocino. How often I get henceforth may depend on D.but besides other things I have plans with and for her 10-year-old boy and between us there is plentyof understanding and harmony.There were lessons in basic steps, Portuguese, Russian, Irish, Scottish and Japanese dancing.The last I found difficult in spirit because of an intense love for these people—no doubt a heritagefrom another period.Mendocino is off the beaten track, full of artists. Called on Hal Reeger, the ceramicists andseemed to have gotten fine with the “far out” people, but even the dancers are a little “out.”There was not much mail when I returned from Indio but new my desk is over-cluttered,

Diaries 1963-2Buddhism. Attended the meeting of the Board of Directors of the American Buddhists. It is anextreme reaction after fighting all the groups and persons who take their “Buddhism” from Germans,Englishmen or at best Hindus, to find complete and absolute harmony in all directions withpersons you have never met before. All of us were under the same influences and all agreed on continuingthe work of Dwight Goddard, etc., etc.Spent two days with Kristine Segaliev. This was on a much higher plane and it is better not torecord both her experiences, ideas and own accord. She may move up here on a new venture andit is possible that I shall be carried along, under Master Too Lun. Have had no time to call on him.Paul Reps has half suggested coming here to visit him. He is an exceedingly powerful and spiritualperson, and very effective.Some time ago I planned to have my 1920 picture reproduced and it was then that I got theletter from Dr. Malalasekera. Now some copies have been made. Yesterday gave two to the JapaneseAmerican Buddhism Society and planned a long meeting to go over the matters proposed by Dr. M.It is certain that the Japanese are awakening. When Mrs. S. and I visited the Jodo Temple in L.A. itwas to learn that they were not prepared for the large attendances to their festivals, etc. This seems tobe going on all over—a return of the Japanese and the accession of American to some form of Buddhism.The visit to the Undo in L.A. was most pleasant and then attended a session (pun—sesshin). Solong as I can sit in a chair the length of the meditation does no matter much although Roshi Yamadagave a long talk on postures and Breathings. Breathings I find very easy from past training.Stopped at Santa Barbara and spent two hours with Prynce Hopkins who gave me what Iwanted—his autobiography. We stopped when Bill came in (who lives close by). Bill accompaniedme to the station and. we had three hours together. I am a little more successful with him than withsome time-stealers, with my demands either money or you meditate. He sees the justice of it and hasactually begun meditating more. His plans point to a return to New York.On account of a special invitation to the Academy of Sciences tonight I shall probably not go toany Buddhism meeting.Islamic Philosophy. Khawar and I have agreed on a theme, to work on the history of pureIslamic Philosophy and ignore the Greeks. It is amusing that Don Fry, Grace West’s husband, who isat least half Greek, agrees with us and claims that the influence of Greek philosophy has been overrated.Indeed this puts me in Benny Bufano’s camp. She has assented to this, and now:a. Princeton University has accepted my or this approach in tote and something will come of it.It is to be noted that the Near East studies there are entirely in the hands of Americans while wherethey are in the hands of NATO professors, it is useless.b. “Pakistan Review” has published without even editing my own proposal on this point whichI think, is in accord with their own editorial policies.I was unable to see Dr. Von Grünebaum in Westwood but had a long excellent session withhis secretary. But I did have to threaten a young woman “Peace Corps” volunteer when she gave aparrot answer: “Young lady, I don’t know you and I don’t want any thanks, but you had either betterorder your casket or drop all the crazy notions put into your head by your NATO professors ofIslamics and when you arrive at your destination ask the people what they believe and throw yourbooks away.” Fortunately the frightening made her realize she had been briefed very badly, and sowith most “Peace Corps” people going to Asia.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>June 25Beloved one of Allah:It is not a very easy task to embody the whole of “The Unity of Religious Ideals” and it is halfironical,half-droll what is happening—rejection by those under European influences, acceptance byAsians and mixed receptions by plain Americana, The visit to Indio proves that when one listens tothe inner voice there can be only success. Dr. Howard Benninghoff my instructor in Soil Chemistry(indirectly in other subjects), is an important man in that district. Through him I had most pleasantinterviews with growers, packers, research-scientists. But before leaving I opened my ego up to oneman and this was followed by spontaneous introductions and I left there on excellent term with thebanks, Chamber of Commerce and newspaper—a rarity, especially the last.I then stopped off just for laundry and went to Mendocino. Although in one sense there mightnot be another “Shireen,” there are now two such women in my life, one in Mendocino and theother, my Goddaughter, Khalifa in Pakistan. As D. does not answer letters, she has not made properarrangements for me but this did not matter as I learned later my paid up contribution for the FolkDance Camp also covered all my meals, so the total expenses were down, not up.D. had been in the Watts and Subud camps and seems to have gotten out of them: 2 bad marriages,two attempts at being bilked, and the stymieing of her own intuitive faculties so that therewere boobers rather than just mistakes. The only time I really expressed my feelings were to cooka dinner for 30 people at her home in Mill Valley when one Ragavan Pillai was returning to India.Even than it was an unconscious or at most intuitive, not external or ego attraction.You may imagine my surprise to find all the Buddhist books gone from her library, very fewthings remaining and these dominated by the writing of Hazrat Inayat Khan! Sometimes one has towait for years and I did not press the point then, only indicate. Besides there are communicationsoutside of words. D. is too busy now with her own always complicate affairs.I could not prevent her second and unfortunate marriage because the young man in questionhad too many of the same characteristics as yours truly. He is an adventurer, not home type. Even atthe Folk Dance Camp when I picket out an elderly lady for partner I think we got along because weare both adventure types.D. has also fallen under the influence of Grace West and if nothing else happened, Grace hasuncovered my spirit. This is wonderful and while I did not always get along with all the dancers, a“beach head” was certainly established in Mendocino. How often I get henceforth may depend on D.but besides other things I have plans with and for her 10-year-old boy and between us there is plentyof understanding and harmony.There were lessons in basic steps, Portuguese, Russian, Irish, Scottish and Japanese dancing.The last I found difficult in spirit because of an intense love for these people—no doubt a heritagefrom another period.Mendocino is off the beaten track, full of artists. Called on Hal Reeger, the ceramicists andseemed to have gotten fine with the “far out” people, but even the dancers are a little “out.”There was not much mail when I returned from Indio but new my desk is over-cluttered,

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