Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963-2Spiritualism. I have written to five organizations in this country and exactly one has answered.They are all busy begging for money and ignoring each other. Without going into detail I learnedthat Mrs. Carrillo has been taking a leadership with an entirely different group of whom I had notheard and last night I was able to open up better than any time in my history since returning. If thereis any possibility of major Sadiq coming here, she will offer full cooperation and perhaps more. Shedid not know of the Sufic or Islamic spiritualism before and it intrigued her very much. But so muchhas happened in two hours and we must leave more for Allah.Anyhow between the news of having the copy of “Saladin” available and the other events ofthis order, the present moment is very pleasant.African Students. In this building one meets members of an organization called CORE meaning,“Committee On Racial Equality.” But they are so busy arguing with each other that they do notdo much. One of their purposes is to entertain visitors from Africa. Now for reasons that may seemobvious to you I have been particularly interested in Niger and what I call the “Swahilis,” the peopleof East Africa who have a language and culture somewhat resembling Urdu, psychologically. Thatis, Muslims came and brought their culture but not their basic language.I attended many CORE meetings but learned nothing about Africa. Two days ago an old familyfriend who is a Unitarian told me that the members of her church are interested in hosting AfricanStudents. So I have telephoned and inshallah, should see these people soon. I am particularly interestedin hosting the Muslims among them and will learn more soon. Everywhere I find people whohave all kinds of philosophies, ideals, suggestions, but very, very few who will do anything. You canunderstand why I really have no spare time.Asian Problems. There is a conference coming on Asia and my application to attend wasturned down. Not a single Muslim on the agenda. No Pakistani, no Indonesian, and Malay representedby a Chinese. Meanwhile I have gone around and today am on most friendly terms withJapanese, Chinese, Indonesians, Pakistanis, Arabs and Hindus but not with most Americans interestedin “Asia”—whatever that means. So I pray that Major Sadiq may be allowed to come here soon.Later. Visited Lowell High School, an institution I attended many years ago and learned a numberof things which will be of interest to Pakistan.

Diaries 1963May 1Diary way in arrears. Saturday night went with Yvonne and her new partner, Al Goodwin tothe very successful Arab dinner. F.L. was there and without ado came to me and attacked Yvonneviciously—the characteristic of those who learn about “cosmic consciousness” at the Vedanta center.Rom Landau also there. This man still considers himself my public enemy #1, so we shall have fun.He does not know Mawlawi comes from a Sufi family.Sunday morning went to Zendo and heard K. to speak further on Buddhism in china, very excellentfrom the standpoint of little known research. (On the previous Sunday I heard him speak onSanskrit influences and after the lecture went up, bowed and said, “Arrigato, arrigato,” thus demonstratingthe validity of the Zen uppercut.Monday morning arose sick and this proved to be a fortune. Addressed the Asian study groupat Lowell High and some girls asked me about Indonesian music and art. After reporting went toferry building, saw the Indonesians and had a fine session. (These people are members of dervishorders despite Landau above.)Then called at Arab Center. The secretary is leaving and I made first application for Yvonne.Then saw Mawlawi and gave him coy of “The metaphysics of Rumi.” Have already given him mycommentaries on Shams-i-Tabriz. The Indonesians returned “The whirling Ecstasy” which I am nowtyping for Pakistan. In the meanwhile Della has offered to pay me for some garden work and thismoney will be given to Lorraine to make further copies of “The whirling Ecstasy.” George Fieldsdoes not know if it is available and it may take weeks to get.Then called on Hills to get coffee information for Yvonne. Proved to be very complex subjectand must delay, no time.Then to Indian consulate and got two books, one on mudras which will give to Magana; andother on the Tyabji family, the grandparents of Rehana. Will take this up with Gard Darling later.Very important.Tuesday very suddenly Mrs. Sigeliev came to town and had to give her most of the day.Lunched in Chinatown—poor meal at high price; then met Master Too Lun who immediatelywanted me to join his meditation group. We finally compromised as he has purchased a house nearhere, but that meant visiting the house. It has 35 rooms and if he rents 20 of them; it gives enoughrevenue both to pay for this house and for the temple he is building in Brisbane. He wants to appealto the Negroes and Japanese rather than the Chinese to join him in meditation.All reports are that all Buddhist groups are progressing in this State, all over, and this meansreal Buddhists and no more Watsonians and Beatniks. Besides the character of the attendants andeven their social positions are not to be sneered at. The Japanese seem to be attracting more of theyounger and the Chinese of the older people.Copying “The Whirling Ecstasy” No time for repose, not even much for prayers and sleep.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>May 1<strong>Diary</strong> way in arrears. Saturday night went with Yvonne and her new partner, Al Goodwin tothe very successful Arab dinner. F.L. was there and without ado came to me and attacked Yvonneviciously—the characteristic of those who learn about “cosmic consciousness” at the Vedanta center.Rom Landau also there. This man still considers himself my public enemy #1, so we shall have fun.He does not know Mawlawi comes from a Sufi family.Sunday morning went to Zendo and heard K. to speak further on Buddhism in china, very excellentfrom the standpoint of little known research. (On the previous Sunday I heard him speak onSanskrit influences and after the lecture went up, bowed and said, “Arrigato, arrigato,” thus demonstratingthe validity of the Zen uppercut.Monday morning arose sick and this proved to be a fortune. Addressed the Asian study groupat Lowell High and some girls asked me about Indonesian music and art. After reporting went toferry building, saw the Indonesians and had a fine session. (These people are members of dervishorders despite Landau above.)Then called at Arab Center. The secretary is leaving and I made first application for Yvonne.Then saw Mawlawi and gave him coy of “The metaphysics of Rumi.” Have already given him mycommentaries on Shams-i-Tabriz. The Indonesians returned “The whirling Ecstasy” which I am nowtyping for Pakistan. In the meanwhile Della has offered to pay me for some garden work and thismoney will be given to Lorraine to make further copies of “The whirling Ecstasy.” George Fieldsdoes not know if it is available and it may take weeks to get.Then called on Hills to get coffee information for Yvonne. Proved to be very complex subjectand must delay, no time.Then to Indian consulate and got two books, one on mudras which will give to Magana; andother on the Tyabji family, the grandparents of Rehana. Will take this up with Gard Darling later.Very important.Tuesday very suddenly Mrs. Sigeliev came to town and had to give her most of the day.Lunched in Chinatown—poor meal at high price; then met Master Too Lun who immediatelywanted me to join his meditation group. We finally compromised as he has purchased a house nearhere, but that meant visiting the house. It has 35 rooms and if he rents 20 of them; it gives enoughrevenue both to pay for this house and for the temple he is building in Brisbane. He wants to appealto the Negroes and Japanese rather than the Chinese to join him in meditation.All reports are that all Buddhist groups are progressing in this State, all over, and this meansreal Buddhists and no more Watsonians and Beatniks. Besides the character of the attendants andeven their social positions are not to be sneered at. The Japanese seem to be attracting more of theyounger and the Chinese of the older people.Copying “The Whirling Ecstasy” No time for repose, not even much for prayers and sleep.

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