Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963-3Now your problems contain a lot of wisdom for me while you may be having the pain. I hadinstructions to make a new kind of musical instrument for spiritual healing. I must have a clay orterra-cotta jar of certain dimensions. Those I have seen are too ornate and needlessly expensive. ThenI have to attach string to it in a certain fashion. It is barely possible that I shall do this at Mendocinowhen I go there, and where there are some ceramicists—also musicians. But this music would be foryour healing and benefit.The spiritual healing is much more important. Once I had as injury at Kaaba Allah and the painwas intense and Pir-o-Murshid appeared and said, “Don’t grab your knee, grab your breath.” So Irepeated “Ya Shaffee, Ya Kaffee.” And since then when harmed I grab the breath, and in many thingsgrab the breath and thus produce what might pass for “self-healing.”But there is another method I learned in Pakistan which is called Irfan.Christian Spiritualism. The Gospel of St. Thomas is so clear that there is need to comment. Sofar as transmission is concerned I have never asked whether it came through St. Peter or St. Paul soI do not speak with authority. But in one of my forthcoming epics there will be an entirely differentChrist. Something like my “Rejected Avatar.”Yoga. The story got out that this “Rejected Avatar” is a poem of self-pity. So I told of aboutsix Californians all of whom have Indian spiritual awakening and all totally rejected by society. Ibrought in the Gita translation of one of them and they recognized I was speaking for several persons.Paul Brunton also belongs in this class although he was not basically a Californian. But he hadto face Hollywood and now he is a Sannyasin.On May 30 I shall be in a Yoga pageant at the Marin Art & Garden Center. To this group hasbeen manifested:a. fana-fi-Rassoul in Krishnab. Archetypal realization in Saraswati.But by numinous consent b. has been dropped in favor of a. I tell you, beloved, that Krishnamethods would advance in Vedanta and Saraswati methods in Siddhartha.Rehana is really the Delphic Oracle of India. But she was an oracle, not a seer and we hadone difference of opinion that the word was not the thing (semantics.) In her house also there wascomplete mergence in Lord Krishna, remarkable because she came from a prominent Muslim family.Now she has had the mergence in Lord Krishna and there cannot be any difference.The subject is this: I said and I say, “Peace” is not a word; Peace is beyond words, beyondthoughts, beyond anything that express itself from below to above. “The thought of Peace is but athought; thought born of Peace can resurrect the world.”

Diaries 1963-4Jon. He preferred failure in both the human and spiritual world rather than adhere to monogamy.I had it out with him at Kaaba Allah and I saw in London the whole failure. I laugh at his fearsof communism.Bryn Beorse (Shamcher) has gone to North Africa. I saw his worth more in two little stories hetold me of his relations with Pir-o-Murshid than in anything else. I have given a long list of peopleto contact but one is with the key Sufi who is in charge of international espionage, first to save theworld from communism, and then to set it on the right path. We knew of the break between Russiaand China long before it happened.The Sufi Hierarchy is a real operational body but its members do not always know each other.They are the protectors of this world. Bryn and Jon never faced each other fully either but Bryn hadsome idea that “master is he who is master of himself.”Baha’is. I have had to write them that I believe all knowledge is of God, that instead of God beingunknowable, He is the only thing we know. The Gita expresses this in another way. When I wasin Hong Kong the Chinese sage and I concluded that the next Nobel awards would be to the Chineseand there have been tremendous advance in Physics all coming out of Yin-Yang application, testedand proven and there is more to come. The very teaching of Baha’ullah are demonstrated there but itproves that God is the knowledge, the knowable and the Knower.Your Strength. I have about ten times as much to do as I can humanly do but this enables me todo the work of four men. When I was dismissed from and army post, even four people could not dowhat I had done (I was promoted so there is no sad story here.)a. Have not gotten Murshid’s records and don’t know how to proceed.b. Beads for Prayers. I have sent to Khawar for some and am writing again tomorrow. Howeverif illness or weakness persisted, I must send you my own and wait for another string. The bestplan would be to leave them at this house (1088 Fulton St. and if you call May 30 (I shall be away)you could pick them up. Then you will get my Baraka, which will be helpful. I was constantly givingthese tasbih away before.c. I have the Burial Service somewhere around and would leave this with the beads. Or I mayask my landlady to copy it. I have already paid her for some typing which has not been assigned.Rabia used to say: “Bring me thy failures.” In the Murshida, there is no failure but irregularitieson the surface of the heart. As one takes out the crinkles and wrinkles thereon, he becomes whole.Salvation mean becoming whole. According to hierarchal law I do not you, carry your failure. I amsorry I cannot re-copy “Saladin” which is the Divine Comedy actually and when published willoutlive Dante, inshallah, no as poetry, but as real insight into the real heaven. God is the absoluteforgiven. End of record. God bless you.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>-4Jon. He preferred failure in both the human and spiritual world rather than adhere to monogamy.I had it out with him at Kaaba Allah and I saw in London the whole failure. I laugh at his fearsof communism.Bryn Beorse (Shamcher) has gone to North Africa. I saw his worth more in two little stories hetold me of his relations with Pir-o-<strong>Murshid</strong> than in anything else. I have given a long list of peopleto contact but one is with the key Sufi who is in charge of international espionage, first to save theworld from communism, and then to set it on the right path. We knew of the break between Russiaand China long before it happened.The Sufi Hierarchy is a real operational body but its members do not always know each other.They are the protectors of this world. Bryn and Jon never faced each other fully either but Bryn hadsome idea that “master is he who is master of himself.”Baha’is. I have had to write them that I believe all knowledge is of God, that instead of God beingunknowable, He is the only thing we know. The Gita expresses this in another way. When I wasin Hong Kong the Chinese sage and I concluded that the next Nobel awards would be to the Chineseand there have been tremendous advance in Physics all coming out of Yin-Yang application, testedand proven and there is more to come. The very teaching of Baha’ullah are demonstrated there but itproves that God is the knowledge, the knowable and the Knower.Your Strength. I have about ten times as much to do as I can humanly do but this enables me todo the work of four men. When I was dismissed from and army post, even four people could not dowhat I had done (I was promoted so there is no sad story here.)a. Have not gotten <strong>Murshid</strong>’s records and don’t know how to proceed.b. Beads for Prayers. I have sent to Khawar for some and am writing again tomorrow. Howeverif illness or weakness persisted, I must send you my own and wait for another string. The bestplan would be to leave them at this house (1088 Fulton St. and if you call May 30 (I shall be away)you could pick them up. Then you will get my Baraka, which will be helpful. I was constantly givingthese tasbih away before.c. I have the Burial Service somewhere around and would leave this with the beads. Or I mayask my landlady to copy it. I have already paid her for some typing which has not been assigned.Rabia used to say: “Bring me thy failures.” In the <strong>Murshid</strong>a, there is no failure but irregularitieson the surface of the heart. As one takes out the crinkles and wrinkles thereon, he becomes whole.Salvation mean becoming whole. According to hierarchal law I do not you, carry your failure. I amsorry I cannot re-copy “Saladin” which is the Divine Comedy actually and when published willoutlive Dante, inshallah, no as poetry, but as real insight into the real heaven. God is the absoluteforgiven. End of record. God bless you.

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