Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963May 23, 1963Beloved One of God:I am taking advantage of your letter of the 20 th to make my own permanent records. For whilethere have been communications to others concerning history and claim, these have been disjunctive.Ultimately I shall have to have a biographer, knowing exactly why I am functioning here ratherthan in parts of the world where I might be seated on a throne and receiving encomiums and fortune.Khidr. In 1925 this Messenger of God came to me and offered me the gifts of Poetry and Musicand whatever anybody else says, these are now in my keeping. Besides that he invariably conferslongevity. And yesterday I rather shocked my Yoga teacher by walking in with two fifty-pounddumb-bells these being the heaviest handy and he fell out of his chair. ”Sam!” I said “Breath.” Butthis was actually the first effort to demonstrate on the physical plane the actual responsibilities carriedon universally.Because of the manifestation of Khidr to me, into regalia, Pir-o-Murshid game me long instructions.The dream-nonsense about his having real Khalifas is a denial of what he said both to me andto Pir-o-Murshid Hasan Nizami in New Delhi. Besides he instructed me to go over all his constitutionsfrom the very beginning. Which I did. And after his death, there was another esoteric constitutionwhich removed the very basis of position by spiritual attainment. There were two ways inwhich one could be promoted. (a) By Sama or Zikr or Sound, (b) by States and Stage, which is to sayin Arabic, hal and makam. And there has never been any Sufism that was any different and I do notbelieve there will be any Sufism different. Other spiritual lines, yes, but not Sufism.The visits of various members of the Khan family to both Pakistan and India were related tome, with the total absence of any manifestation of progress in state and stage. My final spiritual experiencein India in 1956 when I was alone at the Khankah not the Dargah, of Nizam-ud-din Auliya,corroborates the above. And when I completed my first tour last year this time with Pir-o-MurshidHasan Sani Nizami I said: “This means in effect, that I am the successor of Pir-o-Murshid HazratInayat Khan.” He said, “Yes.” But the same stand had been taken previously by Pir-o-Murshid’s ownspiritual brothers (disciples of either Mohammed Moudani or Hasan Nizami) previously at Hyderabad,Deccan.This was before I was given the full confirmation of “Sufi” in Salarwala. But actually Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan gave me this sobriquet. He did not change my name or anything but told meto look up some papers and when I looked up those papers I saw he had meant that I was to take thename of “Sufi” but I dared not tell anybody.Tanasukh of Dara Shikoh. These two go together. I do not know if I am the reincarnation ofthis Moghul Prince or was instructed by him before coming to incarnation and it does not matter.When Abdul Latif challenged me for not being a Murshid I, finally exhausted, gave in and said, “Allright, I am a Murshid and you are my first mureed.” I gave him instructions and within a few hoursthis 70 year old man had the spiritual realization and came back dancing: “I have a real Murshid! Ihave a real Murshid!”

Diaries 1963-2This gave me great faith and I found it was easy to communicate with the spirit of Mian Mir,the spiritual mentor of the children of the great Shah Jehan. And if anybody doubted it and I sentthem to the Dargah they had the confirmations, not in claims, but in the direct vision and realization.Spiritual Transmission is demonstrable. Nyogen Senzaki shouted a Dharani at me and yearslater I told his secretary, “I shall whisper in your ears and you will have the complete dharma andimmediately.’ And it was so.Buddhism. With the death of Phra Sumangalo his disciples have gathered in this region. Now Ihave been appointed to work for the Encyclopedia of Buddhism and this fits in with my program tovisit Los Angeles the early part of the next month. All my intuitions were confirmed last night.But also the younger men want me to lead in a battle against the TV-Radio-Press-Universitytripe that passes for “Zen” and “Buddhism” and never existed anywhere but in men’s minds. Indeedthe leaders of this stuff are steeped in filth—and recognized socially! Now all the sects here haverecognized I have received the Dharma.My next stage is designated by a little note for Saladin Reps. It is a mistake to consider humanbeing apart from one another. Pir-o-Murshid gave me the complete plans for the Temples and thesewere unanimously rejected by all the so called plans for the Temple and these were unanimouslyrejected by all the so-called “Khalifas” who were not Khalifs. As soon as the Universal Church wasplanned I saw it was the same plan as that of Pir-o-Murshid and I went and worked there. Now theyare filled to overcrowding, divided their groups into English and Chinese and still overcrowded.So this Sufi Lone Ranger is now set to work with Master Too Lun on his temple which also willfollow Pir-o-Murshid’s ideas while the people in Europe will labor in vain to set up a rival to theBaha’i Temple in this country and it never will attract humanity. “Unless the Lord help, they labor invain who build.”Fana-fi-Rassoul. In Salat this is laid down: Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Buddha, Abraham, Solomon,and Zarathustra, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed. SAM has achieved his fana-fi-Rassoul in about halfof these and some Sufis has seen this. I waited for years for Rabia to have either Jesus or Mohammedappear to her and they did not. But the other day when I was weeding at the Rudolph SchaefferSchool the last two manifested and gave me my basic material for “Rassoul Gita” which is to my“Faust” as “Saladin” has been my “Divine Comedy.”Pike. At times I get irritated that we have to go to India when the Bible distinctly posits a threebodyhumanity. With the success of my god-daughter, Khawar, I am now able to open up the ThreeBody Psychology, and it is not pleasant that I have do this from an Indian basis because the Templein Hollywood will accept it and the Churches will not, Bible or no Bible. Then after they see they arecaught, some of them will come out.When the Methodist held a national assembly in Myrtle Beach they got stuck over a similar issue.I came in the back door and my interpretation was accepted. When one has the communicationfrom and with Jesus Christ, there are no such problems.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>May 23, <strong>1963</strong>Beloved One of God:I am taking advantage of your letter of the 20 th to make my own permanent records. For whilethere have been communications to others concerning history and claim, these have been disjunctive.Ultimately I shall have to have a biographer, knowing exactly why I am functioning here ratherthan in parts of the world where I might be seated on a throne and receiving encomiums and fortune.Khidr. In 1925 this Messenger of God came to me and offered me the gifts of Poetry and Musicand whatever anybody else says, these are now in my keeping. Besides that he invariably conferslongevity. And yesterday I rather shocked my Yoga teacher by walking in with two fifty-pounddumb-bells these being the heaviest handy and he fell out of his chair. ”Sam!” I said “Breath.” Butthis was actually the first effort to demonstrate on the physical plane the actual responsibilities carriedon universally.Because of the manifestation of Khidr to me, into regalia, Pir-o-<strong>Murshid</strong> game me long instructions.The dream-nonsense about his having real Khalifas is a denial of what he said both to me andto Pir-o-<strong>Murshid</strong> Hasan Nizami in New Delhi. Besides he instructed me to go over all his constitutionsfrom the very beginning. Which I did. And after his death, there was another esoteric constitutionwhich removed the very basis of position by spiritual attainment. There were two ways inwhich one could be promoted. (a) By Sama or Zikr or Sound, (b) by States and Stage, which is to sayin Arabic, hal and makam. And there has never been any Sufism that was any different and I do notbelieve there will be any Sufism different. Other spiritual lines, yes, but not Sufism.The visits of various members of the Khan family to both Pakistan and India were related tome, with the total absence of any manifestation of progress in state and stage. My final spiritual experiencein India in 1956 when I was alone at the Khankah not the Dargah, of Nizam-ud-din Auliya,corroborates the above. And when I completed my first tour last year this time with Pir-o-<strong>Murshid</strong>Hasan Sani Nizami I said: “This means in effect, that I am the successor of Pir-o-<strong>Murshid</strong> HazratInayat Khan.” He said, “Yes.” But the same stand had been taken previously by Pir-o-<strong>Murshid</strong>’s ownspiritual brothers (disciples of either Mohammed Moudani or Hasan Nizami) previously at Hyderabad,Deccan.This was before I was given the full confirmation of “Sufi” in Salarwala. But actually Pir-o-<strong>Murshid</strong> Inayat Khan gave me this sobriquet. He did not change my name or anything but told meto look up some papers and when I looked up those papers I saw he had meant that I was to take thename of “Sufi” but I dared not tell anybody.Tanasukh of Dara Shikoh. These two go together. I do not know if I am the reincarnation ofthis Moghul Prince or was instructed by him before coming to incarnation and it does not matter.When Abdul Latif challenged me for not being a <strong>Murshid</strong> I, finally exhausted, gave in and said, “Allright, I am a <strong>Murshid</strong> and you are my first mureed.” I gave him instructions and within a few hoursthis 70 year old man had the spiritual realization and came back dancing: “I have a real <strong>Murshid</strong>! Ihave a real <strong>Murshid</strong>!”

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